Female remedies

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Related entities

  • Salpingitis
  • Endometritis
  • PID, leukorrhea
  • Infertility
  • PCOD


Menstrual suppression agg

  • Three main remedies for problems caused by hormonal disorders (Sep, Lyc, Puls)

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - asthma, with

  • Seizures caused by Menstrual suppression

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - convulsions, with : Bufo, CALC-P. Cocc. Cupr. gels. Glon. Mill, VERAT.


  • Mental symptoms During / After

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during - after, agg. - suppressed menses Ferr. Ign. nux-m. plat. puls.

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during – before am-c. calc. caust. cocc. con. cupr. hyos. kali-c. LACH. lyc. mag-m. Mang. NAT-M. nit-ac. phos , Sep. Stan

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during : LACH

Female - MENSES, general - agg. during

Female - MENSES, general - ailments, of menses

  • Cramp Dysmenorrhea that bends her forward


  • Constantly changing menses

Female - MENSES, general - changeable, in appearance : Sep

  • Early menses 7-14 days

Female - MENSES, general - frequent, too early, too soon - 7 days : COCC , NAT-M Female - MENSES, general - frequent, too early, too soon - 14 days, every

  • Intermittent menses

Female - MENSES, general - intermittent: KREOS

  • Bleeding between menses

Female - MENSES, general - between, periods, menses appear

  • Delayed menses , 21-day in newly matured girls

Female - MENSES, general - late, menses, too - puberty, at : Caust. Dros. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc. Nat-m. phos, Sept. Sil. Sulph.

Menses pattern

  • Thick and viscous blood

Female - MENSES, general – thick

  • Blood-stained mucus

Female - MENSES, general - bloody, mucus : alum. apis bar-c. Berb. Cocc. Croc. hydrog. lachn. nat-s. nux-m Sept. sul-ac. yes.

  • Bright blood with clots

Female - MENSES, general - bright-red - clotted : Arn. Bell. caust. lil-t. Puls. Sabin.

  • Delayed, low and dark menses

Female - MENSES, general - brown bapt. Berb. BRY. calc. Carb-v. choc Con. goss. mag-c. Nit-ac. puls. rhus-t. Sec. Sept. thuj. vesp.

  • Menses only during day, esp when walking

Female - MENSES, general - daytime, only : ABIES-N. cactus Caust. coff. cycl. ham. kali-c

Female - MENSES, general - daytime, only - mostly on walking

Female - MENSES, general - walking, agg

Female - MENSES, general - lying, agg. - more, on kreos. mag-c. puls


  • She feels like she's getting her menses, but it doesn't starts anyway.

Female - MENSES, general - appear, as if would

Female - MENSES, general - feels, like coming

  • In Anemic / Pale and newly matured girls
  • With presence of milk in breasts

Female - MENSES, general - amenorrhea, menses absent - milk in breasts, with : Rhus-t.

  • Due to wet feet
  • When she lies down, her menses stops

Female - MENSES, general - lying, agg. - stop while : LIL-T

  • Menstrual suppression caused by vexations

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - vexations, from : Acon. act-sp. Cham. Chin. cimic. coll. COLOC. lyc. Op, Staph. verat.

  • Menstrual suppression caused by Bathing / Humidity esp wet feet (Puls ₳ Rhus-t)

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - wet, from becoming - getting feet : RHUS-T


  • Thick/ Creamy / Milky
  • Thin / Acrid
  • Leukorrhea + Uvula swelling
  • Menses during agg

Premature puberty

Female - MENSES, general - menarche, first menses, appears before the proper age

  • Irregular and painful menses, esp in newly matured girls (Puls ₳ Sep)

    Female - MENSES, general - irregular - painful, girls, in, since the first period : Sep

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - painful, girls, in, since the first period - girls, young, in : Apis calc-p. graph. Mill. Sep

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - puberty, at : Sep




  • General aggravation Before / During / After menses, esp mood-mental and skin problems
  • Mental symptoms During / Before menses (Puls, Lach, Nat-m) (Lach ₳ Sep) (Nat-m ₳ Sep)
  • Severe colicky pains before menses
  • Feeling of Sudden Pressure / Contraction / Expansion of the uterus
  • Various types of Lumbosacral pains

