Sehgal Second Degree Rubrics

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Sehgal rubrics

Amusement, desire for 

  • Wishing to have some sort of amusement. May not insist on it but will like if he gets it
Today I am not feeling well, and I just do not want to do anything except that I should have something to hold my mind pleasantly.  It may be music, a song, a pleasant company full of interest or just a stroll in some park to have a look at beautiful flowers etc.

Bed, desire to remain in


  • Liking to remain in bed, most of the time even when it is not the time to be in bed.
  • If I am told to remain in bed for all the 24 hours. I shall be happy.
  • I can do anything but only by laying in bed. The jobs which require standing or sitting position on uncomfortable to me

Business, incapacity for

Calc, ...

  • Feeling of incapability for business or lack of power of performance for business.
  • My work do interest me but I do not feel, I have the required energy to accomplish it. Therefore I cannot do it


  • Wanting something but knowing not what.
  • That this why rejects those very things desired by him a moment before.              
  1. This much I am sure that there is some relief after taking your medicine. But I can't tell exactly in what respect of in what proportion.
  2. Doctor I can tell you only this much that I require medicine and I am not well and nothing more than this because I myself do not know in detail as to what is exactly my problem.  So is try to prescribe without asking anything more about my sickness."


  • Being careful while doing things, lest something goes wrong.
  • To compare the meaning of cautious with carefulness: one can be cautious before anything happens and careful while doing something .
  • He always bring in writing the minutest details about his sickness and even while reading them to me he will try to recollect and add if he found that something was left. When he was told that those details were not needed by me, he replied, " You may take it as my carefulness I feel you must get complete information about my sickness, to give the right medicine. If you do not give full attention to what I say, I would not be able to trust your medicine.

Cares, full of trifles about

Ars, Aur, Bar-c, Chin

  • To worry even for matters of very little importance.
  • It is not only the minor things that worry her more. To her all it looks necessary

Carried, desires to be

  • An urge to be carried physically and be in a comfortable state. (He cannot carry his own weight).
  • He requests if you could divert his attention from present intolerable state.
  • He wants to be in a state of health, by a knee method whosoever can make it possible.
  • My present condition is so bad that I feel, to live in it anymore is not possible for me.
  • If trying to find someone who can pull me out of it.  It may be a doctor, a system of medicine.


  • Watchful before anything unwanted happens. 
  • This is as a matter of prevention.
  • These days seasonal disease are quite common. I wanted to know whether it is possible to prevent them by homoeopathy

Cautious, anxiously

Bar-c, Crac, Caust, Lyc, Puls, Sil, Sul

  • Watchful with concern and wants to be educated fully about the nature of his disease, etc. so as to be able to take preventive measures with certainty and well in advance.
  • Sir, many times I have requested you to tell me the name of the disease I am suffering from, but you have been avoiding it.  I must tell you that unless I am sure that my treatment is on the right lines I shall not feel comfortable.

Deeds, feels as if he could do great


  • Deeds: Achievement
  • Thinks that he could do many great deeds in the past, even in the present and also tomorrow if given the requisite conditions.
  • It is because of my sickness that I could not do anything of much value. Otherwise, I would have shown my worth. 
  • I had many great things in mind to do but destiny had its own course


  • Defiant: One who is in a mood to boldly resist (defy) an authority or any opposing force which has started dominating it, in intolerant of domination.
  • Challenges the present state of health and declares will not live with it.
  • When he realizes after making a lot of efforts that his condition is not improving and the disease seems to be overpowering him he becomes defiant and says, "I am not going to accept this condition of my health. Neither I shall like to live as a sick person. 
  • I want to live as a healthy man. I will see that I must get well, whatever may be the cost and whatever may be the effort or I will commit suicide.

