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===[[Pain remedies|Pain]]===
=== Berb triad ===

* Berb is a an Acute/flare up medicine.
* Radiating pain
* Cold agg is very sharp. The more pain, the colder the patient.
* Berb is the best acute complementary remedy for [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] in painful states. ([[Berb ₳ Lyc]])
* Its most important symptom is pain esp radiating pain
* There is a distinct pathology behind his pain
* Pain is not psychosomatic
====Radiating pain====
Point and Radiating pain:

He shows the starting point of pain and the direction of radiation.
* Lethargy: Radiating pain, Lethargy and chilliness make '''Berb triad'''.

Sharp, stinging and severe pains without a clear/fixed pattern<blockquote>Generals - RADIATING, pain (Berb, Hyper)</blockquote>This would be like hyper which is caused by neural damage. But here in Berb the pathology is in internal organs  (Kidneys, colic, cystitis) or neuralgia (back, joints)
===Berb in brief===

====Cold agg====
* Berb is a an Acute/ Flare up medicine.
Cold agg is very sharp. The more pain, the colder the patient.
* Berb is the best acute complementary remedy for [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] in painful states. ([[Berb ₳ Lyc]])
* Its most important symptom is [[Pain remedies|pain]] esp radiating pain
* Pain is not psychosomatic and there is a distinct pathology behind his pain
Radiating pain, Lethargy and chilliness make Berb triad.
===Genito-Urinary tract Pathologies===
Pain before and after urination
Yellow, turbid, thick and gelatinous  urine<blockquote>'''Urine - CLOUDY - passed, when - soon after (chel)'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - clay-colored (Zinc)'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - cloudy'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - copious'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - flocculent'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - gelatinous (Coloc)'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - gray - whitish-gray'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - mealy'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - mucus'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - red - bright'''
'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - white'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Bladder - PAIN - burning'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Bladder - STONES in Bladder'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Bladder - URGING to urinate'''</blockquote>Berb is suggested as good remedy for cystitis by [[radar]]<blockquote>Urogenital disorders - cystitis - plan of action - remedies berb.<sub>k</sub> canth.<sub>k</sub> lyc.<sub>k</sub> '''PULS.'''<sub>k</sub> uva<sub>k</sub></blockquote>
====[[Renel colic remedies|Renal colic]]====
Berb is a useful remedy in acute Renal colics<blockquote>Urogenital disorders - renal colic - plan of action - localization - l- sided colic berb.<sub>k</sub> canth.<sub>k</sub> lyc.<sub>k</sub> nux-v.<sub>k</sub></blockquote>
=====Kidney stones=====
<blockquote>'''Kidneys - STONES, kidney (Benz-ac, Calc, Lith-c, Pareir, Sars, Urt-u)'''</blockquote><blockquote></blockquote>
<blockquote>'''Kidneys - BUBBLING, sensation in, region of'''
'''Kidneys - NUMBNESS, region of'''</blockquote>
=====Radiating pain=====
'''Kidneys - COLIC, kidney, pain - kidney stone, during passage of'''
'''Kidneys - CUTTING, pain - cutting, ureters'''
'''Kidneys - DIGGING, pain - digging, region of, pressure agg.'''
'''Kidneys - SHARP, pain - radiating'''
=====Direction of radiation=====
'''Kidneys - PAIN, kidneys, region of - extending to - thighs'''
'''Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - extending to - urethra, into'''
'''Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - radiating from renal region'''
'''Kidneys - SHARP, pain - extending to - down ureters (Kali-bi, Lyc)'''
'''Kidneys - PAIN, kidneys - left, in'''

'''Kidneys - NEPHRITIS, infection - left kidney, intense pain'''
=== Radiating [[Pain remedies|pain]] ===

'''Kidneys - PAIN, kidneys - radiating'''
* He shows the starting point of pain and the direction of radiation.
* Sharp, stinging and severe pains without a clear/fixed pattern<blockquote>Generals - RADIATING, pain (Berb, Hyper)</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - COLIC, kidney, pain - kidney stone, during passage of'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - CUTTING, pain - cutting, ureters'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - DIGGING, pain - digging, region of, pressure agg.'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - SHARP, pain - radiating'''</blockquote>