Uterus atony

Female - ATONY, uterus CAUL. HELON. PULS

Genital Herpes

Female - HERPES, genitalia NAT-M , PETR

Bearing down pains

  • During menses (Bell ₳ Sep) (Kreos ₳ Sep)
  • Agg with Standing / Walking.
  • Amel bySitting and crossing limbs
  • Pressing hand on her uterus to prevent the uterus from coming out. (Lil-t ₳ Sep) (Murx ₳ Sep)
  • Agg when Urinating / Feeling of urinating

    Female - BEARING down pain, genitalia and uterus - urging, to urinate, on


  • The best remedy for bleeding 5-7th month of pregnancy
  • Heavy menses during menopause or after childbirth
  • Very early and heavy menses
  • Prolonged menses (8 -10 days)
  • Bleeding starts again after stopping, esp in elderly women
  • After childbirth / During breastfeeding

Female - MENSES, general - ailments, of menses - childbirth, after: Tub.

Female - MENSES, general - ailments, of menses - weaning, after : Puls

  • Bleeding on the 14th day between menses

Female - MENSES, general - between, periods, menses appear

Menses quality

  • Bloody mucus
  • Frequent changes in the quality of bleeding (Puls)
  • Dark blood
  • Green blood
  • Intermittent menses (Puls ₳ Sep)
  • Irregular painful periods esp in newly matured girls
  • Heavy menses with madness


  • Accompanied by
    • Slowness / Apathy
    • Decreased Libido in weak women (Helon ₳ Sep)

Female - MENSES, general - amenorrhea, menses absent - women, in, feeble : Ars

  • At the appointed time, she feels that she is getting her menses, but there is no news
  • Menses delay, esp 5 days

Female - MENSES, general - late, menses, too - 5 days

Female - MENSES, general - late, menses, too - puberty, at

  • Delay and decrease in menses volume

Female - MENSES, general - late, menses, too - scanty

  • Light Menses blood that starts only in the morning or with movement

Female - MENSES, general - morning - only

  • Short period of 2 to 3 days or even just one day

Menstrual suppression

  • Menses Suppression due to shivering and cold
  • Flushing, congestion and heat in the head towards the chest due to menses suppression (Calc ₳ Sep)

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - congestion, with, cerebral

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - congestion, with, cerebral - chest, to : Calc



  • Importance (Weakness and decrease in genital tonocity)


  • Chronic inflammation of the ovary (sensitivity to touch)
  • Vascular congestion of the genital area
  • Enlargement, endometriosis, prolapse of uterus and cervix
  • Left sided: Tendency to the left side genital (Lach, Puls, Cimic)
  • Irregular Menses+ Leukorrhoea

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - vaginal discharge, before

  • Scanty menses + Leukorrhoea

Female - MENSES, general - scanty - vaginal discharge, with - after

  • Abnormal bleeding in menopause (Calc, Graph, Lach, Sang, Sul, Ust) (Lach ₳ Sep) (Sabin ₳ Sep)
  • Genital dryness (Graph, Alum), esp vaginal (Nat-m, lyc)
  • Hot flashes and + Sweating (Lach, Tub)

  • No Sex pleasure because her vagina has no sensation during sex (Brom)
  • Painful vaginismus during sex due to genital dryness: ARG-N , CACT , LYSS , NAT-M , STAPH

  • Albuminous (Borx, NAt-m m Hydr)
  • Bloody (Calc-s, Chin, Croc, Nit-c)
  • Brown (Lil-t, Nit-ac)
  • ellow-green esp watery and runny
  • Greenish (Carb-v, Kali-bi, Merc, Nat-m, Nat-s, Nit-ac, Thuj)
  • Gushing (Calc, Graph, Lyc, Sil)
  • Lumpy
  • Candida albicans
  • Cream-like (Nat-p, Puls, Tril-p)
  • Milky (Calc, Kali-m, Puls)
  • Purulent (Calc)
  • Offensive (Carb-ac, KAli-p, Kreos, Psor)
  • Profuse (Calc, Graph, Sil, Stann, Sul-i)
  • Staining, linen
  • Leukorrhea + Uterus Atony (Helon)
  • Leukorrhea leads to Burning / Itching (Borx, Calc, Calc-s, Kreos, Puls, Sul)
  • Leukorrhea + History of abortion
  • Esp during pregnancy
  • Leukorrhoea during the day and bleeding at night
  • Immature girls (Med, Merc)
  • Puberty (Ferr, Puls)
  • Menopause during (Graph)
  • Menses After (Bov, Calc, Calc-p)
  • Menses during (Bov, Calc, Graph)
  • Menses between (Borx, Calc, Graph)
  • Instead of menses (Ars)
  • Urination after
  • Vomiting efforts after
  • Intercourse after
  • Vaginitis + Itching (Calad, Nit-ac, Kreos) esp during pregnancy (Kreos, Puls)
  • Vaginal itching, especially during pregnancy or due to leucorrhoea

