Puls ₳ Sep

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Puls Sep


  • Cooling. After getting your feet wet.
  • After consuming pork, fatty foods, pastries, ice cream. Food too diverse.
  • Before the storm.
  • After drinking tea.
  • Anger and vexation, or annoyance. (Lyc ₳ Sep)
  • Sepia patient is upset all the time.
  • The blows and the falls.
  • The shaking.
  • The trauma.
  • When the patient has lifted too much weight (dyspepsia).
  • Snowy weather (esp slush).
  • Tobacco (which causes neuralgia). Alcohol
  • Laundry work
  • Boiled eggs (Diarrhea).
  • Fatty pork (like Puls)


  • Between 12-4
  • Esp between 4 and 8 p.m. (Lyc)
  • Remission of symptoms in the morning, until midday,
  • After waking up agg
  • Afternoon until 4 a.m.
  • 4 and 8 p.m


  • Puls is Hot/ Warm-blooded: Symptoms are agg by heat in all its forms,
  • Sepia is a cold remedy . His symptoms are aggravated by the cold and the patient is chilly.
  • Sep is enhanced by the warmth of the bed.


  • Both are very sensitive to humidity , changes in weather.
  • Sepia is also extremely sensitive to snowy weather , and to the new moon


  • Cannot tolerates lack of oxygen. He sleeps with the windows open and, when driving, he always wants to roll down the windows.
  • Sepia can be worse in a warm room, often doing better there and showing aversion to fresh air


  • Both worse in the supine position . Pulsatilla is worse lying on the side but improved lying on the back .
  • Puls is worsened by position changes (rarely improved).
  • Puls agg by getting up after leaning forward (rarely improved).
  • Puls agg by sitting.
  • Pulsatilla agg by rising from a seat
  • Pulsatilla agg or amel by bending the diseased part.
  • Sep is better lying on the side, but worse lying on the back
  • Sep is improved by rolling over in bed
  • Sep is always improved by standing up
  • Sepia is improved by sitting
  • Sepia is improved by rising from a seat
  • Sep agg by bending the diseased part


  • Both aggr at the start of movement and improved by continued movement
  • Puls is enhanced by slow, gentle movement. (Kent).
  • Both amel by mobilization of the diseased part . Puls sometimes agg
  • Sep amel by violent exercises
  • Sepia always amel by mobilization of the diseased part


  • Both worse after meals.
  • Puls agg after just a few bites of food.
  • Puls agg long after meals
  • Both aggravated by pork, esp fatty pork
  • Sepia sometimes amel after meals


  • Puls agg by sleep
  • Sep amel by sleep and especially a short nap (Phos).

Touch/ Pressure

  • Puls is mostly amel by pressure
  • Sep agg by touch, brushing the diseased part


  • Puls (esp) and Sep amel by appearance or recovery of any shedding or rash


  • Puls is quite bloated and appears healthy,
  • Sep is elongated and thin, with a narrow pelvis, not at all a woman's pelvis, which suggests difficulties in time of delivery.

Venus circulation

  • Both remedies have a very significant action on venous circulation esp Puls (like Ham
  • In a hot and poorly ventilated room, the veins become distended, Chest oppression.
  • The fresh air amel, Slow walking amel.
  • Varicose veins : Veins are distended in the extremities,
  • Legs feel heavy, Pain agg by hanging the leg.
  • Digestive disorders (ptosis),
  • Hemorrhoids (congestion of the portal system),
  • Pelvic genital organs which are engorged (prolapse, bearing-down )
  • Varicose veins.
  • Numb. Calf cramps, The feet are frozen
Mucous membranes and skin
  • Puls acts more on the mucous membranes, while
  • All mucous membranes are affected: mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, bronchi, tongue, stomach, intestines, genitals and urinary organs.
  • Sep has more of its action on the skin
  • The eruptions are more in Sep
  • Itching always


Often wet Often dry


Agg or not influenced by scratching Agg by scratching

Skin color

Purple coloring of the skin lesions. (Lach)

Clothing contact

  • Puls cannot tolerate the contact of wool or being warmly dressed and is close to Sul
  • Sep cannot tolerate the contact of the collar at the neck and is close to Lach


  • Catarrh of the mucous membranes in both remedies.
  • Thick, yellowish, greenish and non-irritating, with the exception of leucorrhoea which is irritating
  • Secretions are milky (very characteristic of Sepia) or yellowish, greenish and irritating


Constant stool urging (Nux-v)


Coryza + Loss of smell


Hot and painful Painless


Right lateral Left lateral


Puls Sep

Cramp feeling

  • Puls presents with more smooth muscle spasms (colic).
  • Sep presents more spasms of striated muscles (in the limbs for example)


  • Puls itch agg or not influenced by scratching
  • Sepia itching is always agg by scratching

Lack of thirst

  • Absence of thirst is observed in both remedies. However, it is more characteristic of Puls than of Sep.
  • Puls as in Sep, thirst is present during the shivering period

Feelings of heat and cold (chills)

  • Puls amel by movement and outdoors
  • The diseased part is hot when touched by the hand in Puls
  • Sep Agg by movement and outdoors
  • At Sepia, she is damp with sweat.


  • Puls is usually hungry
  • Sep is inpalatable

Skin disease

Common Puls Sep
  • Psoriasis
  • Intertrigo
  • Urticaria
  • Ulcers
  • Erysipelas
  • Acne
  • Scabs
  • Ichthyosis
  • Herpes
  • Pemphigus


Puls Sep
Bearing down / Uterine prolapse + +++
Menses Short and Scanty
  • Prolonged and Abundant
  • Menses do not start after weaning
Sexual desire Great LowAversion to coitus
Gonorrhea +++ +++
Urinary incontinence Both are obliged to continually pay attention to their bladder, if they do not want to involuntarily wet their pants


Puls Sep
  • Quite depressed, gentle, melancholic, tearful, moody.
  • She is extremely touchy and irritable.
  • She has bizarre and strong ideas.
  • Puls imagines that certain diet items reputed to be good for health are in reality harmful and she abstains from them, that marriage is harmful and she flees the company of men, etc.
  • Puls is taciturn, says nothing and only responds with monosyllables, like his sister Sep.
  • Faced with such a patient, the practitioner wonders if he is dealing with a Puls or a Sep or even a Nat-m
  • Sep is indifferent towards loved ones. Sep is not moved when her husband or children are seriously ill. She even feels hatred for her husband, her parents and she cannot stand her children.
  • All she asks is to be left alone, to let her sleep.
  • Abortions or who abandon their offspring.
  • Sep is, with Lyc are most sensitive to contradiction. This character trait allows more than once in practice to opt for Sepia.
  • Both have changeable mood. One moment, she is sweet, tearful, then, suddenly, she gets angry. You can never predict Sepia's reactions.
  • Puls is improved by consolation. but sep agg


Puls Sep
Main regions
  • Psyche
  • Veins
  • Mucous membranes
  • Breathing
  • Unilaterality
  • Right heart
  • Venous circulation:
  • pelvic female organs.
  • nerves
  • skin
  • Heat:
  • After getting your feet wet
  • Deletions
  • In the evening. Rest
  • Start
  • Lying on left side
  • After meals:
  • Puberty - pregnancy
  • Before menstruation
  • Iron. Quinine
  • Cold:
  • Humidity.
  • Snow
  • Sexual excesses
  • Before menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Abortion
  • Morning
  • Evening
  • After first sleep
  • Cold. Fresh air
  • Uncovering yourself
  • Standing straight
  • Slow movement . Continuous
  • Movement
  • After a good cry
  • Violent exercise
  • Heat . Cold drinks