Hell, Helleborus Niger

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Meningoencephalitis remedies


Apathetic remedies: Hell, Ph-ac, Sep

  • Although the five senses are neurologically healthy; But he is so slow as if a neurological problem has arisen

MIND - SENSES - dull - organs of hearing, taste and vision unimpaired; yet

  • Reduced reactions, paraplegic state (PLV)
  • Brady Kinsey (Parkinsonism panel): WEE
  • Stupor, difficult to regain consciousness (Compared to Ph-ac is easier to regain consciousness) (JE)
  • Severe weakness
  • Decreased control power of the mind over the body (nervous tics of limbs and head) (STLE, JE)


  • Responds slowly and with delay
  • Weakness of memory, esp the things he heard
  • Strange thoughts

MIND - ANSWERING - reflecting long


MIND - CONFUSION of mind - thinking of it - agg.

MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - heard; for what he has

MIND - STARING, thoughtless

MIND - ANSWERING - confusedly as though thinking of something else

MIND - ANSWERING - difficult

MIND - ANSWERING - repeats the question first

MIND - ANSWERING - stupor returns quickly after answering

MIND - ANSWERING - unintelligibly

MIND - ASKING - nothing; for

MIND - CONFUSION of mind - muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away

MIND - CONFUSION of mind - stooping, when

MIND - DELIRIUM - meningitis cerebrospinalis

MIND - DULLNESS - chill, during

MIND - DULLNESS - says nothing

MIND - DULLNESS - understand; does not - questions addressed to her - repetition; only after

MIND - GESTURES, makes - automatic

MIND - INCONSTANCY - thoughts, of

MIND - MUTTERING - unintelligible

MIND - SLOWNESS - old people, of

MIND - STUPEFACTION - chill, during

MIND - STUPOR - hydrocephalus, in

MIND - STUPOR - meningitis, in

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - conduct, automatic

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - hydrocephalus, in

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - meningitis, in

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - mental insensibility


  • His reaction to others is sharp
  • Gets angry when someone disturbs him, approaches him or interrupts his work/talk
  • He has become indifferent towards everyone, even those whom he loved (Hell ₳ Sep)

Indifference - automatism - otherworldliness

  • He is completely confused and when he is distracted
  • Even his muscles do not obey him
  • Thoughts of suicide (drowning or hanging)

Involuntary head movements

  • He keeps turning his head and grumbling
  • Pendulum movement of the head to the sides
  • Convulsive movements during sleep
  • He sticks his tongue out of his mouth and shakes it
  • Involuntary movements of limbs (one-sided, one arm and one leg)

  • He is clumsy, esp when he talks, his hands deviate
  • He dreams that he is immersed

In my studies, automatism is a part of temporal lobe epilepsy and the only known miasm of this type of epilepsy is TBE.

Interestingly, Hell is listed under TBE

Automaticity is seen in autism (repetitive tasks) and OCD and sleepwalking. But in autism and OCD, it is a post-node symptom, and it is considered a primary infection symptom only in sleepwalking

Schizophrenia: of the paranoid type

For immobile catatonia, the best miasm is JE, and for agitated catatonia, the best miasm is RBS. It is interesting that both have Hell miasm, and Hell is very compatible with catatonia. Apathy: He stares at a corner for hours without thinking about anything.

MIND - STARING, thoughtless

ACUTE DISEASES - Neurological disorders - schizophrenia - plan of action - remedies

cann-i.k cann-s.k hell.k hyos.k lach.k stram.k SULPH.

Mind - SCHIZOPHRENIA - paranoid - persecuted, that he is

abrot.mp1 absin.mp1 Anac.mp1 ars.mp1 aur.mp1 Bell.mp1 calc.mp1 CHIN.mp1 cic.mp1 Cocaine.mp1 con.mp1 crot-h.mp1 cupr.mp1 cycl.mp1 DROS.mp1 hell.mp1 Hyos.mp1 IGN.mp1 kali-br.mp1 LACH.mp1 lyc.mp1 med.mp1 meli.mp1 merc.mp1 nat-c.mp1 nat-m.mp1 Nux-v.mp1 op.mp1 plb.mp1 puls.mp1 Rhus-t.mp1 sil.mp1 spong.mp1 staph.mp1 stram.mp1 stry.mp1 Sulph.mp1 syph.mp1 thyr.mp1 verat.mp1 Zinc.mp1

Mind - SCHIZOPHRENIA - paranoid - pursued, by enemies

absin.mp1 ANAC.mp1 ars.mp1 aur.mp1 Bell.mp1 Chin.mp1 cic.mp1 Cocaine.mp1 con.mp1 crot-h.mp1 Cupr.mp1 cycl.mp1 dros.mp1 hell.mp1 Hyos.mp1 kali-br .mp1 LACH.mp1 lepi.mp1 lyc.mp1 med.mp1 Meli.mp1 merc.mp1 nat-c.mp1 nux-v.mp1 plb.mp1 Puls.mp1 rhus-t.mp1 sil.mp1 stram.mp1 stry.mp1 zinc.mp1

Symptoms of psychosis:

It barks like a dog

MIND - BARKING - growling like a dog

Illusions in the field of salvation

MIND - DELUSIONS - lost; she is - salvation; for

The illusion that everything is new.

MIND - DELUSIONS - new; everything is

He whispers under his breath.

MIND - MUTTERING - unintelligible

strange jobs, strange clothes,

MIND - STRANGE - crank

MIND - STRANGE - crank - dressing, in

He is unconscious. It seems to react automatically. It's as if his brain has shut down

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - conduct, automatic

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - mental insensibility

He has the illusion that he can do great things

MIND - DEEDS - great deeds; sensation as if he could do

Illusions of crowds, crowds and...

MIND - DELUSIONS - assembled things, swarms, crowds etc.

Illusion of enlarged body

MIND - DELUSIONS - body - greatness of, as to

Hallucination of seeing the devil or images of jinns and ghosts and scary things (in the dark), which causes him to suddenly jump out of bed.

MIND - DELUSIONS - devil - sees

MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees - dark, in the

MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - horrible - dark, in the

MIND - FEAR - imaginary - things; of imaginary

MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - jumps up suddenly from bed

The illusion of talking to the dead

MIND - DELUSIONS - talking - dead people; with

MIND - TALKING - dead people, with

Mania, haunted

MIND - MANIA – demonic