Delirium, Business, talks of

Bry, Canth, Hyos, Op, Phos, Stram, Sul

*Exchanges information etc. about business through speech with others.  It shows business being the main concern in one's mind.
  • My people have wrong impression about me.  Actually nothing worries me I simply try to know and exchange information, with others about my work.  As to the progress made in the projects left by me unfinished etc

Delusions, injury, is about to receive

  • It is being conveyed through senses that one is going to have some harm any moment.
  • Something from within is giving me to feel that a sever attack of fever or something else is around the corner and is about to plunge me into a great suffering

Delusions, wretched, thinks she looks, when looking in a mirror


  • One who is in a very unfortunate condition or circumstances, attended with misery and sorrow.
  • While looking at her face in the mirror she thinks that she looks the one who is surrounded by misery and unfortunate conditions.
  • What is mirror?  Which presents the picture of the object placed before it so vividly that nothing remains hidden.
  1. I look ugly amongst the people who are in my contact.  Although all of them are decent, and never point out my shortcoming I feel that how fortunate I would have felt had I been gifted with a good looking personality along with the present surroundings.
  2. When I see people belonging to well off classes enjoying life and compare it with that of mine, like a mirror my reality passes before my inner eyes. That I was born a low class with a very mean Job and will die with the same status.  Feeling of being unfortunate and miserable comes up in my mind.


  • A strong disliking, a strong aversion.
  • This is a state of disliking for anything where one feels that in him no further room is left for even a little liking further for the thing, in question.  Rather it has crossed the limits of acceptancy where he is nauseating and is on the verge of vomiting.
  1. I am fed up of taking medicine daily.  I feel like stopping it for some time. Please tell me for how long more. I shall have to take it.
  2. When shall I can get rid of this disease?  I am so fed up the Doctor, I cannot tell you.

Escape, attempts to

  • Escape: to slip away
  • Attempts: make an effort.
  • Escape from a Situation/ Person which is just before him face-to-face. And tries to find out ways how to save himself from it. 
  • Hide himself from something which has not yet appeared before him and he remains unnoticed, because the scope of hiding vanishes when one comes to the notice.
I tried to avoid onset of the fever but could not.  Now since it has come I am finding ways to get rid of it


  • Envy: Desire for an advantage possessed by another.
  • The object of envious feeling is grudging or grief at the sight of other's success.  But not in the sense of hatred towards them.  It is in the sense that if others can possess something why can't he?  It is in a spirit of competitiveness, or a race for gain, to excel other without entertaining the idea of harming or destroying other's possessions.
  • When I see people enjoying around me, it comes to my mind that will there be a day in my life also when I shall have a smile on my face and will be able to eat, drink and be merry as they are doing."

Excitement, amel

  • Excitement: An excited state
  • Something that which excites or agitates emotions by arousing feelings, ameliorates sufferings.
  1. Something which warms the mind and give it life, acts as a soother to me.
  2. I do not like dullness. It is the company of live people which I feel can keep me happy .

Exhilaration can recall things long forgotten


  • Exhilaration is a state of joyousness or inner feeling of pleasantness.
  • Many times I sit and recall the memories of good old days and enjoy at the thought of them but become unhappy when I think that perhaps those days will never come again.
  • While comparing the present with the past it comes to my mind that I was not like this as I am today but used to be a happy and jolly person.

Fear, injured, of being  

  • We have already studied the rubric Delusions injured is being. In delusion it is the sensation about the injury being received (in present) and in fear it is about the injury one may get in the future.
  • I can bear pains, remain without treatment but not the prick of the needle. I am so afraid of infections, surgical, of the possibility of irreparable damage.

Fear, sufferings of         

  • Suffering: State of taking stain or tolerating stain
  • It is the state of undergoing the strain or nerves that one fears.
  • I do not mind how lengthy may the treatment be but it should be without any trouble and inconvenience."
  • "Do you mean pains?" sir, "don't talk of pains that is too heavy a term to be used for my fear. I will say that just coming to your clinic frequently seems to be troublesome to me. I do not think that I shall able to accommodate to that extent even

Fear, superstitious 


  • Superstitious: Any belief having no logical background.
  • For example, a person has been getting an attack of a particular disease for the last few years, in a particular month of the year that's why he is fearing that certainly he will get the attack this year also.  No argument, no reasoning is sufficient to rid him of this idea which is troubling him
  • I have noticed that regularly on two three occasions in the past my pains come on Monday.
  • Therefore a day or two before the coming of every Monday I start fearing that the pains will come.
  • And it so happens that actually they come."  Although he laughed but with a concern and tried to stress
  • Sir do not take me lightly.  I shall request you to do something for me."

