Thuj , Thuja Occidentalis

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Thuj in brief

  • Thuj is a widely used remedy, although not as much as Nit-ac
  • It is not a remedy that can be recognized only by its psychological image and often requires miasmatic analysis.
  • Ailments from
    • Bad effects of vaccination
    • Suppressed or maltreated gonorrhea
  • Hydrogenoid constitution; lymphatic temperament
  • Fleshy persons; dark complexion; black hair
  • Rapid exhaustion & emaciation
  • Chilly remedy
  • Unhealthy skin: Brown / Brownish white spots here and there.

Sankaran view

  • Strongly sycotic remedy
    • Its main indications is the feeling of fragility, of being frail (A feeling of weakness within oneself)
    • Feeling of having something wrong or being weak with oneself (Like Med)

Physical Fragility

  • He feels that any article of food or drink is surely bound to cause him problems
  • His body cannot take things such as drugs, allergens, emotional stress or even a draught of air.
  • He thinks his body looks very ugly.

MIND - DELUSIONS - body - ugly; body looks: bar-c, positr, tub

Emotional fragility

  • Fear of losing face in society: He believes that he has a certain image in society of being a religious, morally upright, clean, honest person, free from human failings such as dishonesty, sexual temptations (especially) when forbidden, etc.
  • He presents an elevated picture of himself and is afraid that any little slip on his part might reveal the real him or the bad part of him which he has tried so hard to cover up. I have to hide my inner self because if others find out how worthless I am, they will reject me.

    MIND - DELUSIONS - friend - affection of; has lost the

    MIND - DELUSIONS - worthless; he is

  • Low self-confidence who does not feel good about himself. (Ambr, Lac-c). I am not accepted / Appreciated enough(Fix Idea).

MIND - THOUGHTS - persistent

MIND - DELUSIONS - appreciated, she is not

  • He insults himself.



  • He tries to avoid all these factors and attempts to keep himself covered from exposure to the same.
  • These avoidances only reinforce the fear, and this vicious cycle goes on, making Thuj one of the main remedies for neurosis, with several obsessive-compulsive traits, fixed ideas and behavior patterns.
  • Even a single dose of placebo could aggravated them so much that they had to stop it completely.
  • On the other hand, some patients insist that unless they take the dose, all their complaints return, and they want to keep taking the doses every so often.
  • He hates being in public and doesn't like anyone to see him, Esp afraid of strangers.
  • Afraid of other people's comments.

MIND - FEAR - opinion of others, of

  • I am fragile and unstable and I can break at any time. As if my body is made of glass or wood.
  • He does not like to be approached or touched by anyone.
  • Loneliness: Nobody loves me. I don't have any friends. He gets very sad about this.
  • You shouldn't necessarily look for this clear picture for prescription because some people show this condition in a milder way. For example:
    • I am not OK
    • I have a defect that I need to hide.
    • When I walk, my bones feel weak and may break. I don't have osteoporosis.
    • Don't get crushed in the crowd. He does not like anyone to touch him
    • Better to stay at home..... Body is brittle!!!

Psychotic secrecy

  • In this “bad part” lies his dishonesty, sexual desires (which may even be for close relatives), his immoral or irreligious feelings. If this is discovered, he is going to fall down from his imagined elevated position
  • Thus, his survival depends on a complete cover up, and there is a tremendous anxiety of being exposed.
  • Translated into expressions,Thuj is secretive and talks to the physician as if sharing a secret
  • He is conscious of the presence of other persons, especially strangers.
  • In rubrics, you have the feeling of floating in the air (Delusion, body lighter than air) and dreams of falling from high places which represent his fear of falling from his elevated position.

Thuj examples

  • Religious fanatics, Rigidity in thinking, Very fixed ideas. Theocracies
  • Eruptions which occur on the covered parts (as if they don’t want to be seen);
  • Jerks from sleep as if falling from high places
  • Hair on unusual parts such as middle phalynx of fingers, pinna of the ears
  • Strong smelling sweat (esp about the genitals),
  • Fleshy pedunculated warts, moles. They from the
  • Axillary sweat that leave Yellowish stains/ Saltish / Oily sediment and it may be .
  • They are chilly and like a hot bath.
  • Thuj women can be very afraid of pregnancy, and often have the sensation of being pregnant, with associated feelings of guilt. These women can also be jealous, and may have fixed ideas that the husband is faithless.
  • I have also observed that many Thuja people often exhibit a preference for the colour green.


  • Delusion, body is Delicate / Thin / Brittle / Lighter than air.
  • Delusion, that she is made of glass
  • Insanity, will not be touched
  • Fear, of others approaching him
  • Fear, physician will not see him, he seems to terrify her
  • Fear, of strangers
  • Fanaticism
  • Dreams, falling, height, from
  • Monomania
  • Vertigo, walking, sensation of gliding in air, as if feet did not touch the ground, while
  • Back: injuries of spine
  • Face: greasy
  • Warts, on the face
  • Warts, on the external throat/cervical region
  • Corrugated nails
  • Pain, rectum, while sitting
  • Urethra: urine remained in, after urinating, as if some
  • Perspiration, genitalia, sweetish odour
  • Axilla: perspiration, frosty deposits
  • Axilla: boils
  • Back pain, standing erect almost impossible after sitting
  • Skin, warts, pedunculated.


• Aversion, to approach.

• Brittle, broken feeling.

• Fanaticism.

