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  • Children: BAR-C.st1 calc.ptk1,st1 carc.fb,jl2,mlr1,mtf33 caust.j5.de,mtf33 hyos.mtf33 Lyc.st1 sep
  • Night: Borx, Calc, caste, KALI-BR, kali-p, Staph, TUB.
  • Dark: bell, brom, calc-s, carb-v, carc, caust, hyos, lac-c, med, nux-v, puls, sanic, sil, Stram,
  • Dogs: tub
  • Falling, child holds on to mother: borx, Cupr-act, Cupr, GELS, sanic
  • Thunderstorm: calc-p, carc, lac-c, lach, nat-m, nit-ac, stram
  • Night terror : calc, hlol, cina, cupr, KALI-BR
  • People: BAR-C, carb-v, caust, cham, Lyc
  • Strangers in children: bar-c.mtf33 cupr.mtf33 lach
  • Go to bed alone, in night caust
  • Closing eyes, on: Carb-an, Carb-v, Caust
  • Coition, during, with fear of impotence: Sin-n
  • When looking at blood: Alum
  • Cutting himself when shaving: CALAD
  • Death, alone when: Arg-n, Arn, ARS, Kali-a, Kali-c, Phos
  • Death, delivery - during: ACON, Coff
  • Death, on going to bed: ars, camph.fyz caust.fyz Lach
  • Death, During heart symptoms: ACON, Ang, Arn, DIG, Naja, Plat, Psor
  • Eclampsia; during: Cocc
  • Open spaces, during menopause: Glon
  • Recover, he will not, during menopause; : sars
  • Thinking when thinking of disagreeable things: phos
  • Touched; of being, in gout: ARN
  • Touched; of being in colic: Nux-v
  • Death with cancer: Carc
  • Death with fatal end of disease: ant-t, calc, kali-c, lil-t, Ph-ac, Spong
  • Death during uterine hemorrhage: acon, Coff, nux-m, PLAT
  • Death, impending death: acon.gl1.fr,tl1 agn.gt am-c.kr1 arg-n.tl1 Ars.gl1.fr asaf.kr1 BELL.gl1.fr bry.gl1.fr calc.tl1 CANN-I.kr1 caps.kr1 carc.mlr caust.kr1 cimic.gt Croc.kr1 cupr.gl1.fr,sst3 glon.gt lach.gl1.fr Lob.kr1 MERC.gl1.fr nit-ac.gt nux-v.gl1.fr op.st PHOS.kr1 sec.gt sep.gl1.fr staph
  • Death, from pain: anan, cact, COFF
  • Death, from pain of tongue-Root KALI-I
  • Death, during paralysis: Caust
  • Predicting the time: ACON, apis, Arg-n
  • Death with uterus prolapse : ACON
  • Death, if he goes to sleep: cassia-s, lach,nux-m, symph
    • After a nightmare: Aeth, Lach, led
  • Death after falling asleep: acon, Aeth, cupr, lach
  • Death soon: acon, Agn, cench, plat, Sep
  • Sudden death of: Arn.k Ars.k Cench.k2 cupr.sst3 lat-m.ah tab.mg theak
  • Death from suffocation: Spong
  • Death from pain in uterus: cact, Con
  • Death from whooping cough: Anac
  • Death from wires encaging him: Cimic



Obsessive thoughts