Female - ITCHING, genitalia

Female - ITCHING, genitalia - pregnancy, during ambr.mp1 Calad.mp1 calc.mp1 chlol.mp1 Fl-ac.mp1 Helon. Merc. sabin urt-u.

Female - ITCHING, genitalia - vagina, discharge, from



  • Metrorrhagia, esp Fluid blood (Crot-h, Nit-ac, Phos, Sabin) , esp in menopause ( Calc, Graph, Sang, Sep, Sul, Ust)

Headache, hotness in the head (esp in head crown )

Menstural problems
  • Uterus Congestion esp during periods (Puls), which ends with the onset of bleeding
  • Clotted / Black menses
  • Menses before aff / During amel (Zinc)
  • Menses delay 2-3 months (Sil)
  • Mental complications Before / During menses
  • Scanty / Short menses
  • Suppressed / Vicarious period (Bry, Phos)

  • Ovarian cyst esp on left side (Thuj)
  • Neuralgic pain of ovaries esp left side
  • Pain starts from the left and spreads to right
  • Esp During / Before menses
  • Pressive / Burning pain (Apis, Ars)
  • Ovarian pain after childbirth
  • Nymphomania
  • Acrid, excoriating menses (Kali-c, Sil)
  • Uterine pain spreading upwards (Murx)

(Lach ₳ Sep)

On the one hand, Puls is like Sep because he doesn't like to become a woman so soon, so he has leucorrhoea, amenorrhea, delay and reduction of periods, and dysmenorrhea.



Ovarian neuralgic pain

Genital Prolapse
  • Prolapse (Bearing down) , holding his womb with his hand.
  • After childbirth
  • Feeling of heaviness and dragging in the hypogastrium when sitting when standing or walking
  • Urging stool (rectal tenesmus), bladder and sexUterus pain, sensitive to Jarring / Stepping (Bell)

High sexual desire
  • Hysteric spasms
  • Agg with sexual excitement
  • High sexual desire + A sore spot somewhere in the pelvis (Lil-t ₳ Murx)
Sep-like leukorrhoea
  • Offensive / Lochia-like menses (Carb-v, Kali-p, Kreos, Sec, Sabin)
  • Watery
  • Yellow or yellowish-brown (Nit-ac)
  • Excoriating
  • Stinky lochia after childbirth


  • A sore spot in pelvis
  • AUB: Copious / Clotted metrorrhagia

Female - BEARING down pain, genitalia and uterus - pressing on vulva amel. Bel , LIL-T , Sanic , SEP

Female - SEXUAL, desire - violent : AGN, CALC, CANTH, Med , ORIG, PLAT

  • Uterine Cancer / Ulcer


  • Painful intercourse (Sep, Bell, Kreos, Apis.)

Female - VAGINISMUS, vagina : CACT , PLB , STAPH

  • Monorrhagia: Copious / Clotted / Early / Long / Dark.

Female - BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia – black CROC.

Female - BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia - miscarriage, during

  • Metrorrhagia

  • Severe bearing down pain during
Genital irritability
  • High sensitivity of genital organs (Cact ₳ Plat), (Ign ₳ Plat), (Lyss ₳ Plat) , (Plat ₳ Staph)
  • Genital Irritability / Pleasant itching (Orig) (Orig ₳ Plat)

Female - ITCHING, genitalia - voluptuous ORIG

Female - SENSITIVE, genitalia - sensitive, vagina CACT , IGN , LYSS , STAPH

Genital Prolapse

Constant pressure + Touch sensitivity to in the Groin and back

Chronic inflammation / Hardness of the + Burning pain + Numbness of the organs

Female - BEARING down pain, genitalia and uterus

Female - SORE, pain, genitalia

Female - TINGLING, genitalia, voluptuous

Female - LABOR-like, pain, genitalia

Paroxysmal uterine pains

Female - PAIN, uterus - paroxysmal : BELL, CHAM , COLOC , PULS , SABIN

Insatiable Nymphomania

Female - SEXUAL, behavior - voluptuous sensation, tingling, coitus-like

Female - SEXUAL, desire - insatiable aster. Calc-p. canth. Lach. Med. PLAT. Sabin. stram. Zinc.

