Scar, Keloid: Difference between revisions

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* [[Burns remedies|Burn]]
* [[Burns remedies|Burn]]

=== Remedies ===
== Remedies ==
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|'''Top remedy'''
=== [[Thiosin, Thiosinaminum|Thiosin]] ===
|Any kind of Keloids regardless to causes
|'''Keloids in early stage'''
=== [[Graph, Graphites|Graph]] ===
* For the early stage
|'''Painful Keloids'''
=== [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]] ===
* Painful Keloids,
* Excessive offensive sweat on feet and
* Sensitivity towards cold air 
|'''With sharp,  splinter-like pain'''
=== [[Nit-ac, Nitricum Acidum|Nit-ac]] ===
* Keloid looks irregular in shape and is often jagged in appearance.
* A very peculiar feature is highly offensive urine.
|'''Keloids with Itching'''
=== [[Fl-ac, Fluoricum Acidum|Fl-ac]] ===
* Itching may get worse by heat.
|'''Scars due to burns'''
=== [[Caust, Causticum|Caust]] ===
* It works well in treatment of both Keloid formation soon after burns and when old burn scars resurface and re-freshen, leading to Keloid formation.
|'''After Traumatic/ Surgical injuries'''
=== [[Calen, Calendula Officinalis|Calen]] ===
* Protective effects on Keloid formation in  skin injuries either due to Trauma / Cuts / Surgical operations.
|'''At vaccination sites'''
=== [[Thuj , Thuja Occidentalis|Thuj]] ===

* [[Blister|Blistering]] Keloid: [[Mag-c, Magnesia-Carbonica|Mag-c]]
== Repertory ==
* Hard Keloid: [[Calc-f, Calcarea fluorica|Calc-f]], [[Fl-ac, Fluoricum Acidum|Fl-ac]], [[Graph, Graphites|Graph]]
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=== '''Quality''' ===
=== '''Modalities''' ===
=== '''Concomittant''' ===
*Hard Keloid: [[Calc-f, Calcarea fluorica|Calc-f]], [[Fl-ac, Fluoricum Acidum|Fl-ac]], [[Graph, Graphites|Graph]]
** And Thick: Graph
** And Thick: Graph
* [[Bleeding, hemorrhagic remedies|Hemorrhagic]] Keloid: [[Lach, Lachesis Mutus|Lach]], [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]], [[Op, Opium|Op]]
* [[Bleeding, hemorrhagic remedies|Hemorrhagic]] Keloid: [[Lach, Lachesis Mutus|Lach]], [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]], [[Op, Opium|Op]]
* Itching Keloid: [[Alum, Alumina|Alum]], Fl-ac, [[Iod, Iodium|Iod]], [[Led, Ledum Palustre|Led]], [[Naja, Naja tripudians|Naja]]
* Painful Keloid: [[Carb-an, Carbo Animalis|Carb-an]], [[Hyper, Hypericum Perforatum|Hyper]], Lach, [[Nat-m, Natrium muriaticum|Nat-m]], [[Nit-ac, Nitricum Acidum|Nit-ac]], [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]]
* Painful Keloid: [[Carb-an, Carbo Animalis|Carb-an]], [[Hyper, Hypericum Perforatum|Hyper]], Lach, [[Nat-m, Natrium muriaticum|Nat-m]], [[Nit-ac, Nitricum Acidum|Nit-ac]], [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]]
* Reopening burns Scars/ Keloid: [[Carb-ac, Carbolic Acid|Carb-ac]]
* Reopening burns Scars/ Keloid: [[Carb-ac, Carbolic Acid|Carb-ac]]
* Sensitive to
* Ulcerative Keloid: [[Asaf, Asafoetida|Asaf]], [[Calc-p, Calcarea Phosphorica|Calc-p]]
** Touch: [[Hep, Hepar Sulphur|Hep]], [[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]]
|Sensitive to
** Pressure: [[Carb-v, Carbo vegetabilis|Carb-v]], [[Kali-c, Kalium carbonicum|Kali-c]], [[Petr, Petroleum|Petr]], [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]]
* Touch: [[Hep, Hepar Sulphur|Hep]], [[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]]
* Pressure: [[Carb-v, Carbo vegetabilis|Carb-v]], [[Kali-c, Kalium carbonicum|Kali-c]], [[Petr, Petroleum|Petr]], [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]]
* [[Blister|Blistering]] Keloid: [[Mag-c, Magnesia-Carbonica|Mag-c]]
* Itching Keloid: [[Alum, Alumina|Alum]], Fl-ac, [[Iod, Iodium|Iod]], [[Led, Ledum Palustre|Led]], [[Naja, Naja tripudians|Naja]]
* Surrounded by pimples: Fl-ac
* Surrounded by pimples: Fl-ac
* Ulcerative Keloid: [[Asaf, Asafoetida|Asaf]], [[Calc-p, Calcarea Phosphorica|Calc-p]]

=== [[Tissue Salt Remedies]] ===
== [[Tissue Salt Remedies]] ==

Latest revision as of 03:05, 30 December 2023


  • Hypertrophic scars are contained within the site of injury and may regress over time, while keloids spread beyond the borders of the initial injury and do not regress.

Related disease


Top remedy


Any kind of Keloids regardless to causes
Keloids in early stage


  • For the early stage
Painful Keloids


  • Painful Keloids,
  • Excessive offensive sweat on feet and
  • Sensitivity towards cold air
With sharp,  splinter-like pain


  • Keloid looks irregular in shape and is often jagged in appearance.
  • A very peculiar feature is highly offensive urine.
Keloids with Itching


  • Itching may get worse by heat.
Scars due to burns


  • It works well in treatment of both Keloid formation soon after burns and when old burn scars resurface and re-freshen, leading to Keloid formation.
After Traumatic/ Surgical injuries


  • Protective effects on Keloid formation in skin injuries either due to Trauma / Cuts / Surgical operations.
At vaccination sites






Sensitive to

Tissue Salt Remedies