  • Failure, of: aids.nl2 aloesma1,a1 ara-maca.sej7 anac.mrr1 arg-n.pfa2,sf1.de,sne1,vh5,bnu2,bg2 arn.sf1.de,bg2 Aur-m-n.wbt2 Aur-s.wbt2 Aur.sne,vh1,mtf33,mrr1 Bamb-a.stb2.de carc.mp4,sst2,vh1,zzl,mlr1,gk6 chin.sma cob-n.mg1.de crot-h.fe cupr.sst3 gels.sf1.de,gvt2,bg2 iod.sf1.de Kolastb3 Lac-c.kr1 lyc.mra,rti2,gsd1,gm1 najamtf33,jl nat-m.sf1.de,bg2 olib-sac.wmh1 nux-v.mrr1 phos.sf1.de,bg2 Psor.mtf33,mrr1 sal-fr.sle1 Psor.jl2 sacch.sst1 sil.mrr1,mtf13,tl1,k2,k13,gvt2,gsd1 sulph.sf1.de,mrr1 tax-br.oss1 sulph.bg2 vanad.dx
  • Failure of examinations: Aeth.mtf33,st,tl1 aids.nl2 anac.c1,c2,gg,gtk1,br1 arg-n.jsa,st,tl1,gvt2 ars.fyz carb-v.fyz carc.gk6,hbh,jsa,mlr1,mp4,mrr1,mtf33,sst2,vh1,zzl,fb4 cupr.sst3 Gels.pfa2,st,tl1,mrr1 kali-p.fyz lac-h.sk4 lyc.wr,mtf33 med.mtf33,fyz ph-ac.fyz pic-ac.ptk1,ptk2,ckh1,br1 podo.fd3.de rhus-g.tmo3 sil.mtf33,pfa2,mrr1,k2 thuj
  • Faith, to lose his religious:coloc.ckh1,vh merc.ckh1,vh nux-v.ckh1,vh staph.ckh1,vh Sulph
  • Destination, of being unable to reach his: galeoc-c-h, lyc
  • Duty, neglect his duty: aur
  • Duty, unable to perform them: Lac-c
  • FEAR - endure; cannot: lyss
  • Undertaking new enterprise: arg-n.ptk1 ars.ptk1 Aur-m-n.wbt2 aur-s.wbt2 bar-c.mrr1 lyc.mtf33,ptk1 Sil.kr1 stront-c
  • Work, cannot be persuaded to work: Con
  • Wrong, of something: Kali-br
  • Wrong, commit something: Merc
  • Undertaking anything: Arg-n, Ars, BAR-C, LYC
  • Reproaches: caps.hr1,k,st carc.mlk,mlr1 dig.a1 nux-v
  • Responsibility: arg-n.fyz ars.fyz,tl1 aur.ptk kali-p.fyz lyc.vn10.fr sil
  • He will wet his bed: alum
  • Stool - involuntary stool: aloevh carb-v.fyz nat-m.fyz nat-p, nat-s, olnd, ph-ac, podo, sulph, verat
  • Involuntary loss of urine: alum, Phos, pitu
  • Business failure of: Aur, Kali-c, Psor
  • Door, difficulty in opening it : cic.bg1,bg2,h1,ptk1 con.bg1,bg2,ptk1 lyc
  • Downward motion: BORX, ,mrr1,st,tl1 calc.k13 cocast cupr.sst3,st1 gels.bro1,k,tl1 hyper.bro1 lac-c.st1 lil-t.st1 sanic.br1,bro1,mrr1,st1 sil, zinc
  • Driving a car: androc.srj1 arg-n.mrr1 bit-ar.wht1 borx.bg2 gins.st lac-c.mrr1 lach.bg2 lyss.mrr1
  • Elevators of: arg-n, borx, dys, staph
  • High walls and building, fall upon him: Arg-n.k,mrr1 Arn, choc, hydr-ac
  • Falling, while carried: GELS
  • Falling, everything is falling on her: stram.kr1 tarent
  • Open spaces: Acon, Anth, Arg-n Arn.bg2,br1,bro1,ptk1 ars.fyz,mrr1 bar-c Calc.bg2,bro1,mtf33,ptk1,sf1.de carc.mlr1 crot-h.gl1.fr ferr.gl1.fr glon.bg2 hydr-ac, hydr.gl1.fr hyos.fyz kali-bi.ll1 Kali-p.bg2,bg3,ptk1,sf1.de,st lac-c.fyz levo.jl lyc.fyz,mrr1 lyss.mrr1 merc.mrr1 morg.jl nux-v.bg2,bro1,ll1,ptk1,sf1.de phos.fyz,ll1 prot.ptj puls.gl1.fr sep.ptk1 ser-a-c.jl2 stram.mrr1 succ-ac.rly4 tab.hs visc
  • Mirrors in room: bufo, camph, cann-i.a1,k Canth.k carbn-s.fyz carc.fb Lyss.k puls.gsy,mrr1 Stram