• Hair all over the body.

• Strangers, presence of, aggravates.

Clinical points

  • Be sure to think about this remedy in case of HPV. Even if it does not appear in the repertory and you prescribe another remedy, Thuj may be needed somewhere.
  • In cases where the treatment process is not progressing as well as it should and HPV miasm indicators are observed, it is better to prescribe a dose of Thuj without obsession. To speed up the treatment and open the so-called case
  • Thuj is not a remedy that should be prescribed too obsessively because improper administration does not disturb the patient.
  • Thuj is a suitable prescription for people who do not have a sharp smell and the disease progress is slow, and as the saying goes, the noise of the disease is delayed, such as tumors and hypertrophies.
  • Thuj is a good remedy after Med (in gonorrhea), Merc (in herpes) and Nit-ac (in papilloma)
  • PCOD
  • Vitiligo


  • A lot of sweat, esp greasy, which makes the skin and hair greasy

Perspiration – OILY

  • Nocturnal sweating, esp at the beginning or in the middle of sleep, which subsides when he wakes up.

Perspiration - SLEEP, during - sleep, on beginning to

Perspiration - SLEEP, during - waking, during - sleep.

  • Greasy and smelly sweat and coloring, esp on the feet
  • Sweating stops when you sleep and starts when you wake up (unlike Samb)
  • Profuse sweating all over the body except the head

Perspiration - HEAD, except the RHUS-T, SAMB

  • Unilateral sweating of the body

Perspiration - SIDES, one sided NUX-V, PETR, PULS

  • 90% of patients have a strong desire to eat onions and get worse with it.

Guide signs

  • Deterioration of the quality of skin, hair and nails. Misshapen and fragile nails (Ant-c)
  • Increase in all types of warts (Flesh, Condyloma, Wide) in the body
  • Serious hormonal changes such as hirsutism and irregular menstruation
  • Hormonal disorders secondary to ovarian problems (esp PCOD)
  • A lot of sweat, esp greasy, which causes the skin and hair to become greasy
  • Skin pimples (Acne) which has a slow process


Thuj is the first HPV remedy with the following evidence:

  • A listless person, with burning pains and deadly arrowsNight problems
  • Crusted rash
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Pressive headache
  • Belching, bloated stomach
  • Urethritis
  • Asthma and short breaths
  • Types of genital rashes
  • Genital tenderness and redness


  • White and flaky dandruff, dry hair and hair loss
  • Agg of rash with cold bath

Skin - ERUPTIONS - burning - washing, when - in cold water, after: Clem

Skin - ERUPTIONS - cold, agg. - bathing agg: Ant-c

  • Rashes under clothes

Skin - ERUPTIONS - coppery, skin - covered parts Led

  • Rashes in the form of crusty, dry patches and small crusts (white crusts)

Skin - ERUPTIONS - crusty

Skin - ERUPTIONS - crusty – dry AUR, AUR-M

Skin - ERUPTIONS - crusty – patches Hydr, Kali-c, Merc, NIT-AC, Sabin, Sil, Zinc

Skin - ERUPTIONS - crusty - scratching, after

Skin - ERUPTIONS - crusty - white: Alum, Calc, Mez, NAT-M. tell.

Skin - ERUPTIONS - desquamating

Skin - ERUPTIONS - blotches - red – desquamating fl-ac

  • Discharging rash (Yellow / Destructive secretions and agg by scratching)

Skin - ERUPTIONS - discharging

Skin - ERUPTIONS - discharging - corrosive: Ars, Calc, caps, carbn-s, Clem, con, Graph, merc, Nat-m, ran-s, Rhus-t, SULPH

Skin - ERUPTIONS - discharging - scratching, after

Skin - ERUPTIONS - discharging - yellow


  • Psoriasis with elbow patches
  • Very slow development that has not changed much over the years
  • Psoriasis that does not itch and burn
  • Consider Nit-ac if inflammatory and rapid in nature.
  • Pay attention, boundaries between Nit-ac and Thuj are not very clear, and its recognition requires a lot of practice and precision. (Nit-ac ₳ Thuj)
  • I have also had good experience with Staph which is another HPV remedy.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

  • Prostate enlargement and fatigue that do not have many symptoms and you may give Calc. It's time to remember Thuj.
  • His urine comes drop by drop. (Puls, Con) The patient must wait to be discharged.
  • Urine bifurcation
  • Hard swelling of the prostate


  • For the complications of any vaccine, it is necessary to use the Genius Epidemicus of that disease to extract the right medicine, and blindly prescribing Thuj or Sil and Sul is not recommended. For example,
    • After the measles vaccine, if a complication appears, Sul is good
    • After polio, Bell or Gels
    • After the smallpox vaccine, Thuj is the best.


  • Warts, condylomas, polyps and fleshy growths with a base
  • Areas: Groin, Soles, Nails, Eye
  • • Consider Thuj in the treatment of large, hard chalazions when this is the case with half-active Staph.
  • • When the anal fissure becomes tender and painful to the touch and surrounded by broad warts or moist condyloma, think of Thuj.
  • • Ranula or nodular swelling under the tongue or floor of the mouth or tongue (Ambr) that contains blue varicose veins
  • • Soft ear polyp that bleeds.


  • MIND - HURRY - mental exertion; during ambr.k aur.k,mtf33 calc.mtf33 ign.k Kali-c.k,mtf33 laur.k op.k Sul-ac.k Thuj.k