Phos, Phosphorus

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Burning remedy

It is one of three most important Burning remedies along with Ars and Sul. (Nash)

  • Stomach, mouth, small intestine, anus, between the shoulder blades, spinal cord
  • Heat / Burning moves up along the spinal cord (Lyc ,Zinc)
  • Burning of the palms starts from the hands and spreads to the face
  • Burning between the two shoulder
  • A burning sensation in the head is an indicator of Phos, just like a burning sensation in the feet of Sul

Typhoid fever

  • Mild but recurring fever with lethargy and weakness + delirious and semi-comatose state
  • His face is pale and the area around the eyes is swollen (Kali-c, Apis)
  • Constipation, thin, long, dry and hard stools like dog stools
  • Lach is a good choice. Lach is very bad after sleep but sleeping even a short sleep amel Phos.

Neurological diseases

  • Phos is widely used in end stages of Degenerative neurological diseases (Alzheimer)
  • Indifference/ Unwillingness to perform mental activities. Here, it becomes like Hyos and behave shamelessly.
  • Dizziness / Reduced concentration in the elderly people
  • Deafness esp for people voice
  • Restlessness / Anxiety / Can't sit still and is constantly moving. (Zinc) (Acon, Ars) (Acon ₳ Phos) (Ars ₳ Phos)
  • Apathy / Slowness / Taciturn + Fear of being alone / Tiredness


  • Mild but frequent nosebleeds
  • Vicarious bleeding from nose or lungs instead of period (Bry)
  • Small wounds with heavy bleeding


  • He faints from hunger. Very soon it gets better with food, but hunger returns very soon. (Iod, Chel, Petr, Anac)
  • Lover of cool things, ice cream (Puls), but as soon as it warms up, his stomach can't bear it and throws it out.
  • High desire for salt (Nat-m)


  • Bulky, watery, jelly-like stools with clumps of white mucus.
  • Stool even comes out involuntarily.
  • Severe tenesmus + Involuntary release of stool

Respiratory tract


  • Breathing problems begin with larynx and voice hoarseness
  • He can hardly speak loudly
  • Night agg
  • Talking agg


  • Phos is the best, after the failure of Acon and Spong
  • Phos is good choice when croup has progressed to the bronchi and lung parenchyma so we see relapsing paroxysms.


  • Coughs that shake the patient's whole body.
  • Coughs Start with /Agg by:
    • Cold / Going from hot to cold place
    • Lying on left side / Better by lying on right side
    • Towards Night / Midnight
    • Laughing/ Talking / Reading aloud (Arg-n)
    • Eating (Dros, Stan)

Pneumonia / Bronchitis / Pleurisy

  • Inspiration dyspnea
    • Bronchitis with tight coughs
    • Coughs prevent air from entering
    • Dyspnea pressing the chest, feeling of weight on the chest.
  • Pneumonia, esp in lower half of the right lung.
  • Hepatization Pneumonia (Nausea + Anorexia + Weakness)
    • Best remedy fo starting hepatization. Even if you fail, wait and repeat Phos.
    • Three other remedies are Sul, Lyc, Ant-t
  • Redness of the upper cheeks in pneumonia is an indicator of Phos and Sang.
  • Phos is excellent in left pleurisy


  • Phos is easy but sometimes very difficult diagnosis
  • In advanced cases it can be very complicated and can be seen in


Fully open ports

  • We all understand the feeling of the others by our mirror neurons, when we feel the same feeling in the moment and react to it, but this perception and motor neuron reaction is largely suppressed by our inhibitory circuits. Of course we could not suppress our feeling completely. So with a little attention on people's faces, you can do mind reading from their face expression. unwanted and involuntary reactions.
  • In Phos, these reactions are completely naked and many, that's why you, as a therapist, immediately see all your emotions and feelings in your patient. This gives you a good feeling because you can guess his function
  • On the contrary, when the Defense / Inhibition mechanisms become complex and unpredictable, you feel that the person is deep and his reactions are unpredictable.
  • Phosphorus Sympathy is exactly the feeling of pain that the speaker expresses.