  • Tunnels: Acon, ARG-N, Lyc, STRAM
  • Streets, busy streets of: Acon.ckh1,vh bar-c.fyz carc.ckh1,vh1 caust.fyz PSOR
  • Subways: ACON
  • Disfigured being: hep
  • Killing, of her child; : ars.fyz coff.fyz manc.gl merc.gg Nux-v.gg rhus-t.fyz sep.gg sil.fyz Sulph.gg,vh thea
  • Impulses of his own: alum.ckh1,st1,vh androc.srj1 germ-met.srj merc.k2,mrr3 osm.a sulph
  • Insanity: alum.k calc.k cann-i.k carb-an.k chlor.k Kolastb3 stram
  • Observed: ambr.tsm1 anthraq.rly4 aq-mar.mgm atro.a1,k bamb-a.stb2.de CALC.hr1,k,mrr1,mtf33,vh chel.k choc.srj3 germ-met.srj limest-b.es1 marb-w.es1 sal-fr.sle1 sanguis-s
  • Religious monomania: lach
  • Opinion of others : AMBR.vh ars.mrr1 aur-m-n.wbt2 bar-c.dx1 calc.mtf33 Germ-met.srj5 nux-v.gl1.fr,vh ozonesde2 prot.ptj puls.vh,gl1.fr thuj.mrr1
  • Ordeals of: Arg-n.bg1,bg2,bg3 arn.bg3 ars.fyz carb-v.fyz Gels.bg1,bg2,bg3 kali-br.bg3 lys.bg2 lyss.bg1 Stroph-h.bg3 thuj
  • Riding in a closed carriage, and being obliged to jump out: cimic
  • Talking, say something wrong: bamb-a, germ-me, Lil-t, med, rhus-g
  • Serious thoughts: crot-h, plat
  • Sleeplessness: op
  • Self-control losing of: alum.sk Arg-n.k bamb-a.stb2.de cann-i.bng crot-c.sk4 Cupr-act.kr1 cupr.sht cypra-eg.sde6.de des-ac.rbp6 GELS.kl2,k germ-met.srj Merc.kr1 mur-ac.h2 nux-v.gg ozonesde2 Staph.k sulph.gg theagg thuj
  • Betrayed, of being: hyos, lyss
  • Control losing: Aeth, ARS
  • Washed being: ant-c, sulph
  • Damned, of being: arg-n, lach, med, psor, verat




  • Enemies, of: anac.jl3 dros.fyz hyos
  • Escape with desire to: Bell.j5.de Bry.j5.de coloc.j5.de cupr.j5.de dig.j5.de merc.kr1 positr.nl2 puls.j5.de stram.j5.de verat
  • Faces looking at him: phos
  • Ghosts, conversing with them: Nat-m.ckh1,vh,vh/dg,vhx1 PLAT
  • Terriblev dreams: lac-lup.hrn2 NUX-V.kr1,hr1 spong.dx1 Sulph
  • Delusions from fear: falco-pe.nl2 manc.mrr1 STRAM
  • Happen, something horrible will: ambr.tsm1 aml-ns.rb2 Calc.kr1 calen.vh carc.mlr cupr.sst3 cypra-eg.sde6.de elapsrb2 fl-ac.kr1 ign.kr1 irid-met.srj5 lac-e.hrn2 lapparb2 lyss.rb2 mang.fyz med.rb2 onos.rb2 pall.rb2 psor.a pyrusrb2 Scut.bro1 Sep.a thea
  • Happen, something horrible is going to happen: aml-ns.vh1 Calen.ckh1 carc.mlr1 cimic.sne fl-ac.a1,kr1 fuma-ac.rly4 limest-b.es1 Lyss.k,ckh1 nit-ac.oss onos.rb pall.kr1,c1 podo.fd3.de suis-em.rly4 vult-gr
  • Imaginary things: acon.b7.de,bg2 ars.k bad.bg BELL.k,mtf33 brom.bg2,mtf33 calc-sil.st1 Hell.b7.de,bg2 hydr-ac.br1,ptk1 iod.bg2,k laur.k lyc.k MED.st merc.k nat-c.fyz Phos.bg2,k sep.fyz STRAM.b7.de,bg2 verat.b7.de,bg2 zinc