'''Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - left side'''
==== Direction of radiation ====
<blockquote>'''Kidneys - PAIN, kidneys, region of - extending to - thighs'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - extending to - urethra, into'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - radiating from renal region'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - SHARP, pain - extending to - down ureters (Kali-bi, Lyc)'''</blockquote>

===Genito-Urinary tract ===

==== [[Cystitis]] ====

* In Berb the pathology is in internal organs (Kidneys, Colic, Cystitis) or neuralgia (Back, Joints)
* Pain before and after urination / Urging

'''Kidneys - SHARP, pain'''
<blockquote>Urogenital disorders - cystitis - plan of action - remedies Berb, Canth, Lyc, '''PULS,''' Uva</blockquote>

* Sediment: Yellow/ Turbid/  Thick / Gelatinous / Clay-colored  / Cloudy / Flocculent / Mealy / Whitish-gray / Red - bright urine<blockquote>'''Urine - CLOUDY - passed, when - soon after''' (Chel)
<blockquote>'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - clay-colored''' (Zinc)</blockquote><blockquote>'''Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - gelatinous''' (Coloc)</blockquote>
* [[Renal colic remedies|Renal colic]]: Berb is a useful remedy in acute Renal colics<blockquote>Urogenital disorders - renal colic - plan of action - localization - l- sided colic berb.<sub>k</sub> canth.<sub>k</sub> lyc.<sub>k</sub> nux-v.<sub>k</sub></blockquote>

==== [[Kidney stone|Kidney stones]] ====

'''Kidneys - SORE, pain'''
* Kidney stone which results in [[Nephritis]]: [[Berb, Berberis Vulgaris|Berb]], [[Nux-v , Nux Vomica|Nux-v]]
* Painful stones (Canth)<blockquote>'''Kidneys - STONES, kidney''' (Benz-ac, Calc, Lith-c, Pareir, Sars, Urt-u)</blockquote>

benz-ac.<sub>mp1</sub> '''BERB.'''<sub>mp1</sub> brach.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Cact.''<sub>mp1</sub> cadm-s.<sub>mp1</sub> calc.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Calc-ar.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Cann-s.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Canth.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Chel.''<sub>mp1</sub> cinnb.<sub>mp1</sub> clem.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Coc-c.''<sub>mp1</sub> colch.<sub>mp1</sub> ferr-i.<sub>mp1</sub> '''GRAPH.'''<sub>mp1</sub> hell.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Helon.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Hep.''<sub>mp1</sub> kali-c.<sub>mp1</sub> kali-i.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Manc.''<sub>mp1</sub> meny.<sub>mp1</sub> merc.<sub>mp1</sub> merc-c.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Nat-s.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Nux-v.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Pareir.''<sub>mp1</sub> phys.<sub>mp1</sub> phyt.<sub>mp1</sub> plb.<sub>mp1</sub> '''PULS.'''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Rat.''<sub>mp1</sub> rhus-t.<sub>mp1</sub> sel.<sub>mp1</sub> senec.<sub>mp1</sub> solid.<sub>mp1</sub> tab.<sub>mp1</sub> tarent.<sub>mp1</sub> tell.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Ter.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Vesp.''<sub>mp1</sub> visc.<sub>mp1</sub> zinc.<sub>mp1</sub>
==== SRP ====
* Bubbling / Numbness

'''Kidneys - SORE, pain - sore, region of'''
<blockquote>'''Kidneys - BUBBLING, sensation in, region of'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - NUMBNESS, region of'''</blockquote>

abrot.<sub>mp1</sub> benz-ac.<sub>mp1</sub> '''BERB.'''<sub>mp1</sub> brach.<sub>mp1</sub> cann-s.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Chel.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Coc-c.''<sub>mp1</sub> equis-h.<sub>mp1</sub> hydr.<sub>mp1</sub> kali-c.<sub>mp1</sub> mang.<sub>mp1</sub> merc-c.<sub>mp1</sub> nat-act.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Nux-v.''<sub>mp1</sub> phos.<sub>mp1</sub> phys.<sub>mp1</sub> phyt.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Rhus-t.''<sub>mp1</sub> tell.<sub>mp1</sub> ter.<sub>mp1</sub> zinc.<sub>mp1</sub>
==== [[Nephritis]] ====
<blockquote>'''Kidneys - INFLAMMATION, kidneys''' (Apis, Canth, Lyc)</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - NEPHRITIS, infection - parenchymous, acute'''</blockquote>

