Migraine headache

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  • A migraine is a primary headache disorder characterized by recurrent headaches that are moderate to severe.
  • Typically, the headaches affect one half of the head, are pulsating in nature, and last from a few hours to 3 days.
  • Associated symptoms may include
    • Nausea, vomiting
    • Sensitivity to light, sound, or smell
    • Fatigue and irritability
  • Pain is generally made worse by physical activity.
  • Aura (33%): typically a short period of visual disturbance that signals that the headache will soon occur.

Sign / Symptoms

Migraine has three stages

  • Aura phase
  • Pain phase
  • Postdrome

Aura phase

Symptoms can be visual, sensory or motor

  • Visual effects
    • Flickering animation a scintillating scotoma. The scintillations are of a zigzag pattern starting in the center of vision, surrounded by a somewhat larger area with distortion of shapes
    • Hemianopsia or Blurring
    • Sensory aura (30–40%) Feeling of pins-and-needles begins on one side in the hand and arm and spreads to the nose–mouth area on the same side.
    • Numbness usually occurs after the tingling has passed with a loss of position sense.
    • Speech or language disturbances: World spinning and less commonly motor problems.
    • Motor symptoms: Hemiplegic migraine, weakness often lasts longer than one hour unlike other auras.
    • Auditory hallucinations or delusions have also been described.

Pain phase

  • Unilateral, throbbing + Moderate to severe intensity.
  • Usually comes on gradually
  • Agg by physical activity
  • Pain may be bilateral (40%)
  • Neck pain is commonly associated with it.
Basilar migraine

A migraine with neurological symptoms related to the brain stem or with neurological symptoms on both sides of the body, common effects include a

  • Sense of the world spinning /Light-headedness /Confusion
  • Nausea (90%) / Vomiting (33%).
  • Dark and quiet room amel
  • Blurred vision, Nasal stuffiness, Diarrhea, Frequent urination, pallor, or sweating.
  • Swelling or tenderness of the scalp may occur as can neck stiffness.

Acephalgic migraine
  • Aura occurs without a subsequent headache
  • Also known as silent migraine


  • for a few days after the headache has passed
  • Feel tired or "hung over"
  • Cognitive difficulties / Impaired thinking
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms,
  • Mood changes
  • Weakness
  • Feel unusually refreshed / Euphoric
  • Depression / Malaise

Related disease

  • Migraines are associated with MDD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and OCD. These psychiatric disorders are approximately
  • 2–5 times more common in people without aura
  • 3–10 times more common in people with aura

Migraine Miasms

  • Is migraine a seizure with autonomic presentation. Its aura is due to seizure and its angiospasm is due to autonomic presentation
  • If so then, SAHF is the best miasm, since it covers Seizure + Headache + Vasoconstriction
Aura Visual Sensory Speech Motor World spinning Hallucinations





Visual field deficit



Aphasia Hemiplegia




Auditory hallucination
Basilar migraine
World spinning Blurred vision Nasal stuffiness Diarrhea Frequent urination Pallor Sweating


