Natrium Carbonicum

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Murphy considers these four prescriptions: Infertility, Catarrhal Sinusitis, Sunburn and Bright's disease.

Diseases - BRIGHT'S disease, kidneys


Diseases - SINUSITIS, infection, nose - post-nasal catarrh

Diseases - SUNSTROKE

Similar remedies:

  • Nat-c is usually not prescribed as the first time and it is mistaken for Nat-m, Phos and Carc.(Nat-c ₳ Phos)
  • In order to understand him, it is better to attribute the properties of Nat-m to a Phos person.
  • He has emotional problems similar to Nat-m, but he is a more extroverted than Nat-m. (Nat-c ₳ Nat-m)
  • He is very similar to Phos and Carc in terms of modalities.(Carc ₳ Nat-c)
  • In terms of appearance, Nat-ms are thinner, darker and firmer, and Nat-cs are a little lighter and more phlegmatic.
  • Like Phos, he is very affectionate and you feel comfortable dealing with him, but it is a little more closed than Phos.

Nat-c Paradox:

  • Selflessness vice versa Misanthropy
  • Nat-c presents an amazing contrast of selflessness and misanthropy. This contrast is less in Nat-m because Nat-c is not irritable and closed in his normal state unlike Nat-m.
  • Nat-c is a Sympathetic remedy. He is too selflessness that involves with other people's problems so deeply that he doesn't see himself anymore. (Phos)

Tow points:

Two important and reliable features:

1. Weakness caused by mental activity like Pic-ac and Kali-p

2. Extreme sensitivity to sound: in the case of sound, there are both tendencies towards music and worsening and nervousness with noise, esp with the piano.