  • Causeless acon.fyz,tl1 alco.k Ars.k calc-f.sf1.de cann-i.k carc.mlr1 chlol.a1 melal-alt.gya4 falco-pe.nl2 maias-l.hrn2 granit-m.es1 phos.mrr1 plb.ptk1 positr.nl2 plb.ckh1 pop.mtf11 psor.jl2 sabad.sf1.de samb.k,a1 seq-s.bkh1 spong.mgm tarent.k13,k1,ckh1,a1 zinc-val.ptk1 zinc
  • Destruction of all near her; of impending: Kali-br
  • Devil, of being taken by the: anac.sf1.de manc.k puls
  • Devils: MANC.mrr1 zinc
  • Devoured by animal: hyos.h1 positr.nl2 stram
  • Unreasoning: acon.tl1 calc
  • Roasted being: stram
  • Shadows: acon.ptk Calc.bg1,bg2,ckh1,vh,vh/dg,vhx1 caust.fr med.dx phos.dx,gl staph.mtf33 xan
  • Superstitious: rhus-t
  • Brilliant objects: anan.vh1 cann-i.a1 canth.mrr1,ptk1 lach.mtf33,ptk1 lyss.ptk1 stram
  • Struck approaching him; of being struck by those: ARN.kr1 bell.a1,mtf33 ign.a1 kali-c.a1 lach.a1 stram.a1 thuj
  • Corpses: psor
  • Something creeping out of every corner: med, Phos
  • Black, everything: STRAM
  • Buried alive, of being: tub, Zinc
  • Carried of being: Borx
  • Crowded public place: Acon, Arg-n, Arn, Dys, GELS
  • Cruelties, from report of: calc
  • Trifles: Ars, Kali-c.k Lyc.k Nat-c.k Nat-m
  • Diarrhea: acon.k1 aeth.,arg-n.kr1 coff, Crot-t, gard-j, GELS, ign.kr1 Kali-p, OP, phos, Puls, verat
  • Dirt: carc, oscilloc
  • Disabled being: ARS, mag-m, psor
  • Contagious, epidemic diseases: bar-c.j borx, bov.a1,jsa,vwe2 CALC.br1,c1,gl1.fr,jsa,vh1 chin.sne cur.dx1 lach.gl1.fr,jsa,vh med.gb,sne nat-m.gg Sulph, Syph
  • Incurable disease, of
  • Dentist: calc, galeoc-c-h, hep,puls.,tub
  • Fainting, of: Acon.vh Arg-n.k ars-s-f.hr1,kr1,st1 aster.a1,k carb-an.k cimic.zr kola, LAC-C, Plat
  • Breath takes away; Rhus-t.k Verat
  • Disease with rapid approaching: tab
  • Hair, losing of: nit-ac
  • Heart, cease to beat unless constantly move: both-a,Gels, lach
  • Heart disease, stop will: both-a,coca,dig,GELS,lac-c, lach, vib
  • Infection, of: aids.nl2 Borx, bov.st,a1 bufok calad.k,hr1 CALC, falco-pe.nl2 galla-q-r.nl2 carc, positr.nl2 lach.k psor.tl1 sulph, Syph
  • Health of loved persons: carc.gk6,ib,mlr1 Cocc.ckh1,mrr1 hep.gl1.fr merc.gl1.fr succ-ac
  • Health - ruined, that she has: Agn.mrr1 calc.st chel.k staph
  • Pain: ARN.sne aur.bl bry.fyz calc.st clem.st coff.fyz cor-r.fyz cori-r.a1 der, eup-per, lil-t.fyz phos, pip-m.a1 pip-n
  • Paralysis: Anac.hr1,k arn.hr1,k asaf.a1,hr1,k bapt.c1,ptk1 bell.k kali-p.fyz nux-m.c1 syph
  • Old of getting: lach.dtn1 lyc.dtn1 marb-w.es1 sep.dtn1
  • Operation: aeth.gg calc.st1 phos
  • Unconsciousness: alum
  • Suffering, of
  • Suffering, will become unbearable: all-c
  • Suffocation, in heart disease : Dig.st1 Lach.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 Spong.