Female - SEXUAL, behavior - nymphomania GRAT. HYOS. LACH. Med. ORIG. STRAM.

  • Delayed orgasm + High sex

Female - SEXUAL, behavior - orgasm, delayed - involuntary with violent desire

  • Painful sex
  • Sexual deviation

Female - SEXUAL, desire - perverted : Med.mp1 PLAT.mp1 sabalmp1 Thuj.mp1

  • Involuntary orgasm

Female - SEXUAL, desire - violent - involuntary, orgasms, with ORIG

Female - SEXUAL, desire - violent - masturbation, driving her to Gels.mp1 Grat. Nux-v. ORIG. phos. PLAT. rap. ZINC.

  • Esp in singles

Female - SEXUAL, desire - violent - virgins, in Con.mp1 med.mp1 PLAT.mp1


PMS (Cham ₳ Cimic)

  • Screams in pain

Female - DYSMENORRHEA, painful menses - horrible pain, crying and screaming Cact. CHAM. Coff.mp1 COLOC.mp1 Cupr. ign.mp1 Mag-p.mp1 plat.mp1 sep.

  • Uterine cramp Before / During menses similar to labor pain

Female - MENSES, general - cramps, during

Female - MENSES, general - cramps, labor-like pains

Female - CRAMPING, pain, genitalia - cramping, uterus - menses, during – before CALC-P.mp1 Caust , Mag-p.mp1 Vib.mp1

  • Uterine pain after childbirth

Female - PAIN, uterus - after pains, of childbirth

  • Metrorrhagia due to anger:

Female - BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia - anger, after

  • Dysmenorrhea due to anger

Female - DYSMENORRHEA, painful menses - anger, from CHAM , Coloc

Female - CRAMPING, pain, genitalia - cramping, uterus - anger, after

  • Early Menses due to anger

Female - MENSES, general - anger, brings on the flow cham.mp1 nat-m.

  • Metrorrhagia between two periods (day 14)

Female - BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia - between, the menstrual periods CALC. CHAM. IP.mp1 PHOS. RHUS-T. SABIN. SIL.

  • Clotted metrorrhagia
  • Metrorrhagia in plethoric women

Menses suppression
  • Due to cold water
  • Skin edema due to period suppression
Menses problems
  • Clotted, dark, premature and membranous
  • Agg of menses symptoms by lying down, esp in a supine position
  • Her menses are very similar to Plat and can be distinguished from Plat only by mental symptoms. (Cham ₳ Plat)
  • General ag during menses (Esp at the beginning)
  • Stomach problems during periods
  • Dark, Clotted, Gushing, Thin clots, offensive clots
  • Membranous menses esp in newly matured girls
  • Premature puberty: the period has started earlier than usual
  • Irregular periods : Bleeding again between menses
  • Early period
  • Intermittent (Cham ₳ Puls)


  • Plat-like symptoms in the ovaries (Mostly the right ovary)
  • Hysteria

Tissue Salt Remedies


  • Painful mense,
  • Flushed and red face
  • Vomiting,
  • Mense Suppression due to cold
  • FP can be prescribed a few days before period for prophylaxis of dysmenorrhea,


  • Delayed mense
  • Clotted and dark mense

MP: Mentrual colic


  • Thin and pale, watery leukorrhea
  • Fever, Herpetic reuptions During / Before /After mense


  • Extreme Weakness / Depression / withered feeling / Hysterical
  • Long-term dysmenorrhea in chronic patients


  • High sex drive associated with mense,
  • Dysmenorrhea (Back pain, headache, dizziness)


  • Menses accompanied by chills
  • Dysmenorrhea in the form of chills

CS: Offensive menses

NS: Dysmenorrhea in the form of increased acidity (probably acidic menses or gastric acid reflux)