Sehgal Second Degree Rubrics
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Sehgal rubrics
- Here you see Second Degree of practical Sehgal rubrics according to REDISCOVERY OF HOMOEOPATHY
- Other important rubrics are seen in
Ailment from Honor, woundedAur, Cham, Ign, Lyc, nat-m, Nux-v, Plat, Staph, Sul, Verat |
Amusement, desire for |
Today I am not feeling well, and I just do not want to do anything except that I should have something to hold my mind pleasantly. | Excitement, amel |
Bed, desire to remain in |
Liking to remain in bed, most of the time even when it is not the time to be in bed. | I can do anything. The jobs which require standing or sitting position on uncomfortable to me | |
Business, incapacity |
Feeling of incapability for business or lack of power of performance for business. | My work do interest me but I feel, I do not have the required energy to accomplish it. Therefore I cannot do it | |
Capriciousness |
Carefulness |
Cares, full of trifles about |
Cares, full of trifles aboutArs, Aur, Bar-c, Chin |
Carefulness |
Carried, desires to be |
Helplessness, feeling |
Carried, desires to be fastArs, Bell, Brome, Rhus-t, Verat |
Cautious |
These days seasonal disease are quite common. I wanted to know whether it is possible to prevent them by homeopathy | |
Cautious, anxiouslyBar-c, Crac, Caust, Lyc, Puls, Sil, Sul |
Deeds, feels as if he could do great |
DefiantAcon, Arn, Bell, Caust, Cina, Ign, Nux-v, Puls, Sil, Sul |
Mood repulsive |
Delirium, Business, talks of |
*Exchanges information etc. about business through speech with others. It shows business being the main concern in one's mind. |
Delusions, injury, is about to receive |
It is being conveyed through senses that one is going to have some harm any moment. | Something from within is giving me to feel that a sever attack of fever or something else is around the corner and is about to plunge me into a great suffering | |
Delusions, wretched, thinks she looks |
Disgust |
Escape, attempts to |
Envy |
Delusions, wretched, thinks she looks |
Excitement, amelAur, Lil-t, Sep |
Amusement, desire for |
Exhilaration can recall things long forgotten |
Fear, injured, of being |
Fear, sufferings of |
Fear, superstitious |
Fear, Causeless |
Gesture makes, Groping, as if in the dark |
Apparently I do not find any relief. I am at a loss to understand as to what to do in this condition. Neither I am able to assess whether or not I am recovering in any way nor I am able to decide to whom else to approach for a fresh opinion. | |
Helplessness, feeling |
Impatience, pain from |
Versions: " |
Fear, sufferings of |
Indifference, desire has no, no action of the willHell, Kali-p, Podo, Verat |
Helplessness, feeling |
Indifference, sufferings to |
Feeling of no concern so far one's sufferings are concerned as if nothing is happening to him. | Ailments may be of any dimension (strength), we have never seen him showing any concern about that. "He keeps himself normal. | |
Indignation |
Curious |
Inquisitive: one who searches into or makes efforts to satisfy one's curiosity (having desire to learn or know about anything |
Light, Desire for |
Longing, sunshine, light and society forKali-s, Stram |
PlayfulCocc, Lach, Tarent |
Disposed to engage oneself in some amusing exercise. | These days I am in a mood to indulge in talking to anyone very freely. But I am finding none. My husband has no time for all these things. I am badly after finding some | |
PrayingArs, Bell, Hyos, Op, Plat, Puls, Stram, Verat |
You are a doctor. You can properly understand my problem. I request only you to rid me of this nasty disease earlier as possible because I am much in trouble. | |
Rest, can not, when things are not in proper placeAnac, Ars |
Cannot be at peace as long as things are brought back to the order required. This rubric may be converted into these words. "Things do not appear in order" but is not necessary that peace of mind is lost in every case. In the broader context the disorder may be of any type concerning anything in life or society (even one's own action or of others) etc. etc. |
Mood, RepulsiveBell, Puls, Sul, ... |
Shrieking, Aid/ Help forCamph, Hep, Ign, Kali-c, Laur, Plat, Plb, Rhus-t, Stram |
Shrinking, alternating with unconsciousnessApis, Bell, Bufo, Rheum, Tub, Zinc |
Weeping, refused anything, when |
Weeping, refused anything, whenBell, Cham, Dulc, Ign, Spong, Tarent |
Weeping, touched whenAnt-c, Ant-t, Cham, Cina, Sil, Stram |
Shrinking, alternating with unconsciousness |