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Core them

Give Nux-v wherever you see these three factors together:

  1. Irritability
  2. Interruption
  3. Unfinished
  4. Pragmatic

Prescribing Nux-v for neutralization of bad effects of other remedies, even pharmacologic drugs, is only useful when you see above factors in the patient.


Few people have Unfinished Sensation as the core of their life, and on the contrary, there are many who need this drug at some point in their life, and if you see this feeling, you should cleanse the patient with the help of this drug. This is the main criterion of prescription.

Nux-v wants everything to be in place to do the right thing. (pragmatic)

Unfinished sensation

Nux-v is a remedy for excitement and irritability due to incomplete work.

The type of managers who inspire panic and haste to their employees and believe it themselves. They have incomplete implementation of their job also failure to completely empty

  • Bowel movement (constipation)
  • Urinating (urinary retention)
  • Vomiting


Stomach, digestive tract, urinary tract, hands and feet

Sensitive to all external stimuli

  • Cold (air, application, drink, etc)
  • Air flow
  • Shaking
  • Noise
  • Disruption

Nux-v appearance

  • He is an outgoing and polite person.
  • Of course, if he is not late outside the office and his work is not behind, he will treat you well.
  • His behavior is similar to managers even if he is not a manager. The way he behaves, the way he wears glasses or takes notes
  • Nux-v is not a complicated person. They are completely extroverted, logical and pragmatic.
  • Reaction to medicine in Nux is very good and fast, and if you give Nux-v to the disease and it doesn't work quickly, doubt your diagnosis.
  • Nux-v enters the office with a grim and serious look and forces you to be careful and even give him special explanations about your work. It's like you're teaching your teacher back.
  • He looks a little angry, but he is also joking.
  • Nux-v wants everything to be in place


  • Nux-v is quite Ambitious because it has an Unfinished sensation. This would be similar to Ars.
  • It 's better mentioned that Carc, Sul, Aur are perfectionists, but Ars, Nux-v should be considered Ambitious. (Ars ₳ Nux-v , Aur ₳ Nux-v , Carc ₳ Nux-v , Nux-v ₳ Sul )

 No matter how far Carc goes, he feels incomplete. It's as if internal reward doesn't come and he must do his job very, very well to satisfy himself

 The core of Ars is "Where should I stop?" He gets this feeling while progressing and moving forward. Now that I have progressed so much, why not go further? He doesn't worry about not being perfect but he can't control his Ambition to get better.


Severe, recurring and long-term headaches

Headache originating from the stomach and nerves in people living at home (Arg-n, Bry)

NOSE - DISCHARGE - copious - stuffing of head; with : KALI-I


• He is a very tired, sleepless and irritable person who can sleep but cannot or does not want to sleep.

CNS: Severe irritability that may lead to convulsions

Digestive tract

Nux is a good choice in gastroenteritis (Diarrhea) with irritability and cramping pain.

Nausea by seeing or thinking about food (Cocc, Colch) or smelling food (Ars, Coloch, Sep)

Stomach - NAUSEA, general - food, general - smell of : COLCH

Stomach - NAUSEA, general - food, general - thought of : COCC. COLCH

Stomach - NAUSEA, general - food, general - thought of food eaten


  • All kinds of digestive problems, especially the stomach, which is often accompanied by severe crampy pain and belching.
  • Gastric headache: Close relationship between headache and stomach problems.
  • Severe abdominal bloating that wants to burst. (Lyc and Ars) (Lyc ₳ Nux-v)


Inflamed, swollen hemorrhoid



Caused by peristaltic movements and is associated with ineffective urging, and the more one pushes, the worse the condition becomes

Unfinished sensation

It causes frequent inefficient Urging which amel by defecation

Anal irritability

Nux-v key point: He is constipated but frequent ineffectual urging which is accompanied by mind irritability / Insomnia. (Drunkards, Drug-addictive's)

  • Excitement agg
  • Large, strangulated, Internal hemorrhoid
  • Complications of hemorrhoid suppression
  • Pregnancy hemorrhoid
  • Accompanied by Lowe limb pain
  • Eternal warn amel

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS – Accompanied by, lower limb complaints


Hay fever

Warm room amel / Cold agg

Running nose = End of obstruction starts in Warm air/room so amel him but (Opposite to All-c) This is a key-point for differentiating these two Hay-fever king remedies. (All-c ₳ Nux-v)

NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, with - room; in Nux-v.bg2

NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, with - warm room : ALL-C PULS

NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, without - air; in open

NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, with – daytime

NOSE - CORYZA - air - open - amel.

