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  • It is an Urinary tract entity.
  • Cystitis is the infection of Bladder
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI) can include Cystitis and or pyelonephritis.

Sign / Symptoms

  • Dysuria: Burning with urination
  • Urinary frequently (or an
  • Urgency: Urge to urinate
  • Hematuria
  • Note that if vaginal discharge and significant pain appears, you should consider Genital infections such as PID, Vaginitis

Banerji protocols

First line Canth C200, two doses daily
Second line Med C200, two doses daily
Third line Thuj C200, two doses daily






Dysuria + Bladder pain: Canth, Bell, Equisetum

Dysuria + Bladder pain esp pain radiate to navel: Terebinthina

Dysuria + Bladder pain, Common cold after: Caust, Dulc, Eup-p, Puls, Sul



  • Before urine: Hep, Mez, Puls, Sars, Sul, Thuj
  • First Urine: Con
  • Last Urine: Ant-c, Canth, Ferr-p, Hep, Lyc, Mez, Puls
  • Painful : Ip

Dysuria in Cystitis

  • Cystitis: Canth
  • Cystitis + Urgency + Bladder pain: Berb, Eup-p, Bell, Nux-v, Phyt, Puls, Rhod, Rhus-t, Sul-ac, Zinc
  • Pain on urination: Ant-c, Calc, Calc-p, Carb-v, Dig, Fl-ac, Lil-t, Phyt, Puls, rhus-t
  • Pain in starting urination: Canth, Clem, Merc
  • Pain which amel in starting urination: Canth, Clem, Merc
  • Pain which agg in starting urination: Puls, Sars

Dysuria Pain location

  • Pain in bladder that radiate to Back: Sars
  • Pain in bladder that radiate to Kidneys: Aesc, Apis, Canth
  • Pain in bladder that radiate to Hip and thigh: Puls
  • Pain in bladder that radiate to Spermatic cord: Canth, Clem, Lith-c, Puls, Spong
  • Pain in bladder that radiate to Uterus: Merc, Tarent
  • Pain in Penis head: Canth, Chel

Dysuria Modality

  • Drinking water agg: Canth
  • Agg with intense motion: Bell
  • Lying abdomen on amel: Chel
  • Sitting agg: Card-m
  • Standing agg: Ferr-p, Puls

Phos: Dysuria + Bladder pain that causes urine reflux

Cystitis after common cold:

  1. Dulc, Puls
  2. Ant-t, Apis, Canth, Lyc, op

Cystitis Before / During menses: Senec

Cystitis after trauma: Arn, Calen, Canth, Staph

Cystitis abortion after: Rheum, Sep, Staph

Cystitis + pain radiates many directions: Berb, Sabin

Hemorrhagic Cystitis: Canth, Nit-ac

Painful Cystitis (Bladder Neck): Canth, Caust

Tissue Salt Remedies

FP, MP: Pain, Dysuria

FP, KP: Hematuria