Kali-ars, Kalium arsenicosum

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Sankran view

  • It is a remedy of the mineral kingdom and of the cancer miasm.
  • Extremely suspicious: He needs the support of his family and yet he cannot trust them. He feels as if his family or group is out to cheat him, to rob him.
  • Like all Kali remedies, he seeks the support of the family or the group. Without them he is weak and dependent. Yet he has doubts as to whether this same family or group is trustworthy.
  • He needs his family, and its harmony and integrity become his chief concern. He cares for the family and supports them. He seems confident and independent. This is the coped up stage.
  • Anxious about his health, therefore he cannot trust even his physician. He avoids people as far as possible. He feels lonely and isolated because he cannot trust anyone.
  • He feels: “I have done so much for them, how can they do this to me?” But at the same time, he feels weak and needs their support, he feels he cannot be alone. He becomes quarrelsome with his family.
  • In the failed state, he becomes desperate to the point of suicide. He may have dreams of being pursued.

Physical symptoms

  • Very chilly, cannot have his legs and feet uncovered
  • Aggravation: 1:00 – 3:00 AM
  • Develops chronic inveterate skin conditions like psoriasis
  • A sudden noise throws the whole body into a tremor
  • Itching worse warmth (though the patient is chilly).


  • Fear, alone, of being.
  • Fear, people, of.
  • Frightened, trifles, at.
  • Kill, sudden impulse to.
  • Insanity, behaves like a crazy person.  
  • Violent, friends, to his (single symptom).
  • Respiration difficult, 2:00-3:00 AM


  • He can be anxious too, so anxious that he can become almost crazy with anxiety.
  • He talks, even looks excited, crazy.
  • His extreme anxiety makes him highly organized, fastidious, careful and cautious.
  • Health-based anxiety include hypochondria, excessive grooming, and even fear of heart attacks
  • Racing thoughts and difficulty sleeping
  • Fear of death or dying
  • Feeling cold
  • Vulnerable to panic attacks.


Worse Better
  • Cold: Air, Drafts, Feet getting. Uncovering
  • Change of temperature or weather
  • Warmth (itching). Becoming heated
  • Every other day, morning: 1-3 a.m. (Ars.); 2-3 a.m.
  • Touch. Noise, esp. Voice. Eating
  • Milk. Ice-cream. Quinine
  • Walking (fast). Motion Exertion. Ascending
  • Suppressed sweat, eruptions
  • Warmth
  • Rainy days
  • Eructations
  • Rest


  • A very deep and long-acting medicine.
  • Complaints associated with eruptions of long before, or at present.
  • Tendency towards malignancy.
  • Chilly, nervous, restless, anemic.
  • Puffy under the eyes. Pale, waxy, clammy.
  • Emaciated, old-looking. Lack of vital heat, a constitutional coldness with aversion to and < from everything cold.
  • Wants very warm clothing and warm room even in Summer (Psor)
  • Gouty. Neurotic.


  • Tremors; from loud noise or ‘sudden unexpected motion.’ Numbness in limbs. Tingling in limbs.
  • Weakness, as in patients heading towards phthisis, Bright’s disease / Gout); Unwilling to move (opp. Ars.).
  • Convulsions, with consciousness, clonic. Epilepsy (all KALIs). Hysterical epilepsy. Paralysis.
  • Globus hystericus.
  • Apprehension in pit of stomach from emotions.


  • Arthritis: Syphilitic pains agg at change of weather. Pains burning, stitching. “Itching, jerking, twitching, burning, nausea and constriction.” Pulsation all over body. Gouty nodosities; < change of weather. Fissures about flexures of joints.
  • Mucous membranes: Catarrhal inflammation and ulceration.
  • Anemia. Chlorosis. Pale and waxy complexion, with sweat. Veins of legs varicose.
  • Edema of chronic nephritis or myocardial weakness (Ars)


  • After suppressed eruptions: Hoarseness, aphonia.
  • Asthma, agg every other day, 2-3 a.m., touch, noise.
  • Cough: Wet in morning, dry at night; choking, asthmatic cough, in cold, anemic subjects; with fever; gastric; spasmodic; < 2-3 a.m., cold.
  • Expectoration: Muco-purulent with specks of blood.
  • Tropical eosinophilia, fever from 4 p.m. lasting all night, cough worse during fever, after eating and again 2-4 a.m.; patient has black otorrhea (is warm blooded), allergic to dust, thirstless; > in wet weather.
  • Pleurisy


  • Allergic skins. Dry, wilted (dull), wrinkled, inelastic; muddy, ) remain dark-colored.
  • Chronic dry eczema, scales with intense itching that agg night, warmth of bed, walking, undressing, on uncovered parts.
  • Herpes eruptions: Papules then vesicles then pustules which dry up into scabs and may ends in cicatrices of eczema
  • Herpes zoster
  • Psoriasis
  • Lichen confluens. Intertrigo. Boils; to remove the tendency. Exanthemata. Erysipelas. Lepra
  • Phagadenic ulcers, with deep base and turned up edges, ichorous, black, offensive discharge.


  • Kali-ar. may be a member of the radioactive group (Calc-f, Phos, Plb, Stront-c).
  • Compare: Carc, Chin, Kali-sil, Psor, Rad-met, Rumx, X -ray
  • Antidote: Kali-i. (to overdosing)
  • Complementary: Nat-m.
  • Collateral: , Ars-i, Hep, Kali-bi, Sil, Syph, Thuj.[1]