NOSE - CORYZA - air – open NIT-AC, PULS

NOSE - CORYZA - cutting the hair, from

  • Cold air cause Nasal obstruction. This is an unfinished sensation which agg him
  • Agg with Common cold

NOSE - CORYZA - cold - taking a cold

NOSE - CORYZA - cold - becoming; on

NOSE - CORYZA - chilliness, with : MERC

Night obstruction

Nux-v nose is dry /cold / obstructed at night (Nux-v ₳ Samb), in the morning /rising it stats running during the day which cause amel

NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, with - morning - rising, after

NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, without - night - fluent during the day

NOSE - CORYZA - warm – room : ALL-C

NOSE - OBSTRUCTION - children; in - nursing infants LYC

NOSE - CORYZA - suppressed : LACH

NOSE - CORYZA - uncovering; from

NOSE - CORYZA - warm – bed

NOSE - CORYZA - weather - dry cold

Coryza , a common accompaniment

NOSE - CORYZA - accompanied by - complaints; other CHAM, HEP, PULS

NOSE - CORYZA - accompanied by – epistaxis

NOSE - CORYZA - accompanied by - smell; loss of : ARS , IP , PULS

NOSE – CORYZA – accompanied by – Lips; eruptions on : BELL , MERC


Eating agg

NOSE - CORYZA - eating - after

NOSE - CORYZA - motion - amel.

NOSE - CORYZA - overheated, from becoming

NOSE - CORYZA - perspiration, with - amel. after

Coryza ends in Asthma

NOSE - SNEEZING - hay asthma, with NOSE - CORYZA - extending to - Chest


NOSE - SNEEZING - morning - bed, in: AM-C.

NOSE - SNEEZING - morning - waking, on

NOSE - SNEEZING – frequent

NOSE - SNEEZING - ineffectual efforts (Sabad)

NOSE - SNEEZING - paroxysmal - prolonged paroxysms :Ros-d , sabad

Nose obstruction alt with watery discharges

NOSE - OBSTRUCTION - sensation of - watery discharge; with : ARS.

NOSE - OBSTRUCTION - discharge - with :ARUM-T

NOSE - OBSTRUCTION - accompanied by - discharge - watery

NOSE - OBSTRUCTION - accompanied by - coryza

Nux-v in children

Relatively widely used remedy in children

Concentration and learning disorder

Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - studying, reading, while

Digestive problems Children with a history of colic

Children - COLIC, infants Children - SCREAMING, children - colic with

Constipation with colic, especially caused by the consumption of irritating foods by the mother

Children - COLIC, infants - constipation, with, caused by stimulating food taken by mother or nurse, much flatus Children - COLIC, infants - gripping, with constipation in


Children - HICCOUGHS, children - infants

Constipation, esp in irritable Children/ Infant who have been fed meat too early

Children - CONSTIPATION, children

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - chill, with, in the morning

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - active, irritable infants, or those who have been prematurely fed on meat

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - newborn, infants

Irritable children, especially those who wake up with bad tempered

Children - IRRITABLE, children Children - CROSS, disposition - waking, on

Children's inguinal hernia

Children - HERNIA, inguinal - hernia, infants

Problems caused by jealousy in children (Hyos)

Children - JEALOUSY, ailments from Children - JEALOUSY, ailments from - between children

Children's colds and nasal congestion that prevent breathing

Children - NOSE, coryza, infants - stoppage Children - NOSE, coryza, infants - stopped up, preventing nursing

A hyperactive and destructive child

Children - DESTRUCTIVE, behavior Children - DIARRHEA, children

Dirty children

Children - DIRTY, children

A thin child with a large appetite (Iod)

Children - EMACIATION - appetite, ravenous, with : Abrot. ars-i. Bar-c. Bar-i. CALC. Calc-p. Caust. Chin. CHIN, IOD. Lyc. Mag-c. NAT-M. Nux-v. Peter Sil. sul-i. Sulph.

Children - EMACIATION - old man, looks like an

Children - FACE, infants, like and old man

Problems caused by eating food outside (diarrhea-vomiting)

Children - FOOD, artificial, ailments from - diarrhea and vomiting


Children - INTUSSUSCEPTION, intestines

Infant jaundice

Children - JAUNDICE, newborn infants, in

Children - SENSITIVE, children

Children - SNAPPISH, children

Children's urinary problems (ineffective urging) + crying

Children - URINATION, painful, child cries Children - URINATION, painful, child cries - urination, urging to, ineffective

Spastic enuresis

Children - BEDWETTING - spasmodic enuresis : ARG-MET

. bell canth. caps. castm. china coloc. Gels. hyos. ign. laugh. lyc. Nux-v. Op. puls. rhus-t. verat.