Nux-v in Children
- Relatively widely used remedy in children
- Concentration and learning disorder
Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - studying, reading, while
- Digestive problems with a history of colic
Children - COLIC, infants
Children - SCREAMING, children - colic with
- Constipation with colic, esp caused by irritating foods by mother
Children - COLIC, infants - constipation, with, caused by stimulating food taken by mother or nurse, much flatus
Children - COLIC, infants - gripping, with constipation in
- Hiccups
Children - HICCOUGHS, children - infants
- Constipation, esp in irritable Children who have been fed meat too early
Children - CONSTIPATION, children
Children - CONSTIPATION, children - chill, with, in the morning
Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - active, irritable infants, or those who have been prematurely fed on meat
Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - newborn, infants
- Irritable children, wake up with bad tempered
Children - IRRITABLE, children Children - CROSS, disposition - waking, on
Children - SENSITIVE, children
Children - SNAPPISH, children
- Children's inguinal hernia
Children - HERNIA, inguinal - hernia, infants
- Problems caused by jealousy in children (Hyos)
Children - JEALOUSY, ailments from - between children
- Children's colds and nasal congestion that prevent breathing
Children - NOSE, coryza, infants - stoppage
- A hyperactive and destructive child
Children - DESTRUCTIVE, behavior
- Dirty children
Children - DIRTY, children
- A thin child with a large appetite (Iod)
Children - EMACIATION - appetite, ravenous, with: CALC, CHIN, IOD
Children - EMACIATION - old man, looks like an
- Problems caused by eating Fast-food (diarrhea-vomiting)
- Hirschsprung
Children - INTUSSUSCEPTION, intestines
- Infant jaundice
Children - JAUNDICE, newborn infants, in
- Children's urinary problems (ineffective urging) + Crying
Children - URINATION, painful, child cries
Children - URINATION, painful, child cries - urination, urging to, ineffective
- Spastic enuresis
Children - BEDWETTING - spasmodic enuresis : ARG-MET