====Concomitant symptoms ====
'''Kidneys - TEARING, pain'''
aesc.<sub>mp1</sub> apis<sub>mp1</sub> ars.<sub>mp1</sub> '''BERB.'''<sub>mp1</sub> '''CANTH.'''<sub>mp1</sub> kali-c.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Lyc.''<sub>mp1</sub> ''Mez.''<sub>mp1</sub> raph.<sub>mp1</sub> ''Rhus-t.''<sub>mp1</sub> sars.<sub>mp1</sub> zinc.<sub>mp1</sub>
'''Kidneys - INFLAMMATION, kidneys (Apis, Canth, Lyc)'''
'''Kidneys - NEPHRITIS, infection - parenchymous, acute'''
====Concomitant symptoms of urinary pain:====
*Urinary incontinence
*Urinary incontinence
*Urine sedimentation
*Urine sedimentation
*Decreased Sexual Desire and Performance (Contrary to Canth)
*Decreased Sexual Desire and Performance (Contrary to Canth)
*Severe thirst
*Severe thirst
*Anxiety and restlessness when in pain
*Anxiety and restlessness  
Testicular pain spreading along the spermatic cord to the testicles

Back pain
Radiating pain around the abdomen, similar to sciatica and aggravated by lying down, getting up from a sitting position
The most important 3+ back rubrics:
'''Back - CRUSHED, as though, lumbar region (Chin)'''
'''Back - LAMENESS, pain'''
'''Back - NUMBNESS - numbness, lumbar region (Acin, Berb, Plat)'''
'''Back - PAIN, back - rising, from sitting'''
'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - abdomen - around'''
'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - pelvis - posterior portion and thighs'''
'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - thighs'''
'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - thighs - posterior portion of'''
'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - lying, while (Rhus-t)'''
'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - rheumatic'''
'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - sitting, while (agar, Rhus-t, Valer)'''
'''Back - PAIN, spine - extending, down'''
'''Back - RHEUMATIC, pain - rheumatic, lumbar (Bry, Cimic, Nux-v, Rhus-t)'''
'''Back - SHARP, pain'''

'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar'''
* Testicular pain spreading along the spermatic cord to the testicles

'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar - extending to - outward around abdomen'''

'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar - radiating'''
=== Back pain ===

'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, spine (Agar)'''
* Radiating pain around the abdomen,  
* Similar to sciatica
* Agg by
** Lying down
** Getting up from a sitting position

'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, spine - extending, down small of back to region of Back'''
<blockquote>'''Back - CRUSHED, as though, lumbar region (Chin)'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - LAMENESS, pain'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - NUMBNESS - numbness, lumbar region''' (Acon, Plat)</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, back - rising, from sitting'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - abdomen - around'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - pelvis - posterior portion and thighs'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - thighs'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - thighs - posterior portion of'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - lying, while''' (Rhus-t)</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - rheumatic'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, lumbar - sitting, while''' (Agar, Rhus-t, Valer)</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - PAIN, spine - extending, down'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - RHEUMATIC, pain - rheumatic, lumbar''' (Bry, Cimic, Nux-v, Rhus-t)</blockquote><blockquote>
'''Back - SHARP, pain'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar - extending to - outward around abdomen'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar - radiating'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, spine (Agar)'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, spine - extending, down small of back to region of Back'''</blockquote>
He has pain both in right and left, but always from right to left when propagating from one direction to another.

=== Left-sided ===
He has pain both in right and left, but always from right to left when radiating from one direction to another.<blockquote>'''Kidneys - PAIN, kidneys - left, in'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - NEPHRITIS, infection - left kidney, intense pain'''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - left side'''</blockquote>

=== Others ===
Migratory arthritis (Puls, Form, Kali-bi, Kali-s)
Migratory arthritis (Puls, Form, Kali-bi, Kali-s)

Latest revision as of 23:05, 1 August 2023

Berb triad

  • Radiating pain
  • Cold agg is very sharp. The more pain, the colder the patient.
  • Lethargy: Radiating pain, Lethargy and chilliness make Berb triad.

