Hyperactive children
Cina is a good choice for hyperactive children
Children - HYPERACTIVE, children
Children - INSOMNIA
Children - JUMPING, chairs, on, tables and stove - evening
Children - STRIKING, hitting, behavior
Children - PLAY, general - aversion to
Colds and coughs:
Suffocating and severe cough
Cough accompanied by wheezing
His limbs spasm before coughing attacks
Feeling of tightness in the chest
Talking and sudden movements start coughing.
Tick, repeating Gestures /Habits
Children - BITING, fingernails, habit
His finger is constantly in his nose or on his lips
His nose is itchy: he scratches it regularly to bleed (Cina ₳ Aurm-t)
Irritable and mischievous
Be severely irritated when blamed.
Children - ABUSIVE, children, who insult parents
Refuse breast-milk
Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during - refuses breast
He is CAPRICIOUS and cries until you fulfill his wish. (Cham ₳ Cina)
Children - CAPRICIOUS, children Children - CRYING, children - his will is not done, when
Stubborn / Immoral / Destructive / Slander / Rude / Excusing children
Carried desire to be
You should hug him and move him quickly to calm him down a bit
Children - CRYING, children - cries piteously if taken hold of or carried
Children - CARRIED, desires to be
Children - CARRIED, desires to be - fast
Children - CARRIED, desires to be - rocked, and
Children - CARRIED, desires to be - shoulder, over
Sensitive to touch:
Affected tissue does not tolerate touch at all. Even looking at that organ makes him agressive.
Children - TOUCH, agg.
Children - TOUCH, agg. - touch things, impelled to
Children - HAIR, cutting, ailments after - child, refused
Childhood abuse
Anxiety about conscience: Feels that he has done something wrong, causes him to be immoral and stubborn
Appetite problems
There are three form of appetite in Cina
- He may have no appetite at all
- Increased appetite
- Changing appetite regularly.
In most of Cina cases there is Insatiable appetite + weight loss
That 's why old-school homeopaths candidate Cina as a typical remedy for pediatric parasites. Itching of the rectum and nose and Nocturnal Teeth grinding (Cina ₳ Tub) are another symptoms which strengthen Cina position in pediatric parasites.
According to Kent his body is cold and pale (Cina ₳ Ign )
Feeling of a ball in the throat (Sep, Lach, Ign) which amel by swallowing.
Cina is a typical remedy for muscle twitching / seizures in children (Stram, Zinc, Verat, Art-v, Bell, Op)
Teeth grinding (Cina ₳ Tub)
Tendency to lie on hands and knees