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  • Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no corresponding external sound is present, often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, buzzing, hissing or roaring. It may be soft or loud, low- or high-pitched, and may seem to come from one or both ears or from the head itself.
  • It may interfere with concentration, and in some cases is associated with anxiety and depression.
  • Usually associated with a degree of hearing loss and decreased comprehension of speech in noisy environments.
  • It is common, affecting about 10–15% of people. Most, however, tolerate it well, and it is a significant problem in only 1–2% of all people.
  • Rather than a disease, tinnitus is a symptom that may result from various underlying causes and may be generated at any level of the auditory system and structures beyond that system.

Associated Entities/ Disease

Static Dynamic
Conductive hearing loss
  • Acoustic shock
  • Loud noise or music
  • Middle ear effusion / Earwax
  • Otosclerosis
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders
Sensorineural hearing loss
  • Excessive or loud noise; e.g. acoustic trauma
  • Presbycusis (age-associated hearing loss)
  • Superior canal dehiscence
  • Acoustic neuroma
  • Mercury or lead poisoning
  • Ototoxic medications
Neurologic disorders:
  • Arnold–Chiari malformation
  • Head injury
  • Giant cell arteritis
Other causes Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Metabolic disorders (Vit-B12 / Iron deficiency)

  • Psychedelic drugs
  • Intracranial hyper or hypotension caused by cerebrospinal fluid leak
  • Psychiatric disorders such as Depression /Anxiety disorders
  • Vasculitis
  • Intracranial hyper or hypotension caused by encephalitis


Type of Noise Other symptoms


  • Ringing noises in ears, A clear bell-like sound in the ear. include
  • Dryness, intense itching deep in the ear.
  • They cannot tolerate the sound of several people talking together
  • Old deaf people


  • Top Grade remedy
  • Popping and crackling noises in the ear
  • The latter sounds agg upon swallowing.
  • Excessive buildup or discharge of mucus in the nose or throat area.
  • A history of long-standing ear discharges (otorrhea)
  • Deafness from ear catarrh


  • Vertigo and Tinnitus
  • Tinnitus as a result of Meniere’s disease
  • triad of symptoms including noises in the ear, hearing loss, and vertigo appears.
  • The sounds are low in tone and almost constant.
  • Vertigo agg on sitting up or rising from bed and lying down provides relief.


  • Tinnitus with Sudden spells of Vertigo
  • The noises in the ear in these cases are mainly buzzing, ringing or roaring in nature.
  • He may be able to hear high pitched sounds but be deaf to human sounds.
  • Tinnitus synchronous with heartbeats


  • Tinnitus sounds Hissing and Buzzing or roaring in nature
  • Somatic tinnitus, where the symptoms of tinnitus agg when there is a movement of the head and jaw.
  • In some cases, cracking sounds in the ears are present.
  • Feeling of ‘stuffed ear’ and dryness


  • Ringing, roaring or buzzing n ear
  • Good remedy for Meniere’s disease.
  • Vertigo and a decline in the hearing ability
  • Severe headache may be present. Chininum Sulph is also used as an effective homeopathic

Second class remedies

Type of Noise Concomittants


Buzzing noises in the ear are present.
  • Pain in the ear which radiate to the temporal region
  • Hearing impaired also common.
  • Earache agg in the morning
  • Ears feel hot and sensitive to touch.


  • Roaring sounds in the ear.
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Tinnitus due to influenza
  • Tinnitus as a result of consuming Aspirin
  • Hearing loss
  • Episodes of vertigo.
  • Nausea + Sensation of blood rushing to the brain


  • Whistling noises are heard within the ear.
  • Hearing impaired that agg in damp weather
  • Obstructed sensation in the ears and shooting pain that agg upon speaking or laughing.


  • Hissing sounds inside the ear
  • Blocked sensation in the ear
  • Shooting pain
  • Hardness of hearing
  • Sensitivity to cold air
  • Ear discharges esp purulent, blood-stained and offensive.
  • A history of a perforated ear-drum is also present in some cases.


  • Humming noises in the ear
  • Fine ringing in ears + Debility.
  • A ticking noise is heard inside the ears
  • Stitching/ Tearing pain in the ears that agg with touch.
  • There may be overall weakness, debility, and headache.
  • Hearing impaired
  • After loss of fluids have been lost through vomiting, diarrhea, heavy sweating


  • Tinnitus with chirping noises inside the ear.
  • The ear may feel blocked
  • In cases of tinnitus where he hears a particular sound, like the pouring of water over a dam.
  • Intolerance towards noises in the environment + Spells of vertigo
  • A deep Stitching/ Shooting pain that agg in the open air
  • Ear is usually sensitive to touch.


Drumming sounds in the ear. A
  • Decrease in hearing along with excessive dryness
  • Hardness of the ear wax
  • Ear is sensitive towards the wind
  • Ear may feel stiff
  • Ear pain may develop towards the evening or night time.


  • Fluttering or flapping noises in the ear.
  • A prominent warm sensation inside the ear
  • Twitching and tearing pain in the ear during the evening


  • Machinery-like sound inside the ear.
  • Thick mucus discharge from the ear
  • Sensation of fullness in the in the forehead


  • Re-echo of words is heard in the ear.
  • Pulsating, burning sensation in the ear
  • Pressure in the head and ears
  • Purulent / Gluey/ Sticky ear discharge
  • Excessive accumulation of the ear wax


  • Noises of a waterfall present in the ear.
Sensitivity along with pressure and fullness in the ears.


  • Sounds of the wind inside the ear.
  • Difficulty in hearing in Cold / Damp weather,
  • Earache, and chronic ear infection with a thick yellowish-greenish colored discharge

Other remedies



  • Hearing impaired
  • Singing and roaring or crackling in the ears.
  • Cracking in the ears when chewing.
  • Strange and peculiar noise in the ears when swallowing.


  • Ringing in ears : buzzing.
  • Something heavy seems to lie before the ears; they seemed stopped, hearing not diminished.
  • Deafness after acute skin infection
  • Ears are too dry
  • Offensive otorrhoea


  • Pain and muscle tension in the neck and back.
  • They are usually energetic, nervous, and talkative, but become depressed or fearful when not feeling well.

Tissue Salt Remedies