Kidney stone

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Revision as of 23:19, 6 November 2023 by Mehrdad (talk | contribs) (→‎Remedies)
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Banerji protocols

Kidney stones

First line
  • Berb 0 two doses daily
  • Sars C30 Two doses daily for 3 month
  • In acute pain Berb 0 + Bell C3 one dose every 10 min alternately
Second line
  • If stones go down and cause dysuria, Equisetum 0 + Canth C200 one dose evey 15 min alternately

Lower urinary tract stones

First line
  • Berb 0 two doses daily
  • Sars C30 two doses daily
  • During acute pain Berb 0 + Canth 0 every 15-20 min
Second lnie
  • Equisetum 0 + Canth 200, one dose every 3 hours alternately
  • In acute pain Equisetum 0 + Canth 200, one dose every 15 min alternately.
  • In hematuria Ter C6, three doses daily
  • If Ter fail, Geranium 0, one dose every two hours
Third line
  • Berb C200, one dose every Two days for 6 month for stone recurrence

Tissue Salt Remedies

  • SIL: Pain
  • CP: Dissolving the stone


  1. Benz-ac, Clac, Lyc, Lith, Sars
  2. Bell, Berb, Canth, Clc-f, Coloc, Phos, Sil
  3. Canth: Penis pressure, amel
  4. Urination amel: Med
  • Large bladder stones: Sars
  • After operation remedies:
  1. Calen, Staph
  2. Arn