    Mind - SYMPATHETIC, compassionate - felt same pain his brother complained of Lyss


  • Stress affects her deeply because it brings up her original feeling of being unloved and isolated.  
  • She is a very emotional type who experiences strong feelings of fear, disappointment, grief, despair, jealousy and hatred, especially towards the men in her life.
  • Phos feels jealous if she isn’t the most beautiful person in the room


  • Phos is volatile emotionally and she tends to put out so much energy that she burns herself out and gets sick as a result.  In other words, she can be very emotionally intense.  
  • Her emotional intensity and volatility makes her unpredictable, and when someone becomes unpredictable, the people in their lives tend to keep a safe distance; therefore, she gets a sense of isolation, and a feeling that nobody truly loves her.


Stomach/ Epigastrium weakness (Ign, Hydr, Mez, Sep)

  • Stomach weakness of Phos spreads throughout his abdomen and is very indicative.

Bone necrosis, esp the lower jaw

Children remedy

Mind/ General


  • They are shy at the beginning of the interview esp in the first few minutes.
  • They whisper answers and blush and look to their parents for reassurance
  • But in the continuation of the interview, he is excited and curious.
  • They jump from one subject to another.


  • They become group leaders, because they seek excitement and have high predictive power. (Sul)
  • They like to be praised
  • They like to be the center of attention
  • Pleasant / Good-mannered/ Friendly and expressive /Outgoing
  • They talk open during the interview
  • When sick, they remain distinct and maintain their relationship.


  • Bleeding (Tub, Nat-m)
  • Weight loss during acute problems (Ars)
  • A fat and lazy baby who grows tall all at once
  • Fat and lazy baby who suffered from malnutrition and hunger
  • An obese child who has diarrhea caused by parasites
  • Chilly children who love open air and sunshine

Affectionate / Extroverted / Careful

  • Emotional / Passionate
  • They talk to anyone about anything
  • Side effects of Excitement or Anticipation
  • Benevolence: They give away their best toys when they are excited.
  • When they are excited, they speak any kind of praise.
  • Health of family members
  • His own health when sick


  • Many numerous fears
    • Spirit, giant
    • Being alone in the dark
    • Fear of imaginary dreams like being stolen
    • Fear of insects
    • Jumps up with sudden noises.
    • Fear of lightning
  • Fears and worries often lead to stomach problems (nausea, abdominal pain).

Changeable mood

  • Skip and skip fast topics.
  • Sustain attention disorder
  • His feelings will soon return to their original state.
  • Recovers very quickly after emotional injuries
  • His hatred does not last long.
  • He cries quickly
  • His problems are immediately resolved by parental attention (Hugging, Reassurance).

General agg

  • Sleeping on the left side
  • Dust
  • Twilight weather

Physical problems


  • Hypotension
  • Dizziness of thin and tall children
  • On rising
  • During menstruation


  • His face turns red when he has a headache + two dark circles under his eyes
  • Severe headache with nausea and vomiting
  • Phos has three common characteristics in head with Calc.

1. Fine and silky hair

2. During severe diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis, they become deaf

3. Severe head sweat

  • Headache Agg
    • Fasting
    • Environmental stimuli such as smoke and perfumes
    • Exercise / Study in Thin and anemic children
    • Heat agg, Amel with cold compress (Puls, Nat-m, Bry)
    • Congestive headache agg with movement, amel with pressure and sleeping


  • He does not like to sleep alone
  • Fear of the dark, wants to sleep with the light on
  • Nightmares + restlessness they go to their parents' bed
  • They wake up and demand anything to keep parents around.
  • Walking and talking during sleep (Lyc)
  • Moaning during sleep, which of course is the main symptom of Calc-p
  • He wakes up refreshed. (unlike Lyc)
  • In 90% of cases, they sleep on their stomach or right side
  • Because of his active mind, they are looking to read stories or watch movies
  • They anticipate and fear the events of the next day and need parental comfort.


