Cough remedies

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First Class remedies

Main character Modalities/ Concomitants
  • Top Remedy for Dry Cough
  • Vomiting
  • Spasmodic
  • Asthmatic (Wheezing)


  • Dry, irritative cough, Tickling in the larynx/ Scraping / Sore throat
  • Cough comes in attacks that follow each other rapidly.
  • The episodes are too frequent, one followed by the other
  • Marked fatigue attends the coughing episodes.
  • Cough appears During/ After measles
  • Cough begins on lying down.
  • Constriction / Heaviness in chest.
  • Wakes up due to spasmodic cough episodes, lasting for a few minutes and then goes to sleep.
  • Fetid breath with the cough.
  • Episode of incessant dry cough resulting in Retching / Vomiting.
  • Agg after lying down at night.
  • Laughing/ Singing
  • Excessive talking
  • Extreme weakness followed by the episode

Nocturnal cough


  • Cough at night on lying down. 
  • They are restless at night and tend to sit up many times due to coughing spells.
  • A tickling sensation in the throat pit may be prominently present.
  • Unusually dry spot in the larynx.
  • Headache on coughing may arise.


  • The cough is dry with constant tickling in the throat.
  • Cough prevents sleep.
  • Esp for children cough
  • Dry, suffocating, choking or barking type of a cough that is followed by tiredness or fatigue.
  • Slightest exposure to Cold air / Uncovering
  • Talking
  • Pressure on throat
  • Lying down
  • Moving to another room.
  • 11:00 pm, 2:00 am and 5:00 am.
  • Dry Asthmatic Cough
  • Extreme dryness of the mucous membranes


  • Cough is an exclusively dry, barking, hacking type.
  • Dryness in air passages (Throat, Trachea, Larynx, Tongue) caused cough
  • Pain in the chest /Painful pressure under the ribs while coughing.
  • Maybe some expulsion of small quantity of mucus in morning with effort.
  • Frequent episodes of a night-time cough
  • Cough + Dyspnea + Labored respiration
  • may attend the cough.
  • Warm drinks / Food amel
  • Agg:
    • Talking
    • Rising from bed
    • Drinking milk or cold drinks.
    • After the midnight
    • During winter / Chills

Rattling Cough


  • Loose, rattling cough and the lungs feel full of mucus.
  • Cough remains constant throughout the day and night.
  • Excessive difficulty in raising the phlegm.
  • Dyspnea (most marked at night time) makes him sit up from a prone position
  • Burning sensation in the chest may be present.
  • Chest pain on coughing
  • Cough agg after each meal

Cough from PND (Caust)


  • Cough appears in quick, short attacks that follow each other in quick succession.
  • Cough + Excessive hawking
  • Extreme exhaustion is felt along with the cough.
  • Extremely sensitive air passages to air (inhaled air feels cold).

Cough + Hemoptysis


  • Cough + Hemoptysis in any lung disease
  • Difficulty in breathing and oppression of chest appear.
  • Hemoptysis after injury or following violent exertion also indicates Mill

Cough + White Phlegm


  • The sputa may be salty to taste.
  • Other attending symptoms are a cough with the flowing of tears from the eyes, a headache of bursting nature, and shortness of breath.
  • Sore, bruised feeling in the chest
  • Involuntary urination during coughing.
Cough + Yellow & Green Phlegm


  • Yellow expectoration + Rattling of mucus in the chest, difficult expectoration, and wheezing in the chest.


  • Greenish expectoration is present
  • Cough agg in a warm room and find relief in the open air.
  • Cough after measles.


