Sciatalgia , Sciatic

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Radar rubric

Neurological disorders - sciatica:

AGAR, bry, coloc, gnaph, lyc, mag-p, rhus-t



  • Night , 4 A.M: Coloc
  • Periodic pain, esp every 4 days: Lyc



  • Massage / Physiotherapy amel: Aesc
  • Pressure agg: Kali-i, Lyc, Nux-v
  • Touch agg: Coloc, Lach



  • Cold agg: Bry, Nux-v
  • Cold + Wet agg: Rhus-t, Ruta
  • Heat amel: Lyc, Ars, Mag-p, Nux-v
  • Heat agg: Led
  • Open air amel: Kali-i


  • Lumbar: Nux-v
  • Shooting from hip to knee/Leg: Coloc, Lach, Lyc, Ruta
  • Shooting from hip to Ankle: Aesc
  • Shooting from hip Downward: Plb
  • Sacrum: Rhus-t



  • Climate change: Lach
  • Defecation: Nux-v, Aesc, Tell
  • Direct pressure of the protruding disc: Agar, Tell, Hyper, Aesc, Bry
  • Heavy lifting/ Difficult childbirth: Nux-v
  • Masturbation: Nux-v
  • Physical shock such as shaking: Nux-v, Tell, Bell
  • Sleep after: Lach, Led
  • Trauma: Arn, Hyper, Agar, Tell
  • Urination: Tell
  • Vexation agg: Coloc

Accompanied by

First line remedies

Character Rubrics


Left Sided

  • Pain starts in the lower back and radiates down the leg to toes.
  • In some cases, the pain is located in the left hip or pain in the hip radiates to the knee.
  • The pain may be drawing/tearing/ shooting in nature.
  • In some cases, it may be lightening, shock- like or cramping.
  • Pressure application may provide relief.
  • Lying on the left side also offers relief in some cases.
  • Some persons requiring Colocynthis may also get relief from warm applications.
  • C30 BD or TDS or if needed 200C or 1M
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - burning, with (Coloc ₳ Rhus-t)
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - numbness, with: GNAP.
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel.Kali-i. tell Valer.
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel. - abdomen, on, amel
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - hip to knee: elat. Lach. plan
  • Hips - TEARING, pain - extending to - sciatic nerve, down to: lyc
  • Legs - SHOOTING, pain - extending, down sciatic: lach, Ruta
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - midnight - 4 a.m
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg (opposite to Rhus-t)
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - walking, agg.: bar-c. Berb. Chinin-s. coff. Coloc. ign. laugh. Led. nat-act. nat-s. psor. Sulph. zinc.
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg. - continued, agg
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - rising, from seat
  • Throbbing sciatica (Lac-c)
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - touch, agg: CHININ-S, LACH, ...
  • Vexation agg
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - right: Lyc, Phyt, Tell


Right Sided

  • Pain is cutting/ shooting/ stabbing or stitching in nature.
  • Pain starts in the lower back and extends down the right hip, thigh, the hollow of knee and leg.
  • Pressure or warm applications may offer relief. In some cases, uncovering the lower limb worsen the pain
  • TDS or QID



  • Sciatica pain Alternates with or Accompanied by numbness. (Coloc ₳ Gnaph)
  • Folding thighs towards the abdomen provides some relief.
  • Pain is confined to the calves and feet.
  • Sciatica in with Burning
  • C30 BD
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - alternating, side - numbness, with
  • Alternating side sciatalgia
  • Lying down / Sitting agg
  • Motion / Walking / Stepping agg
  • Night agg (Like Kali-i)


Walking/ Slightest motion agg

  • Lying down absolutely still provides some relief.
  • Lying down on the affected side amel
  • The hip and leg of the affected side may feel heavy.
  • The pain is tearing in nature from the hip through the back of the thigh and into the calf.
  • C30 TDS or QID or C200 or 1M
  • Drawing pain
  • Cold agg


