Kali-p, Kalium Phosphoricum

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Core them

  • Exhaustion of mind and body
  • Realistic people whose morals are very strong
  • Very adamant and insist on their opinion
  • Events and bad news such as war, drought and violence have a deep impact on them
  • Extroverted behavior, but when they are tired, they become nervous even towards their family members

MIND - CRUELTY - family; to her


  • Yellow-orange /Purulent Discharges: Vagina / Bladder / Lungs / Stool
  • He is cold, but likes cold weather and needs open air
  • Movement amel
  • Copious perspiration
    • Since they are very sensitive to cold
    • With smell of onions
    • With minimal Excitement / Activity


Exam remedy

  • Its most common use is mental fatigue caused by exams (Arg-n, Gels, Nux-v, Aeth, Anac).
  • Brain fag / Mental stagnation caused by mental activity
  • Anticipation (Gels ₳ Kali-p)
  • General weakness with anxiety (Systemic confusion)
  • Restlessness / Irritability without anger and aggression

MIND - MENTAL EXERTION - agg. - impossible - crazy; owing to the impotence of his mind seems to drive him

GENERALS - WEAKNESS - overwork; from

MIND - SADNESS - mental exertion, after

MIND - RESTLESSNESS - mental exertion - during

MIND - EXCITEMENT - mental exertion; from


  • Fear combined with Nervous/ Disgusted

MIND - FEAR - weary of life, with : Carc, Lyc , Nit-ac , Plat , Rhus-t MIND - FEAR - nervous : Scut

MIND - FEAR - breakdown; of nervous : Lyc , Nat-m , Sil MIND - WEARY OF LIFE - fear of death, but : Nit-ac, Plat , Rhus-t

  • Insomnia with a feeling of emptiness
  • Nervous sensitivity of the stomach
    • Pains caused by hunger, esp at 5 A.M,
    • Eating only temporarily amel
  • Drooping left eyelids

Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Lethargy
  • Anger
  • Depression (Dull and sad)

MIND - SADNESS - pain, from : Germ-met, Sars , Staph

MIND - SADNESS - menses - delayed, from : Lyc

  • Sensitivity to sound and light

MIND - SENSITIVE - noise, to - menses, during: Borx , Ign , Nux-v

  • Restless and confused

MIND - RESTLESSNESS - sexual excitement, in: Ant-c , Staph

MIND - RESTLESSNESS - mental exertion - during

MIND - RESTLESSNESS - children, in - babies, in

Spinal cord pain

  • Back pain
  • Bruised / Heaviness legs
  • Limbs coldness


  • Esp one-sided, Esp behind the left ear
  • Caused by nerves and empty stomach
  • Food

Food - APPETITE, general - increased, hunger - headache, with

Headaches - EATING, while - amel., during

Headaches - EATING, while - eating, after - amel.

Headaches - FASTING, from - empty feeling in stomach, with

Stomach - EMPTINESS, weak, hungry feeling - headache, during : SEP

  • Quality
    • Sharp pain
    • Shooting pain above the eyes
    • Burning headache esp in forehead

Headaches - BURNING, pain - burning, forehead - stool, durin

  • Frontal headache spreading to Occiput / Temples
  • Pressive pain As if a band was tied around his head

    Headaches - PRESSING, pain, forehead - band, as from : CHEL, SULPH

    Headaches - PRESSING, pain, forehead - eating, after - eating, after, amel.

  • Modalities
    • Pressure / Rubbing amel
    • Eye-Strain agg (Kali-c, Lyc, Nat-m, Ph-ac, Rhod, Ruta, Sil)
    • Nocturnal occiput headache
    • Gentle movement amel
    • Premenstrual tearing pain

      Headaches - TEARING, pain, forehead - menses, during - before, amel. when flow begins

  • Headache with
    • Photophobia (Nat-s)
    • Hearing sensitivity
    • Increased appetite / Stomach emptiness


ACUTE DISEASES - Neurological disorders - ALS : Ars , Kali-p , Lach , Merc , Phos , PLB , Sec , Sep , Sulph

GENERALS - NEUROLOGICAL complaints - Sympathetic nervous system

Post partum psychosis

Psychosis during pregnancy and after:

MIND - INSANITY - delivery; during : Bell, Lach, Phos, Sec

MIND - MANIA - fever, during - delivery, after, puerperal



  • Puberty and problems caused by sexual emotions (Calc-p ₳ Kali-p)

    MIND - MENTAL EXERCISE - agg. - puberty; agg. from mental exertion in : Calc-p

    MIND - FEAR - sex; of opposite: Lac-f , Puls , Sep , Staph

    GENERALS - IRRITABILITY, physical - sexual excesses : Agar , Nat-m

Children night fear

MIND - FEAR - night - children; in: Borx, Calc-s , Carc , Cinam , Kali-br , Tub

MIND - FEAR - children, in - night : KALI-BR , TUB


GENERAL - RADIATION THERAPY; from - chemotherapy agg. : Sep , Uncar-tom