Berb in brief

  • Berb is a an Acute/ Flare up medicine.
  • Berb is the best acute complementary remedy for Lyc in painful states. (Berb ₳ Lyc)
  • Its most important symptom is pain esp radiating pain
  • Pain is not psychosomatic and there is a distinct pathology behind his pain

Radiating pain

  • He shows the starting point of pain and the direction of radiation.
  • Sharp, stinging and severe pains without a clear/fixed pattern

    Generals - RADIATING, pain (Berb, Hyper)

    Kidneys - COLIC, kidney, pain - kidney stone, during passage of

    Kidneys - CUTTING, pain - cutting, ureters

    Kidneys - DIGGING, pain - digging, region of, pressure agg.

    Kidneys - SHARP, pain - radiating

Direction of radiation

Kidneys - PAIN, kidneys, region of - extending to - thighs

Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - extending to - urethra, into

Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - radiating from renal region

Kidneys - SHARP, pain - extending to - down ureters (Kali-bi, Lyc)

Genito-Urinary tract


  • In Berb the pathology is in internal organs (Kidneys, Colic, Cystitis) or neuralgia (Back, Joints)
  • Pain before and after urination / Urging

Urogenital disorders - cystitis - plan of action - remedies Berb, Canth, Lyc, PULS, Uva

  • Sediment: Yellow/ Turbid/ Thick / Gelatinous / Clay-colored / Cloudy / Flocculent / Mealy / Whitish-gray / Red - bright urine

    Urine - CLOUDY - passed, when - soon after (Chel)

Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - clay-colored (Zinc)

Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - gelatinous (Coloc)

  • Renal colic: Berb is a useful remedy in acute Renal colics

    Urogenital disorders - renal colic - plan of action - localization - l- sided colic berb.k canth.k lyc.k nux-v.k

Kidney stones

  • Kidney stone which results in Nephritis: Berb, Nux-v
  • Painful stones (Canth)

    Kidneys - STONES, kidney (Benz-ac, Calc, Lith-c, Pareir, Sars, Urt-u)


  • Bubbling / Numbness

Kidneys - BUBBLING, sensation in, region of

Kidneys - NUMBNESS, region of


Kidneys - INFLAMMATION, kidneys (Apis, Canth, Lyc)

Kidneys - NEPHRITIS, infection - parenchymous, acute

Concomitant symptoms

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urine sedimentation
  • Decreased Sexual Desire and Performance (Contrary to Canth)
  • Severe thirst
  • Anxiety and restlessness


  • Testicular pain spreading along the spermatic cord to the testicles

Back pain

  • Radiating pain around the abdomen,
  • Similar to sciatica
  • Agg by
    • Lying down
    • Getting up from a sitting position

Back - CRUSHED, as though, lumbar region (Chin)

Back - LAMENESS, pain

Back - NUMBNESS - numbness, lumbar region (Acon, Plat)

Back - PAIN, back - rising, from sitting

Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - abdomen - around

Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - pelvis - posterior portion and thighs

Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - thighs

Back - PAIN, lumbar - extending to - thighs - posterior portion of

Back - PAIN, lumbar - lying, while (Rhus-t)

Back - PAIN, lumbar - rheumatic

Back - PAIN, lumbar - sitting, while (Agar, Rhus-t, Valer)

Back - PAIN, spine - extending, down

Back - RHEUMATIC, pain - rheumatic, lumbar (Bry, Cimic, Nux-v, Rhus-t)

Back - SHARP, pain

Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar

Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar - extending to - outward around abdomen

Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, lumbar - radiating

Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, spine (Agar)

Back - SHARP, pain - sharp, spine - extending, down small of back to region of Back


He has pain both in right and left, but always from right to left when radiating from one direction to another.

Kidneys - PAIN, kidneys - left, in

Kidneys - NEPHRITIS, infection - left kidney, intense pain

Kidneys - PAIN, ureters - left side


Migratory arthritis (Puls, Form, Kali-bi, Kali-s)