Laryngitis (Caust, Spong) (Caust ₳ Phos) Phos ₳ Spong

Pneumonia (Ant-t, Hep, Ip)


  • Phos is a Respiratory /Cough polycrest
  • Cough with sputum expectoration of a purulent nature, frothy or blood-stained sputum.
  • The phlegm may be salty or sweet to taste.
  • Strong odours may trigger a cough.
  • Along with cough, chest tightness, oppression of chest


  • Sharp stitching pain in the chest
  • Heat/ burning sensation in the chest
  • The sound of coughs indicates that the larynx is tight/closed.
  • Loudness of voice and dry coughs have become constant and annoying
  • COUGH - CONSTRICTION; from - Larynx; in AGAR, CUPR
  • Cough caused by reading aloud
  • Coughing - DRY, cough - reading, aloud


  • Cough is dry at first, but gradually purulent and sticky sputum appears. (Kali-bi)
  • Pneumonia of the base of lungs, esp the right lung + Liver involvement


  • Bronchitis in older adults.
  • Cough with thick, tenacious, yellow sputa.
  • Cough may worsen from exposure to cold air, while warmth relieves it.
  • Hep is an important medicine for pharyngitis, pneumonia, and in later stages, remedy for cough and sinusitis
  • Other characteristics (sore throat, cold, ...) other than cough lead us to remedy
  • Cough + Weakness in recovery (Ant-t, Ip)
  • Harsh / Dry / Strong coughs
  • Suffocation attacks with coughing
  • When closes his eyes, coughing is starting
  • Coughing - CLOSING, eyes at night excites cough
  • Cough caused by cold, cold wind esp single part cold (Acon ₳ Hep) (Hep ₳ Rhus-t)
  • COUGH - AIR - dry - cold: ACON
  • COUGH - COLD - becoming - Single part: RHUS-T


  • Its special phlegm
  • Croupy / Dry coughs caused by Chest / Larynx phlegm in the morning waking up (Kali-bi ₳ Spong)
  • Hacking coughs at night before sleep, caused by larynx irritation.
  • The stimulation point is on the trachea (above the sternum).
  • Cough caused by the sensation of burning liquid in the back of the nose and throat
  • Coughing - MUCUS, general - mucus, chest, in : ANT-T , PULS , STANN
  • Coughing - MUCUS, general - mucus, larynx : LACH
  • Coughing - MORNING - waking, on : NUX-V , RUMX, SIL
  • Coughing - ITCHING, in chest - trachea, from
  • Coughing - DRY, cough - expectoration, hawking, later copious green sputum - morning, only in PULS, SQUIL
  • COUGH - ACRID fluid through posterior nares; cough from sensation of
  • Coughing - ACRID, sensation of fluid through post nasal


  • Emphysema
  • Cough+ Extreme dyspnea attends.
  • Lying down worsens the cough and dyspnea.
  • Excessive mucus expectoration is also there with an emphysematous cough.
  • A general weakness and loss of appetite may be present.


  • Pneumonia
  • Dry, hard cough and Brick colored/ Blood streaked sputa.
  • Chest pain on coughing, which makes a person hold the chest is the chief attending feature.
  • Stitching pain in the chest which is worse on inhaling is another prominent symptom
  • The chest pain may benefit from lying on the painful side

Asthmatic Cough


  • Cough + Dyspnea+ Wheezing/ Whistling in the chest.
  • Tightness in the chest may also arise.
  • Tenacious expectoration of yellow/ green colour may be there.
  • Other attending feature is suffocative attacks during sleep.
  • Anxiety and restlessness may occur


  • Difficult expectoration: Loose rattling cough + Marked difficulty in expectoration.
  • Cough + Vomitting/ Nausea
  • Dry spasmodic cough provoked by tickling in the larynx.
  • Throat Constricted feeling triggers the cough
  • Exhausting episodes of cough which lasts for an hour
  • Cough with retching of a great amount of mucus.
  • There is breathlessness and difficult breathing.
  • The cough comes typically in fits.
  • There is rattling of mucus or phlegm in the chest which is vomited with cough.
  • A constricted feeling in the chest and Dyspnea may arise.
  • Evening coughs
  • Cough is usually triggered at night (mostly after dinner or after going to bed).
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pressure in bladder
  • Suffocative spells may accompany the cough.
Violent Cough


