Ranunculus bulbosus

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Neuralgia (stinging, shooting and cutting pains) is the most important property of the remedy.


It is a general property of treating localized neuralgia in different parts of the body.

• Upper limb (Arm)

• Left chest and scapula: Intercostals areas (Nux-v and Bry) , especially lower left

CHEST - PAIN - neuralgic - Intercostals - Lower chest - left

Abdomen (upper abdomen) is also of secondary importance.

• The left side of the body is also more affected by these pains.


Worse by touch:

Worsening while walking:

Feeling of bruising in the chest, especially in the intercostal cartilage, ribs and sides


Regional coldness of affected parts

His head is hot but his hands (Bell) and body (Arn) are cold.

One side of the patient's body is hot but his legs or arms are frozen.

Vesicular eruptions:

Vesicles and especially blue vesicles

Herpetic rash in various areas including the palms and soles of the feet, head, chest and arms

Post-herpetic neuralgia:

Note: These rubrics are all clinical experience (Not proving)

Allergic rhinitis

Ran-b is useful in irritant allergy not catarrhal one.

Feeling of crawling in the nasal cavity / back of the nose / tip of the nose

NOSE - TINGLING - Tip aesc.k bell.k berb.k con.k kali-n.k lach.k mosch.k paeon.k plut-n.srj7 ran-b.a1 ran-s.k rheumk sars.

NOSE - TINGLING - Posterior nares arg-n.k mag-c.h2, kl ran-b.k rumx.k2

Nose - TINGLING, sensation - post nasal arg-n.mp1 mag-c.mp1 ran-b.mp1

Nose - ITCHING - post nasal arg-met.mp1 kali-p.mp1 lyc.mp1 Ran-b.mp1 Wye.

Nose - FORMICATION aesc.mp1 arg-met.mp1 arn.mp1 hydrog.mp1 merc.mp1 nat-m.mp1 ran-b.mp1 rhus-t.mp1 Sulph.mp1 teucr.mp1 thuj.mp1

He regularly flattens his chest and removes mucus from behind his nostrils.

• General muscle weakness and general allergies

• Allergies start with the change of seasons, cold and humid weather and cold winds

• Allergies, eye irritation, burning and soreness of the eyelids

• His nose is capped at night

Nose - OBSTRUCTED, nasal passages - evening

Comparison with All-c:

Allergic rhinitis + voice violence (like All-c ₳ Ran-b)

Larynx - VOICE, general - hoarseness, voice - hay fever, in all-c.mp1 carb-v. ran-b.

Ran-b is the only drug when allergic rhinitis is accompanied by laryngitis, hoarseness, pressure at the root of the nose, itching and tingling in the nasal cavity.

Nose - CORYZA, general - laryngitis, with

Larynx - VOICE, general - hoarseness, voice - hay fever, in all-c.mp1 carb-v.mp1 ran-b.mp1

Nose - AIR, as if, a light current passing over the dorsum - air, sensitive to cold - inhaled, to

His nose closes in a warm room

Nose - OBSTRUCTED, nasal passages - warm, room