Kali-i, Kalium Iodatum

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Differential Diagnosis

You can rarely prescribe it first, so it is better to know the main differentials (first prescription): Lach, Sep, Phos, Sul


  • Humorous, Extroverted, Quickly answers your questions. Unlike Lach, his Tongue / Look is not harsh and malignant.
  • He is hot and warm agg


  • She is excitable, but with the progress of her pathology, she may become lethargic, which means that she is no longer tolerates her children.


  • Loves open air very much. And only Coryza becomes worse in this case
  • He loves long daily walks and this is a general healing modality for his problems


  • He is hot
  • Kali-I covers almost all skin lesions
  • Usually, his skin lesions have erythema. (Redness)


  • He is Happy, Witty, Strong and Good-natured (Sankaran)
  • Supportive and family-friendly
  • He becomes quite irritable, Serious, angry and even insane in a state of confusion.
  • Long brisk walks make him feel better.
  • His diseases are symmetric (Arn, syph)
  • Multi-organ involvement (Different Entities) suc as Diabetes, Arthritis , Thyroiditis, Sinusitis, Rhinitis
    • Agar has also useful in different entities:
  • Its modalities are very sharp.
  • Amel by eating (Psor)
  • 2-5 A.M agg esp 5 A.M. (Like other Kaliums.)
  • Most of the patients are women.

Careful / Responsible:

  • Kaliums generally have a supportive and responsible relationship with their family.
  • Disturbed situation disturb them. As if everything must be in order to be good.

MIND - DUTY - too much sense of duty CALC , KALI-C , NIT-AC

  • He talks a lot about his family. He is very sensitive to children and family under his responsibility. This situation becomes clear in the photo mode

Mind - ABUSIVE, insulting - children and family, to kali-i.mp1 nux-v.mp1 Sep

Mind - UNFEELING, hardhearted - family, with his or her SEP

MIND - HARDHEARTED - family, with his

MIND - QUARRELSOME - family, with her


  • Makes patterns and plans for himself and resists changing them.
  • In the case of the family, he wants a regular and formal and unchangeable relationship.

MIND - CHANGE - aversion to


MIND - OBSTINATE, headstrong


  • Warm-blooded, humorous and outgoing
  • But this extroversion does not reach the point where a person leaves his family environment.
  • He likes to warm the environment of his home and family.
  • He is witty and even jokes with you about his illnesses.


MIND - LOQUACITY - jesting, with (Kali-i ₳ Lach)

First irritable and then apathetic

  • He is excitable, but with the progress of the pathology, he may become lethargic (Kali-i ₳ Sep)

MIND - AVERSION - children, to - beloved children become suddenly burdensome for him; his

  • Bad manners and inattention, irritability, anxiety and crying, which are often seen in proving.


  • Iodine is the predominant element. And it affects the generality and makes him extremely hot (Iod ₳ Kali-i)
  • Her inside agg with cold (Cold Milk / Water / Food) But outside agg with heat. (Opposite to Ars)
  • She is more Cold agg than Warm drink amel
  • Loves the open air very much. (Long daily walks) and only Coryza agg in this case.
  • Beach agg his Mood / Allergic asthma Urticaria (Nat-s)

Allergic rhinitis

Excessive discharge

  • Watery Nose / Eyes
  • Runny nose + Runny mouth

Nose - CORYZA, general - watery, discharge

Nose - CORYZA, general - daytime - damp agg.

Nose - CORYZA, general - right : ARS

Nose - CORYZA, general - salivation, with


  • Swelling of the eyes and nose
  • Feeling of tightness in nasal roots


  • Common colds causes Sinusitis / Forehead headaches / Allergic sinusitis (Sil, Stict)

Nose - SINUSITIS, infection - frontal sinuses - coryza, in Nose - SINUSITIS, infection - catarrh, sinuses - extending to, antrum

  • Sinusitis headaches  (Kali-bi): Severe pressure Headaches / Eye pain /Nasal congestion

HEAD - PAIN - Forehead, in - Middle - Frontal sinuses

Nose - PAIN, nose - extending to – head

Nose - CORYZA, general - cough, with

Nose - CORYZA, general - extending to - frontal sinuses

  • Suitable for all chronic sinuses inflammations.
  • Air-fluid level is seen in x-ray.

GENERALS - HISTORY; personal - sinusitis; of recurrent

Nose - CORYZA, general - chronic, long-continued

Nose - CORYZA, general - cold, on becoming

GENERALS - INFLAMMATION - Sinuses; of - weather - change of

NOSE - CATARRH / CORYZA - extending to - Frontal sinuses

NOSE - SINUSES; complaints of - Frontal sinuses

Types of Discharges:

  • First watery, hot and burning, and then thick and purulent
  • Cold, green and itchy
  • Viscid / Thick / Dark / Green / Yellow (Puls) / Bloody
  • Crusted nose

Nose - CRUSTS, bloody – hot


  • Kali-i has syphilitic nature so sinusitis leads to neuralgic inflammation of the nasal bones (Burning / Shooting / Corrosive / Throbbing pains):
  • Pain and heaviness of the nasal bones, esp Nasal root (like Kali-bi)

FACE - PAIN - Sinuses - Frontal

FACE - PAIN - Sinuses - Maxillary

Nose - CUTTING, pain - bones

Nose - BURNING, pain - sinuses

Nose - BURNING, pain - throbbing

Coated tongue + Coryza.


  • Unilateral headache
  • Headache with Puls modalities
    • Closed / warm room agg
    • Amel by walking in the open air


Nose - CORYZA, general - dyspnea, with

  • The modalities are not very specific and it is more important that Kali-i has asthma.
  • Asthma with skin problems
  • Asthma caused by seasonal allergies

Nose - CORYZA, general - asthmatic, breathing, with : ALL-C , ARS , IOD

NOSE - HAY FEVER - asthmatic breathing; with : ARS , IOD , NAT-S , NUX-V


  • Asthma attacks in sleep (after 5 am) (Spong)

RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - sleep, coming on during RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - night - midnight - after - 5 h


  • Almost all skin lesions, esp when there is Erythema.
  • Urticaria is very common.
  • When a part of his body become painful, the around area becomes painful too. So he and the patient complains about a diffuse pain.


  • Chronic sciatica, Kali-i is diagnosed with the modalities
  • Agg by lying on the affected limb

Legs - SCIATICA, pain - lying - painful side, on : BRY , KALI-I. LYC , RHUS-T

  • He should constantly walk in the open air to get better (Puls)
  • Many modalities like Rhus-t, Lyc
  • Unilateral sciatica (Right or Left)
  • Agg with coughing, sneezing
  • Aggravation by sitting, standing, bending
  • Amel by bending the leg

Legs - SCIATICA, pain - flexing leg amel.

  • Agg at night, at night, in bed, lying down, especially lying on back, resting

There is dysuria (URGING to urinate) and it gets worse before period.

BLADDER - URGING to urinate - menses - before