Post Partum Depression

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Top Remedies


  • Sadness and tearfulness predominate
  • Agg from motion and cold.
  • In some cases, the sadness is accompanied by the fear of going mad
  • Suspiciousness and the woman refuses to take any medicine.
  • The woman also imagines things that trigger sadness like seeing rats running across the room and where everything seems confused and dark as if a black cloud has surrounded her.
  • Alteration in the physical and mental symptoms.


  • Very sensitive mood and gets angry from even a slight contradiction.
  • History of concentrated grief during pregnancy.
  • Difficulty in controlling their emotions and whose mood changes rapidly from happiness to sadness,


  • Aversion to company, weeps alone and whose condition gets worse if someone tries to console her.


  • She likes the company of people, weeps in front of anybody or everybody
  • Always feels better when someone consoles her.


  • Irritability associated with the fear of being alone and aversion to do any work, either mental or physica
  • Irritability is present along with a marked aversion to talk,
  • Aversion to family members who she loved and cared for before the onset of symptoms.


  • Irritability of the utmost degree
  • Fear of ghosts and fears being left alone
  • Sleepless if left alone in a house.


  • Extreme irritability with violent palpitations
  • Increase in irritability when spoken to where the woman will use the most violent and indecent words even if the other person is very mild in speech.


  • Anger that comes and goes suddenly along with the face turning red.
  • Anger is associated with violent acts like biting, striking or spitting on attendants,
  • Women who want to run away, laugh excessively and tear things in fits of anger.


  • Easily get angry and turn quarrelsome with the use of wild language, and show no respect for others.


  • Marked fear of death.
  • Anxiety agg in crowded places and while crossing the streets
  • Extreme restlessness : Acute, sudden and violent attacks of anxiety occur with a marked fear of death
  • Open air amel
  • Increased thirst for large quantities of cold water during the anxiety attack.


  • Anxiety with fear of death
  • He refuses to take the medicine because she thinks that death is near and it’s useless to take any medicine.
  • Marked restlessness, making the patient continually change position,
  • Excessive weakness and the tendency to even faint.
  • Anxiety attacks that get worse at night and make the person fearful to be alone


  • He goes sleepless due to the mind being occupied with too many ideas.
  • Oversensitive patients who have sudden mood changes from laughing to weeping and who experience
  • Sleeplessness agg after 3 am


  • They feel sleepy but remain awake due to the acuteness of hearing.
  • Distant noises like cocks crowing keep them awake.
Feeling of Worthlessness and Suicidal Thoughts


  • She easily gets angry over the slightest contradiction and any fright brings a feeling of depression.


  • The patients have to exercise much self-control to prevent themselves from committing suicide.
  • Very sad with an aversion to talking to others can benefit by this medicine.
  • Such a person cannot be made happy and even lively music is of no help.