Ferr, Ferrum Metallicum
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- Children remedies
- Anemia: (Ferr ₳ Nat-m)
- Shoulder arthritis remedies (Sul) with Joint dryness (Ferr ₳ Sang)
- Both agg by raising the arm
- Both agg at night
- Pressive / Congestive / Bursting / Throbbing / Hammer-like (Ferr ₳ Lyc)
- Sharp and stinging pain
- Continuous headache even for 2 to 3 days
Headaches - CONSTANT, continued
Headaches - CONSTANT, continued - two or three days
- Locality (Forehead eminence, Temples)
- Modality
- Agg with walking in Open / Cold air
- Amel by washing the face
- Profuse bleeding (Chin ₳ Ferr)
- Accompanied by Cold feet or Thirst but hate to drink
Food - THIRST, general - aversions, drinks - headache, during
Headaches - DRINKING, from - aversion for
- Worse by: Night, Rest, Sitting quietly , During menses.
- Better by Slow motion, Walking slowly, Summer.