Fear, Causeless

  • Unaccountable: having no reasonable explanation or accounts.
  • Which is without any meaning.  He knows that his fear is meaningless yet is not able to overcome it.
  • What to tell you sir, about my fear. I know it is called unnecessary and without any head and tail.
  • If I get a news about someone's death I start feeling about myself that perhaps my death is also near and that I shall die soon. I shall feel scared to join a funeral party. Although I try to tell myself that nothing like that is going to happen, but I do not succeed in overcoming my fear

Gesture makes, Groping, as if in the dark

Cocc. Croc, Hyos, Op, Plb, Stram

  • Groping: searching something as if blind.
  • Trying to find a way out of the present crisis but is not successful and is looking for the direction.
Apparently I do not find any relief.  I am at a loss to understand as to what to do in this condition. Neither I am able to assess whether or not I am recovering in any way nor I am able to decide to whom else to approach for a fresh opinion.

Helplessness, feeling

  • Helplessness: state of inability to help oneself in the given circumstances.                    
  • Feeling: perceiving by touch.
  • Arriving at the conclusion after coming into contact with the circumstances that no other way out is left but to accept just the one which is available. There is no choice
  • Because of my sickness I have to neglect most of the house-hold.  I know everything is in disorder.  The maid servent does not work according to my satisfaction.  Had I been in good health I would have terminated her services

Honor, effects of wounded

  • Honor: Honesty and integrity in one's beliefs & actions; high public esteem, fame, glory ; a source of credit or distinction; high respect as for worth merit or rank
  • Effects: Results, consequences.
  • Wounded: damaged.
  • In the state of undergoing the impact of results of damaged repetition, fame, glory, high respect.
  • Because of bad deeds of my son, I cannot show my face to the people and remain indoors to avoid meeting anyone

Impatience, pain from

Cham, Coloc, Hura, Murx

  • Impatience: state of inability to endure or wait because of pain or eager desire, for relief.
  • From: indicates the source, agent or instrument of impatience.
  • Not in a state to bear pains and therefore is not possible for him to wait any longer.

Versions: "

  1. I cannot bear pains.  This is my weakness and therefore cannot wait even for moment.  If I find that medicine is taking time to overcome the pain, I shall change the treatment at once.
  2. Tosses his head & produces sound oh!  & says, " I am not able to bear the pain. Please do something quickly.

Indifference, desire has no, no action of the will

Hell, Kali-p, Podo, Verat

  • Indifference: Lack of interest or concern.
  • Desire: Craving.
  • Action: State of being action
  • Will: The power of his choosing actions.
  • A state of complete lack of interest in desiring anything and exerting the power of control over  one's own actions.  Lack of initiative.          
  1. On my own, I am never reminded of any work.  If somebody tells me to do something I will do it.  Otherwise I will sit idle and do nothing.Seldom when I feel like doing anything I have to seek someone's advice whether or not to carry it out.
  2. A mother tells about her child that he bothers her very much.  He will not do anything on his own initiative so much so that he will come to her and ask "should I go to obey the call of nature" or should I eat this or should I take that etc, etc.

Indifference, sufferings to

Anac, Con, Hell, Op, Stram

Feeling of no concern so far one's sufferings are concerned as if nothing is happening to him. Ailments may be of any dimension (strength), we have never seen him showing any concern about that.  "He keeps himself normal.


  • Indignation: Feeling caused by what is considered as unworthy of one's dignity.
  • The respect, position, status on holds in office or being elderly in the house, etc. etc
  • Let me tell you doctor that here at your clinic my position is of as patient.  But at my own place I command respect being the proprietor of my business.  I take myself to be a man of dignity and if it is denied to me in any way I feel disrespected.
  • The same is the case with me when I am in the family.  Being the head, if any of the members tries to show disregard to me, I take it ill.


Inquisitive: one who searches into or makes efforts to satisfy one's curiosity (having desire to learn or know about anything           
  1. Just for information, doctor, if you do not mind I shall ask you one question.  I am sure that you must have treated so many cases like that of mine.  I wanted to confirm it from you.
  2. Another question is that which of the other diseases you treat successfully. It is my habit to be up-to-date with every type of information.