Painful With Rest

  • Pain location: Sacrum
  • Lying on the painful side could worsen the pain in such cases.
  • Amel with movement (Nux-v, Puls)
  • Along with severe pain, a burning sensation may be felt in the lower limbs.
  • Rhus Tox also works wonderfully well in treating sciatica that arises from lifting any heavy weight.
  • There is a cramp like pain in the leg.
  • The patient has an inability to sit in one position for a long time.
  • Rhus-t has a special pain in sacrum. Its quality is between Stretching and Heaviness of Lach and neuralgic pain of Coloc.
  • Feeling like Bruising / Heaviness / Breaking / Lameness /Burning / Cutting
  • Aggravation with Sitting / Standing and at the start of movement
  • BACK - PAIN - Sacral region - bending - backward
  • BACK - PAIN - cutting - Sacral region - bending - backward, when

Second class remedies


Protruding disc

  • Neuralgic pain caused by direct pressure of the protruding disc (Agar ₳ Tell)
  • Agg with stooping (Tell)
  • Accompanied by dysuria.
  • Movement amel and Immobility agg (Kali-bi, Valer, Rhus-t, Lyc, Ferr) (Agar ₳ Ruta)
  • Back - DISKS, syndrome, slipped or ruptured vertebrae: AESC, BRY, HYPER
  • EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - sciatica - sitting - agg: AM-M, LYC
  • EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - sciatica - standing - agg


Pressure agg

  • Burning Pain
  • Periodic pain, esp every 4 days
  • Right side


Open air amel

  • Night agg
  • Left side (Opposite to Lyc)
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel: Ars. coloc. graph. guaj. Kali-bi, tell Valer


  • Hanging legs agg
  • Bending legs amel (Coloc ₳ Valer)
  • Night agg
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel. Ars, coloc, graph, gauj, Kali-bi, Kali-i, tell
  • Legs - SCIATICA, pain - stretching, the leg, agg: berb, Caps, cham, ferr, gauj


Lumbar disc rupture

  • Sciatica due to lumbar disc rupture (Aesc, Agar, Bry, Hyper) (Agar ₳ Tell)
  • Pain spreads like a needle from the back to Pelvis / Leg
  • Spinal irritation = Very sensitive to touch
  • Agg by lying down, esp on the affected area (Bry, Kali-i, Lyc, Rhus-t)
  • Chronic sciatica that causes Contraction / Chronic spasm
  • Flexing limb amel (Kali-i, Valer)
  • Sudden movement agg (Coughing / Laughing / Sneezing)
  • Stooping, agg.
  • Left / Right sided
  • Night agg
  • Stool / Urination agg


Heat agg


  • Sciatica esp after trauma (Arn, Hyper, Agar, Tell)
  • Sciatica when going up (Agar) or down stairs (Am-m)
  • Burning Pain


Protruding disc

  • Neuralgic pain due to direct pressure of the protruding disc. (Aesc ₳ Agar)
  • Hip / Lower limb pain travels to the ankle along the sciatic nerve
  • Agg when getting up from a chair
  • Amel with Massage / Physiotherapy
  • Sciatica + Hemorrhoids
  • Lumbosacral pain:
    • Agg by bending forward
    • Agg after stool
    • Agg with standing
  • Hips - ACHING, pain - extending, along sciatic nerve – ankle: merc-i-r
  • Legs - SHOOTING, pain - extending, down sciatic nerve - downwards: PLB


Legs - SCIATICA, pain - motion, agg. - slow, amel: kali-p


  • Sciatica pain from hip to knee (Coloc)
  • Burning
  • Agg after sleep (Led)
  • Amel by lying down (Am-m)
  • Climate change agg
Legs - SCIATICA, pain - sleep, after, agg: led


  • Accompanying by
    • Muscle contraction
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Feet Numbness / Tingling
  • Throbbing back pain
  • Pain extends to
    • Groin
    • Upwardly
  • Nux-v is king remedy of Backache with many modalities such as
    • Masturbation
    • After / During difficult childbirth / Heavy lifting
    • Bending
Agg with:
  • Wind exposure / Amel with Heat Application / Bed heat
  • Humiliated/ Offended
  • Lying on affected side (Kali-i ₳ Nux-v)
  • Standing
  • Raising up the leg
  • During / After defecation
  • Physical shock such as shaking (Tell, Bell)

Tissue Salt Remedies

  • FP: Sciatica due to exposure to cold
  • MP: Neuralgic pain, sharp and sharp, like an electric shock
  • KP: Constant, dull, vague pain