Cerebellar ataxia
Dysfunction of the cerebrocerebellum
(Lateral hemispheres) Appendicular ataxia |
Intention tremor
Coarse trembling Accentuated over the execution of voluntary movements Possibly involving head, eyes, limbs and torso |
Peculiar writing abnormalities
Large, unequal letters Irregular underlining |
Peculiar Dysarthria
Slurred speech characterized by explosive variations in voice intensity despite a regular rhythm |
Inability to perform rapidly alternating movements which could involve rapidly switching from pronation to supination of the forearm. Movements become more irregular with increases of speed. |
Hypometria or overshooting Hypermetria
Rebound phenomenon
Loss of the check reflex |
Schmahmann's syndrome
Patients may exhibit a constellation of subtle to overt cognitive symptoms |
Dysfunction of the spinocerebellum
(Vermis and areas near the midline) |
Truncal ataxia:
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Vestibulocerebellum dysfunction
Flocculonodular lobe |