Longing, sunshine, light and society for

Kali-s, Stram

  • Sunshine: The shining of the sun, the direct light of the sun which contains both, the light and the heat. Also if inferred as a matter of comparison (metaphor) a cheerful face too shines which is the sign of happiness i.e.internal warmth & hope.
  • Light: Something that removes the darkness.  To infer gives awareness about self & surroundings.
  • Society: an organized group of persons coming together for a particular purpose.
  • Long outstanding desire for happiness and pleasures of life (sunshine) with the full knowledge and awareness about self while fully enjoying and giving herself to feel that she is there deep into the state of joyousness (light) in the company of persons of her own liking organized for the particular purpose of enjoying life to the full (society), without any hitch and hindrance. In a nutshell longing for pomp and show with full pleasures of life enjoying to one's heart content in the company of like minded people, without hitch and hindrance.
  1. I want to enjoy life fully in the society of like-minded people without any type of check on me.
  2. A marriage party was passing through our street, when I heard the sound of Band and music, I was charmed with the idea of enjoying its look from the roof of my house and requested my son to take me out of the room up to the railings.


Playful: disposed to engage oneself in some amusing exercise. These days I am in a mood to indulge in talking to anyone very freely.  But I am finding none.  My husband has no time for all these things.  I am badly after finding some


  • Praying: requesting for favor.
  • Requesting those in authority for a favor
Do you ask everyone to favor you?", a patient was asked.  "The question does not arise.  What is the use of asking does who do not know the job.  You are a doctor.  You can properly understand my problem.  I request only you to rid me of this nasty disease earlier as possible because I am much in trouble.

Rest, can not, when things are not in proper place

Anac, Ars, Carc, Kali-s, Sep, Sul

  • Rest: Relief or freedom from troubles or exertion
  • Proper place : A space meant for a particular purpose.      
  • Cannot be at peace as long as things are brought back to the order required.  This rubric may be converted into these words.  "Things do not appear in order" but is not necessary that peace of mind is lost in every case.  In the broader context the disorder may be of any type concerning anything in life or society (even one's own action or of others) etc. etc.
I feel that the medicine you gave was not correct because it has not given the desired results.

Mood, Repulsive

Puls, ...

  • Repulsive: that drives off.  Not accepting to be pushed back from the present position.                     
  • Mood: disposition of mind
  • Wants to hold his foot fast, does not allow himself to be pushed back.

Versions :- ".

  • I want to remain perfectly alright. Why one should be sick?" Replied when he was adviced that he should not bother for minor ailments"

Shrieking, aid for  

(Help for) Camph, Hep, Ign, Kali-c, Laur, Plat, Plb, Rhus-t, Stram

  • Shrieking: Uttering a sharp cry.
  • Aid: Subsidy; not full help just a part of it. It is that proportion of assistance which one needs to fulfill the deficiency being experienced in one's own efforts.
  • Asking for a helping hand in an unpleasant tone.
  1. I have to look-after all the house-hold all alone. No body tries to help me. Even in sickness none bothers to see that I need assistance.
  2. I was just passing through this way and thought of meeting you. There is not much problem with me. I can do without medicine. But if I get a dose of it I think it will better

Shrinking, alternating with unconsciousness

Apis, Bell, Bufo, Rheum, Tub, Zinc

  • Unconsciousness: state of complete loss of the power of perception and awareness of the surroundings.  Is not able to respond to sensory stimulations.
  • Broken in between by trying with a shrill sound.
  • The state of unconsciousness is broken for some time or moments in between by shrieking (as a sign of awareness of pains or dangers, etc.)
  1. A person remains forgetful in a state of unawareness that an important work is suffering which requires his attention without delay and this state is broken in between with a remainder of ruin."
  2. The patient remains quiet for most of the time but produces sounds of distress occasionally.

Weeping, refused anything, when

Bell, Cham, Dulc, Ign, Spong, Tarent

  • Weeping: shedding tears to express grief, sorrow or any overpowering emotion.                      
  • Refused: A request rejected
  • Weeps when he feels his request for anything is rejected.
When I come here I do everything to impress upon you that I require your full attention to get rid of my disease. You also do not spare any effort or your part to prescribe a correct medicine and even after that if I do not get relief I feel as if my request has been turned down by an unknown force which is followed by tears from my eyes." 146.   

Weeping, touched when

Ant-c, Ant-t, Cham, Cina, Sil, Stram

  • Touched: Coming into contact with the fingers or hands or any part of someone's body.
  • While coming into contact physically with finger, hand or any part of the another's body or mentally in the thought or word heard move the mind and stir it to react in the form of shedding tears.
  • Feels that she never hurts her men, why then all those sufferings for her. 
  • With tears in her eyes she asks the ALL MIGHTY.