Med in children
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Here you find special usage of Med as a Homeopathic remedy in children
- Babies who often fail to thrive and look pale, malnourished,
- They suffer with eczema, catarrhal discharges and asthma.
- Sour or fishy smelling discharges.
- They often have a bright red diaper rash that looks like a scald.
- This is often because their urine is highly acidic.
- They always try to roll over on the face or stomach because it makes them feel better.
- Young children will get in knee-elbow position and rock back and forth, sometimes violently.
- They will sleep with their buttocks in the air and their face down on the pillow.
- Their legs and feet are in constant motion and they are always wiggling and squirming, esp at night.
- Then they throw the covers off because their feet burn.
- Lower limbs ache all night, preventing sleep.
- Some have behavioral problems and will be very aggressive toward other children. They are prone to violent temper tantrums and will strike, kick and bite.
- They may either love or hate animals and be very cruel to them.
- They are very sexual and will play with their genitals and have incestuous impulses.
- This makes them candidates for sexual abuse or if told that touching their genitals, etc. is dirty they become guilty.
- The little girls and sensitive boys are very susceptible to criticism, weep and feel guilty when reprimanded.
- The guilt makes them feel shame but the sex sensations gives them pleasure causing the two states to become mixed leading toward sexual confusion in later life.
Physical Sign / Symptoms
- Ocular gonorrhea of infants (Thick/ Green secretions)
- Gonorrhea + Diaper Rash
- Chronic Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis
- Loss of eyelashes
- Sensation of Sand / Sticks in the eye
- Sensing of fling in front of eyes
- Visual impairment with fever (common)
- Frequent common colds
- Otitis Media: Accumulation of large fluid in middle ear that leads to rupture of the eardrum
- Excessive itching + Dry scalp (Puls, Sil)
- Partial deafness
- Pulsation in ears
- Med 's Allergy in is very Deep / Long-lasting and can lead to asthma or sinusitis and bronchitis
- Teenagers are more prone to streptococcal infections, which is accompanied by pain and nose redness. (Sul)
- Whenever sour fruit is eaten, it starts itching and sensitivity
- Chronic nasal and pharyngeal catarrhs.
- Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing.
Respiratory tract
- Recurrent eczema, asthma and hay fever that has not responded to Lyc, Puls, Tub.
- Dyspnea / Constriction feeling. He can inhale with ease, but no power to exhale.
- Incipient tuberculosis.
- Asthma
- Cough Dyspnea Only amel by lying on the Face / Stomach and protruding the tongue.
- Incessant, dry night cough.
- Sputa viscid, difficult to raise.
- Larynx feels sore.
- Burning of hands and feet; wants them uncovered and fanned.
- Sweat easy; towards morning.
- Burning heat, with sweat; wants to uncover, but is chilled thereby.
- Skin cold, yet throws off covers.
- Fiery red rash about anus in babies. Water scalds it terribly.
- Small pedunculated warts, with pin-heads, like small button mushrooms, on various parts of body and thigh.
- Small boils break out on face during menses.
- Headache of exhaustion, or from hard work.
- Head feels heavy and is drawn backwards.
- Intense burning pain in the brain.
- Headache, from jarring of ears. Sensation of tightness and contraction in the head.
GI tract
- Morning nausea.
- Rests more comfortably lying on abdomen.
- Oozing of fetid moisture from anus.
- Can pass stool only by leaning very far back. Sharp, needle-like pains in the rectum.
- Intense itching of the anus.
- Constriction and inertia of the bowels with ball-like stools.
Urinary tract
- Severe pain in the renal region amel by profuse urination.
- Renal colic. Urine flows very slowly.
- Nocturnal enuresis.
- Painful tenesmus when urinating.