  • Suffocation, in goitre: Merc-i-f
  • Suffocation, on motion: Spig
  • Suffocation, with desire to swallow: Bell
  • Throat; from sensation of swelling: Glon.a1,k nat-m
  • Recover, he will not: all-s, ant-t, carc, falco-pe, hep
  • Brain, softening of: Arg-n, Asaf
  • Contagion: ARS, CARC, CARC, Med
  • Doctors
  • Doctors - surgeon: coff
  • Surgery: Aeth
  • Accidents: Carb-v
  • Approaching of vehicles: Anth, Hydr-ac, Lyss, Phos
  • Arrested being: ars, bell, plb, ruta, zinc
  • Ascending of: Nit-ac
  • Attacked of being: Stram
  • Behind him, someone is: Phel, anac, brom, crot-c, lach, med, merc, staph
  • Crossing street: Acon
  • Danger, of impending: Cic, Cocc
  • Disaster of: calc, calli-h, elat.k ketogl-ac, lac-c, lil-t, med, psor, Puls, rhus-t, Scut, tab, tub, wye, zinc
  • Hurt, of being: Arn.ptk1 carc.mlr1 chin.mtf33,ptk1 hep.ptk1 kali-c.ptk1 lap-la, nat-m, Rhus-t,rutaptk1 spig, symph
  • Injury, being injured: anthraq.rly4 ars.k2 calad.k,mrr1 calc-s.sej cann-i.k cartl-s.rly4 chin.ptk choc.srj3 Cimic.mrr1 crot-c.sk4 falco-pe.nl2 cupr-act.kr1 fuma-ac.rly4 gels.hr1 hep.ptk,mrr1 hyos.tl1,mtf33,k kali-br.mrr1 kali-c.ptk kolastb3 lyss.mrr1,fyz mag-c.mrr1 phasco-ci.rbp2 oxal-a.rly4 rhus-g.tmo3 rutadm spig.ptk staph.mrr1 STRAM.mrr1,k suis-pan.rly4 Stry.k symph
  • Humiliated, of being: Carc.mlr1,vh falco-pe.nl2 nat-m.mrr1 nux-v.mrr1 puls.gl1.fr Sep
  • Punishment; of: calc.sne carc, mon, olib-sac, plb
  • Poisoned: agre.jl all-s.k,vh1 anac.bg2,jl,sf1.de apisk ars-met.k Ars.gk bapt.bg2,st Bell.bg2,k,tl1 bry.k cimic.k dros.fyz euph.h2 falco-pe.nl2 glon.k,bg2 HYOS, ign.vh,gl1.fr kali-bi.xxx,hr1 Kali-br, Lach, lyss.fyz maias-l.hrn2 meli.sne,mrr1 nat-m.st,bg2,bg1 oxal-a.rly4 ph-ac.vh,gl1.fr phos.k plb.k,bg2 RHUS-T, stram.he1 verat-v.k,bg2 Verat
  • Raped; of being:crot-c
  • People of, yet fear of being alone: clem.ckh1 con.ckh1,j5.de lyc.ckh1 sep.ckh1 stram
  • Poverty, of - spending money in order not to be short of it in future; fear of: Nux-v.gl1.fr stan
  • Starving: ars.ptk1 Bry.hr1,kr1 calc.k,st grat.lpc kali-m.sla lap-la.rsp1 op.a1 Sep.kr1,hr1 staph.sne sulph
  • Social position, about his: Lyc.mrr1 sep.gl1.fr staph.gl1.fr verat
  • Strangled, to be: PLAT
  • Suffocation, of, after a rubber dam is placed in the mouth by dentist: Stram
  • Touched of being:



  • Alone, of being - lest - he die: Arg-n, ARS, Kali-c, Phos
  • Bed of, alone when: Camph, Caust
  • Neglected, of being: aur-s.wbt2 crot-c.sk4 PSOR, PULS, thuj
  • Solitude, of: act-sp.vh1 ars-s-f.k2 Ars.a1,k2,vh1 berb.vh1 carc.fd2.de,mlr1 lyc.a1 stram
  • Weeping amel: Aster, GRAPH
