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  • The sum of physical peculiarities of an individual exclusive of all tendencies to disease.
  • Different temperaments give different degrees of peculiarity to disease, but they do not evolve the disease itself.
  • Temperament is physiological and diathesis pathological.

Four Temperaments

  • Yellow bile, Choleric / / Bilious
  • Black bile, Melancholic / Nervous
  • Phlegm, Phlegmatic / Lymphatic
  • Blood, Sanguine

Sanguine temperament


  • It is excellence a remedy for sanguine temperament and rarely a remedy for any diathesis
  • It suits the robust constitution, the full, active circulation; the rapidity with which such a temperament is invaded, the circulatory storm that sweeps these constitutions
  • Tendency to congestion


  • Dark hair, rigid fiber
  • Greatly resembles Acon



Nervous temperament

Such patients will suffer from mental strain and are worse from inactive, sedentary habits. A suppression of this nervous activity results disastrously.


  • Nux-v is great remedy for the nervous temperament in males
  • Nux-v acts best in spare, slim people; not so well in the fleshy, the irascible, the quick acting, the sallow and yellow.
  • Nux-v may counterfeit the sanguine at times with its red cheeks, but these are on a yellow background, and this shows the bilious mixture, for seldom are temperaments pure.


  • Ign is great remedy for the nervous temperament iin females


  • It acts well in men and women who are puffed and flabby, who have a yellow, blotched, brown and dirty skin
  • They are inclined to sweat in the armpits, genitals and back
  • They suffer from hot flashes and morning headache.
  • In other words, a mixture of the lymphatic and bilious

Gelsemium with its sickly apathy, its dulness, drowsiness and stupidity will never find a place here.

Phlegmatic temperament


  • Pulsatilla is a purely lymphatic remedy.
  • Note its timorous, fearful state of mind and sluggish venous conditions.
  • This effeminate disposition, this blue-eyed, freckled damsel that hasn’t much of a will of her own, lacks backbone, is the very type that offers the most suitable soil for the action of Pulsatilla.
  • To be sure Pulsatilla can act under less favorable conditions, can show its power, for instance, on a high-strung, passionate, determined gentleman from the South; but here our drug is hampered and dwarfed in its action. Remember a drug’s best natural soil, but do not forget that it can act in other less favored individuals.


  • Sulp is another remedy for lymphatic constitutions,
  • Suiting like Puls the light-complexioned, easily angered, though, too, it suits the dark, being a mainstay in the treatment of the negro, but here perhaps owing to the large amount of scrofula in this race.
  • The skin eruptions, the offensive odors, the sluggishness of the lymphatic temperament is here.


  • Agar is suitable to light hair, lax skin and muscles, and to old people with indolent circulations.

Alum / Con

  • Alum and Con suit dry, thin, withered subjects and old people.


  • Graph is applicable best to the fleshy, sad, constipated individual with inclination to delayed menses.
  • Sec suits the tall and scrawny, the lax muscular fibre, the feeble and cachectic, the old and decrepit.


  • Sil suits the large headed, the defective growing, the nervous, the non-resisting, the leucophlegmatic and sanguine.


  • Calc for the large, fat, unwieldy body, the rapidly growing, the sluggish, the over-active, the self- willed; but the great field of this remedy is in the correcting of diatheses to which it is specially adapted.


  • Thuj is a remedy for the dark, black haired, the dry fibre, those of a lymphatic tendency and lethargic nature.

Clinical suggestion

  • The value of taking these temperaments into consideration in prescribing
  • For example in treating a Bry or Rhus-t rheumatism, if you diagnose nervous temperament, an occasional dose of Nux-v will help in the cure, if you have Nux-v features.
  • Or in treating of a Oenanthe crocata epilepsy in a lymphatic temperament, someintercurrent dosed of Calc Accelerate the process of healing. Diatheses.