  • Epistaxis Copious bright blood mostly from right nose
  • Menstrual nosebleeds
  • He wakes up in the morning with a blood stain on his pillow.
  • They suffer from colds in the nose and throat in winters.
  • Strong sense of smell which leads to headache
  • Fanning movements in a small percentage of patients (Lyc)


  • Hearing deficit after common cold, esp for people's voices
  • Recurrent earaches with bloody discharges


  • Bright, big and bright eyes
  • Long eyelashes
  • Subconjunctival bleeding, first give Arn and then Phos
  • Optic nerve palsy
  • Visual impairment such as impaired vision of objects or color and size
  • Seborrhea and eyebrow dermatitis


  • Mouth sores in all parts caused by biting
  • Narrow and long tongue with a thick load
  • Bleeding gums
  • Nocturnal sialorrhea and bad smell in the morning (Puls)


  • Beautiful, fine lines and skin
  • Clear and pale when resting and Agitated / Congested / Rosy when excited
  • Red, dry and cracked lips (Nat-m) + Thirst


  • Loves cold foods, such as ice, yogurt and cold milk
  • Loves Chocolate, bubble gum, spicy foods, tarts and sweets
  • Don't like Egg / Bread/ Fish
  • Phos is the most thirst-quenching drug in the entire Materia Medica
  • Good appetite


  • It is one of the most problematic parts, every cold quickly enters the lungs
  • Cough with cold weather
  • Cough agg lying on the left side
  • Cough with any kind of excitement
  • Morning Cough, amel during the day and worse in Evening / Night
  • Painful Cough: He holds his breath because he coughs with every breath.
  • Neonatal bronchitis and pneumonia
    • The main remedy for pneumonia, especially for thin and malnourished babies
    • Pneumonia, esp in the lower lips of the lungs
  • Asthma
    • Asthmatic young people with narrow and drooping shoulders
    • Allergic asthma or asthma caused by upper respiratory tract infections
  • Hay fever
    • April to July allergy to flower pollen
    • Dry nose, congested sinuses, followed by sneezing and mucous secretions from the nose and eyes
    • Facial bruising and dark circles around the eyes during allergies

Throat / Neck

  • Sore throat + Laryngitis (Hoarseness or Aphonia)
  • Sinusitis with a lot of secretions
  • The patient constantly flattens the chest
  • Dry and burning throat + Extreme thirst

Baby Phos

  • Good-mannered and happy, with love
  • Fear of a sudden sound
  • They hate sleeping alone
  • Long eyelashes and bright eyes
  • Otitis media with bleeding
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • A healthy and tall baby who has not gained weight according to his height

GI tract

  • Burning sensation for cold drinks
  • Abdominal pain
    • Hypochondria
    • Agg with stress
    • Amel with cold drinks / Agg with hot milk
    • Stomach pain caused by meat (Puls) (Phos ₳ Puls)
  • Weak stomach: With the slightest problem, they get nausea, vomiting and belching.
  • Vomiting aggravated by anything hot and better by anything cold


  • Phos is very sensitive to low sugar and become dizzy and irritable.
  • They have a fast metabolism and suffer from Hypoglycemia. (Iod, Tub)
  • Bad effects of hunger like Sul at 11 am (Phos ₳ Sul)


Two types:

1. A rarer form of kidney and bladder irritability that manifests itself with nocturnal urination.

2. The more common type of loss of urinary control at night when they have had a lot of excitement during the day.


  • Phos rectum is less involved. But Phos gets diarrhea a lot, esp in the morning (Podo, Sul)
  • He gets diarrhea with every illness
  • Sometimes abnormal postures and behavior in stool


  • During the interview, he swings his legs or moves them slowly back and forth.
  • All types of arthritis with Rhus-t and Tub modalities
  • Growing pains in the legs (Ph-ac)
  • Warts on the soles of the feet
  • Sweaty hands and feet


  • The driest skin and the most scaly skin among all psoriasis (simple dandruff to ichthyosis)
  • Excessive sweating
  • Soft skin and delicate face


  • Heavy menses, flowing and bright red blood
  • Early menses
  • Metrorrhagia between two periods
  • PMS such as increased appetite, nosebleeds, diarrhea or feeling hot