  • Dry and spasmodic coughs. The episodes of a cough are
  • Suffocative /Severe and violent / Life-threatening.
  • Hollow cough + Chest rawness
  • Vomiting immediately or a few hours after eating.
  • Hoarseness and rattling of mucus with a cough,
  • Difficulty breathing at night (the individual has to sit up in bed to breathe)
  • Difficulty in exhaling are other symptoms.
  • Worse at night
  • Talking, reading loudly or
  • Drinking ice or cold water.
  • Frequent episodes of
  • Flu or fever along with the cough variant asthma.
  • Vomiting with a cough (esp after eating)

In Children


  • Paroxysmal type.
  • Sudden spells, mainly of a suffocative cough arise during night hours.
  • Child frequently sits up at night because of the coughing spells.
  • Cough + Whistling sound from the chest

In Older Adults


  • Rattling in the chest with marked difficulty in raising the tough sputa arises along with the cough.
  • Soreness and oppressed sensation in the chest may also assist.
  • Pain in the back on coughing could be present.
  • Cough in asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis all indicates the use of Seneg.
  • Spasmodic Cough
  • Asthmatic Cough


  • Sudden/Violent cough that ends in vomiting.
  • Child may throw up after the violent coughing.
  • Cough is so intense that it brings tears to the eyes.
  • Cough in paroxysms with attending Dyspnea
  • Dry, Tickling sensation in the throat.
  • Mucus rattles in chest, but could not to be expelled out.
  • Loud / Short breathing at night, Child sleeps with open mouth.
  • Dyspnea / Suffocation + Cough episodes
  • Dry cough + Flu-like symptoms (Mainly sneezing and loss of appetite with sleeplessness)
  • Evening/ Night agg
  • Exposure to cold air
  • When the child wakes up from sleep.
  • Child has to put much effort into breathing (Excessive sweating at night)


  • Suffocating: Accumulation of mucus in the chest which is difficult to expel
  • Tickling sensation in the larynx which wakes him at night.
  • Early morning: Spasmodic cough agg in morning.
  • The cough ends with vomiting of viscid mucus.
  • Regular paroxysms of cough + expectoration of much ropy mucus.
  • Cough is followed by an incessant cough ending in vomiting of profuse mucous or food.
  • Early morning cough \which leads to vomiting of a lot of mucus
  • Sense of Discomfort / Pressure in chest due to the accumulation of excessive mucus.

Cough with Acidity (GERD)


  • Cough and difficulty in breathing with an accumulation of gas in the abdomen.
  • Nausea, vomiting, fullness in the stomach and
  • Sour/ Bitter belching are prominently present with a cough.


  • Intense / Painful / Scratchy / Tormenting cough
  • He has phlegm, but the cough is dry (Kali-bi) because the respiratory tracts are dry and these secretions from the sinuses have poured into the respiratory tract.
  • He coughs deeply, but as if not deep enough to expel phlegm

Coughing - DEEP, cough - deep, enough, as though he could not cough deep to start mucus

  • PND that doesn't come out well, that's why he has constant hawking
  • Burning/ Dryness in Throat / Respiratory tract causes Dry / Rough / Hollow coughs
  • Hacking / Percussive coughs caused by itching and burning in the larynx.
  • Violent cough
  • Cold and dry weather agg (Hep, Acon)
  • Eating amel
  • Agg by Bending forward
  • Cough accompanied by pelvic pain, esp left side
  • Cough starts with
    • Rolling over in bed (Puls)
    • Warming up or exercise
Rhinitis that turns into laryngitis All-c
  • Mild allergic rhinitis that turns into laryngitis (Phos) (dry cough)(All-c ₳ Spong)
  • Het feels that he has to hold his larynx with his hand, as if the cartilages want to separate due to intense coughs, or his larynx is tearing.
  • Coughs are very intense and annoying, unlike a mild cold
  • Coughing - GRASPING, larynx involuntarily at every feeling as though larynx would be torn
  • Cold agg: Cough with temperature change

Other remedies


Coughing - SCRAPING, cough from : CAUST, STANN

Coughing - PAINFUL, cough : ALL-C , BRY , CAUST, CUPR

Coughing - VIOLENT, cough


  • Acid-reflux: Cough caused by Acid-reflux (Bell ₳ Phos)
  • 9 P.M. agg.
  • He has a red face and congestion along with a cough.
