Op in Sehgal

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Op is one of the best Sehgal remedies which is used commonly in Sehgal Method


Entering channels

Indifference, complain does not

Hyos, Stram (Hyos ₳ Op), (Op ₳ Stram)

First stage: He does not want to visit doctor since
  1. Danger, No sense of: Hep, Merc,Op, Plat, Stram, Tub
  2. Well, says, sick very: (Arn, Hyos) (Hyos ₳ Op)
    • Wait and watch until his Red-limit. He has limit for everything.
    • It was not a big issue. I could tolerate it. My parents/ Family send me to you. It is small matter, I can handle it by myself.
  3. Asking, nothing for: Ars, Bry, Cocc, Hyos, Op, Puls
  4. Contentment, Quiet (1): Not to show anybody, Not to complain. He is satisfied
  5. Complaining, Never (1)

Fear Extravagance

King Pin rubric

Second stage:
  • Fancies, frightful: Delusions, Image, phantoms, sees (Gels, Hyos, Stram, Bell, Calc, Sul)
  • When disease crosses my limits. It causes me more trouble
  • He fears, if he does not do anything, it could become dangerous.

Groping as if in dark

Croc, Hyos, Plb

Third stage:
  • Irresolution, Directionless
  • He does not know which problem is more important and he should discuss it with the doctor, so he does not go to the doctor. (Hyos ₳ Op)
  • I had many problems, therefore I became confused and did not do anything
  • Now I am here, but I do not know, how could I explain my problems. Please ask me every thing you need.
  • He cannot decide what to do? Which of his complains are more important? What can I do?
  • He come to doctor, with some one recommendation
  • Op needs help in decision for every step. He tells you Doctor, how can I use your remedies today. If I can use food supplements? Any Diet? Physical activity? etc

Discouraged alternating with hope

Kali-c, Merc, Op, Staph

  • I had a very bad experience with homeopathy but I see one of friend that have not agg
  • So now I want to visit you.



  • He is alert and check you if there would be Increased
  • Doctor: I do not tolerate any aggravation. Please do not prescribe any medicine that increase my disease. I am telling you clearly (He emphasizes)
  • Although he has the rubric Gesture make, Groping as if in the dark

Noise, inclination to make

Delusion, disorder, objects appear in

  • He is never satisfied with your medicine
  • He tells you, I had 4 disease but you cure one of them. You do not cure the most important problem .
  • He emphasize on his request. He is a bad patient
  • Delusion, disorder, objects appear in (Only op): I do not like to know any thing about Homeopathy and you have promised and you do not do your job properly. All you do is in disorder

Business, talks of

  • Because of my disease, I could not go to work in these 3 days. But tomorrow is the forth day, and my disease is still continuing, that I will not able to go to work for the forth day, which is cannot tolerated.
  • He talks with you, as if he is in a business with you.
  • Alert
  • Noise, inclination to make



Self Reproach

Delirium, blames himself for his folly (1)

Key words

  • Tolerate: First he told me something, I tolerate, but now he tell something that I can not tolerate it any more
  • Wait and watch
  • Aggravation: Do not give any medicine which increases my disease

Fear / Fright / Dread

Fear vs Fright

Fear of fright


  • Fear is About a future happening
  • Fright is due to past. He has bad experience / Aggravation and does not want to do something which ends in that experience
  • Most of Op disease triggered with a fright
  • They are afraid of agg so they do not come to Homeopathy.
  • I had a bad experience when I was a child. I do not want it is repeated.
  • Here the patient had a fright "Experience in the past"" and now he fears if he would have it again in the future
  • "Anxiety fright after": I become scared when I encounter with any of my old symptoms
  • It is very similar to Anticipation anxiety
  • Fear, fright, previous fright, because of: Acon, Bell, Nat-m, Op, Verat
  • Anxiety, fright remains, if the fear of the fright
  • Torpor, menses, suppressed from fright; in menses
  • Unconsciousness , menses, suppression of, from fright
  • Frightened , eyes, on closing

Other Rubrics

Alternating states

Deliriums / Visual dellusions


One Remedy

  • Anger, alternating with antics playing
  • Anger, alternating with cheerfulness
  • Anger, alternating with exhilaration
  • Anger, seizes the hands of those about him
  • Cares, alternating with exhilaration
  • Exhilaration, alternating with grief blissful perspiration, during
  • Sadness, alternating with playing antics
  • Insanity, alternating with stupor
  • Delirium, cold, after catching
  • Delirium, devils, sees
  • Delirium, epilepsy, during
  • Delirium, rolls on floor specters, sees
  • Del, dragons, of
  • Del, whirling everything round him; he is whirling with
  • Activity, dream, like a - perspiration, during
  • Del, drunk, is, smoke in brain; from
  • Gesture, grasping, picks at bedclothes, dreams, during - sleep, during
  • Del, execute him, people want to
  • Del, execute sliding impelled by an invisible agent; he is sliding along the ground
  • Del, criminal, executed, to be
  • Del, stabbed, somebody threatened to stab him; as if
  • Jealousy, people around, of
  • Bites, arms, bites own
  • Cursing, afternoon
  • Del, double being, conquer the other; there were another self and he is not sure which will
  • Del, talking, she herself; she is talking with
  • Forgetful, connection of consecutive thoughts, of, apoplexy after
  • Content, night, forgets all his ailments and pains and quiet


Del, Criminal he is a, Executed to be