  • Vexation after: Ars, Petr
  • Suffocation, eating amel: Graph

Accompanied by



  • Weary of life, with: carc.mlr1 kali-p.hr1,kr1 Lyc.hr1,kr1 Nit-ac.hr1,kr1 Plat
  • Danger, of impending with urging to stool: Caust
  • Death, with desire for death : Aur
  • Shivering from fear: GELS.kr1 granit-m.es1 hydrog
  • Starting with fear: bar-c.kr1 bell.kr1 calc-p.kr1 carc.mlr1 Hyos.kr1 kali-br.kr1 nit-ac.kr1 Op.kr1 phos.kr1 stram.j5.de Verat
  • Sudden, followed by grief: ign
  • Exalted state of senses with: lyss
  • Intestinal spasms at night, with: Op
  • Lie in bed; cannot Rhus-t
  • Anorexia witgL: carc, Ign
  • Jumps out of bed from fear: Ars.fyz,k BELL.kr1 stann
  • Sadness, with; am-m.bg2 cic.bg2 croc.bg2 Crot-h.hr1,kr1 Dig.a1 hep.bg2 Kali-br.hr1,kr1 kali-c.bg2 KALI-I.hr1,kr1 lyc.bg2 Nat-m.hr1,kr1 plat.hr1,kr1 Plb.hr1,kr1 rhus-t.hr1,kr1 syph.mtf11 tab.bg2,xyz66 vinc
  • Stomach, arising from: adon.sf1.de asaf.k Aur.k bry.k Calc.k Cann-s.k canth.k carc.mlr1 Dig.k euph.sf1.de euphr.bg2 hydrog.srj2 Kali-c.k,mrr1,tl1 Lyc.k MEZ.k1,tl1 Phos.k positr.nl2 thuj
  • Breakdown of nervous kali-p.fyz lyc.mtf33 nat-m.fyz sil
  • FEAR - driving him from place to place
  • acon.j aeth.j alum.j am-c.j ambr.j asaf.j bell.j bov.j camph.j caps.j carb-an.j carb-v.j caust.j chin.j chinin-s.j coff.j crot-h.j dros.j lact.j m-arct.j meny.k Merc.j nat-c.j nat-m.j nit-ac.j nux-v.j op.j ph-ac.j phos.j plat.j puls.j rhus-t.j rutaj sabad.j sep.j spig.j spong.j staph.j valer.j verat
  • FEAR - drunkards, in: Kali-p
  • Church or opera, when ready to go: ARG-N, Gels
  • Approaching of others: Ambr, Ant-c, ARN, Bell, Cham, Cupr, Hyper, Ign, Lyc, Stram, Thuj
    • Touched, lest he be: ARN
    • Children cannot bear to have anyone come near them : Ant-c, Cina, Cupr
    • In delirium, in: Thuj
    • With starting; Bell
  • Ringing at the door: Lyc
  • Room, on entering: alum.bg,k lyc.bg,k plat.bg,k til.bg,k Valer
  • Riding in a carriage: acon.dx1 androc.srj arg-n.gb,gg ars.sne aur.gb Borx.k bry.bro1,xxx carc.dgt cimic.ptk1 cocc.fyz cupr.sht,sst3 falco-pe.nl2 gins.st1 Lach.k,a1 lipp.a1 mag-m.dgt nat-m.dgt olib-sac.wmh1 pitu-a.ft Psor.k,a1 sanic.xxx,bro1 SEP.kl2,k succ
  • New persons : lyc.k13,k2 stront-c
  • Strangers, of: ambr.k Arn.bg2 aur-m-n.wbt2 Bar-c.bg2,k,mtf33 bufogl cadm-s.bg2 Carb-v.bg,k carc, caust.k,k1,k2 Con.hr1 Cupr, dys.fmm1,ptj ign.bg2 kali-p.fyz lach.bg,k,mtf33 lyc.gsd1,k13,k2,rti2 plb.cld puls.wta sil.gg stram.bg,hr1,k stront-c.sk4 stry.bg2 Thuj.bg,k,mlk1 tub
  • Opposite sex: kali-p.fyz lac-f.mlk6 puls.fyz sep.fyz staph
  • Sudden voice: hyos.
