Scanty menses

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It is listed under Genito-Urinary diseases

Related disease


Scanty and late periods esp in PCOS


  • Menstrual flow is mostly present in the daytime
  • Menstrual flow may change appearance
  • Cases of suppressed periods.
  • Scanty flow + Menstrual colic + Restlessness + Chilliness
  • Colic may lead to vomiting
  • She is sad and want to weep during the periods.
  • Leucorrhoea before or after menses. Pulsatilla is also highly useful for treating scanty periods in cases of .
Irregular Menstrual Cycle


  • Menses may be too early or too late, but the menstrual flow is always scanty.
  • Bearing down pain in the pelvis may be marked.
  • Abdominal distress, pain in the back and constipation before menses.
  • Acne on the face before menses
  • Sadness + Persistent Headache during menses
  • Infertility in women who have scanty and irregular periods.
Scanty / Painful Periods


  • Scanty periods includes bad colic during menses.
  • There is griping, abdominal spasms, colicky or labor like pains in the uterus + Hip pain and backache.
  • Tearing pains in the ovaries
  • Heat sensation in the abdomen.
  • The menstrual flow may be thick or thin, pale or dark in color.
  • The periods also last for a shorter duration.
  • Vaginal pain + Dryness.
Blackish Flow


  • The flow is offensive
  • Periods become shorter in duration (sometimes for as less as an hour.)
  • Marked ovarian pains during menses.
  • The pain may be pressing or sharp, shooting or stitching in nature.
  • Labor-like pains in the uterus and pain in small of the back during menses.
Scanty Periods of Shorter Duration


  • Delayed periods by two to three months.
  • Pain in the hypogastric region extending down the thigh and legs.
  • Marked attending feature: Pain and soreness in the breast before periods.
  • Breast pain agg while walking
  • Leucorrhoea may follow menses.
Scanty Menses + Pungent Odor


  • Menstrual flow is acrid.
  • Hot flashes, Shooting /Violent colicky pains over the abdomen + Chilliness before the menses
  • Headache, Aching pains in small of back, lethargy, and sleepiness during the menses
Periods that Last Few Hours


  • Blood is thin, Light-colored and may be offensive
  • Periods are attended with cramping uterine pains.
  • The pain from uterus tends to radiate down the thighs.
  • Nausea and nervous restlessness may be present with the pain.
  • Bearing down / Excruciating pain in uterus, Aching in the sacral region and sharp, shooting pain in the ovaries before menses
Scanty, Early Periods


  • Menstrual flow is pale colored
  • Scanty/ Early periods due to anemia
Scanty Menses Followed by Profuse Flow


  • The flow is more during the night.
  • Uterine cramps appear with cutting pain in the groins.
  • Anxiety, sadness, irritability, pressing headache arise before menses.
  • Scanty and delayed periods in anemic women. (Mang-act)
  • Sterility in females with late and scanty periods.
Stringy Periods + Dark Clots


  • During periods, griping, cutting uterine colic may appear.
  • Uterine spasms amel by pressure.
  • Burning heat in the vagina before the menses
  • Heaviness in the head, sensitivity to light, anxiety, palpitation, extreme prostration Before / During menses