  • Wind: Cham, Dys, Rhod, SIL, Tarent
  • Appearing in public: Dys, GELS, Lyc, Sil
  • Unfamiliar objects: Psor
  • Surprises pleasant: Coff
  • Recurrent: arn.bg2 ars.bg2 carc.mlr1 cham.bg2 cocc.bg2 nat-c.bg2 nat-m.bg2 phos.bg2 plat.bg2 sep.bg2 spong.bg2 sulph
  • Everything, constant of: acet-ac.a1,hr1,kr1 acon.fyz anac.tl1 bell.a1 Calc.hr1,kr1,tl1 carc.mlr1 gard-j.vlr2 Hydr-ac.ckh1,ptk1,br1 Hyos.kr1,mtf33,hr1 kali-br.tl1 lac-c.tl1 Lyc.kr1,mtf33,hr1 nat-c.kr1,hr1 psor.jl2 Puls.kr1,hr1 tub.kr1
  • Previous fright: Acon.k2 bell.kr1 merc.kr1 nat-m.kr1 OP, Verat.kr1
  • Full of fear: acon.gt ars.gt aur.gt bell.gt carb-an.gt chin.gt cupr.gt dys.pte1 ign.gt kali-c.br1 phos.gt psor.gt puls.gt verat
  • Lifelong: am-c.gl1.fr am-m.gl1.fr calc.gl1.fr Carc.mlr1 lyc.gl1.fr petr.gl1.fr puls.gl1.fr sil.gl1.fr stann.gl1.fr sulph.gl1.fr zinc.gl1.fr
  • Liquids of, thirst with: agn.k am-c.k androc.srj1 arn.k ars.st ARUM-T.lp Bell.k cann-i.k Canth.k Caust.k Cocc.k Hell.k Hyos.k jatr-c.c1 lac-c.k Lach.k Lyc.k lyss.k merc.k nat-m.k Nux-v.k rhus-t.k samb.k sel.k Stram.k tarent
  • Disturbed being: agar.h2,kl
  • Terror: acon.bg2,ckh1,ptk1 androc.srj1 ars.bg2 aur.bg2 bamb-a.stb2.de bell.bg2 carb-v.bg2 carc.fd2.de,mlr1 caust.bg2 cham.bg2 chin.bg2 cocc.a1,bg2 coff.bg2 dig.bg2 falco-pe.nl2 maias-l.hrn2 nux-v.bg2 phos.bg2 positr.nl2 plat.bg2 puls.bg2 rhus-t.bg2 spong.ptk1,ckh1 stram.ptk1,ckh1 sulph.bg2 tarent.ptk1,ckh1 toxi.mtf2 verat
  • Walking across a busy street: Acon, PSOR

MIND - FEAR - run over; fear of being - going out; on

anth.k hydr-ac.k lyss.k op.hr1 PHOS