Canth, Cantharis vesicatoria
Canth is a Sehgal Remedy which is used in Sehgal Method.
- The King-remedy of cystitis (especially spastic). Also important in nephritis, pyelonephritis, urethritis (gonorrhea), PID and Kidney / Bladder stones. Similar remedies are Cann-s, Berb, Merc-c, Puls, Sars
- Burning, cutting and shooting Smarting
- Esp in the neck of bladder/urinary tract
- During/after urination that shoots along the length of the penis
Bladder - BURNING, pain - burning, bladder, neck, of
Bladder - BURNING, pain - burning, bladder, neck, of - extending through urethra
- Intense thirst with aversion to drinking: because the least amount of drinking causes bladder pain to increase
Food - THIRST, general - dread, of liquids, with
Food - THIRST, general - aversions, drinks : FERR , HYOS , LYSS , NUX-V
- Hematuria
Bladder - BLEEDING, from - bleeding, urethra
- Urging + burning (during/before/after urination) Sensation of constriction of internal canal
Bladder - CONTRACTION, sensation of - contraction, urethra - internally
- Painful dribbling esp at the beginning of urination)
Bladder - PAIN, bladder - urinating, during - after a few drops pass
Bladder - PAIN, bladder - urinating, during - beginning : CLEM
- Painful urinary retention
Bladder - RETENTION, of urine - painful : CAUST, NUX-V, Op
- Bladder Tightness / Spasm / Tenesmus + Urging
Bladder - stricture, urethra - stricture, spasmodic : NIT-AC
- Strong and sudden urging that if the patient does not go to the toilet, urine may come out involuntarily
Bladder - URGING, to urinate - sudden - hasten to urinate, must, or urine will escape : ARN. CANN-S, CLEM , NUX-V , PULS, SULPH
- Intense pain agonizes him and ends in sweating
Bladder - URINATION, general - painful, urination - dances around the room in agony, so that he : APIS
Bladder - URINATION, general - painful, urination - perspiration, during : CHAM
- Purulent urine
Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - flocculent
Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - purulent
- Inflammation of internal organs, which leads to gangrene
Diseases - INFLAMMATION, tissues - gangrenous
Diseases - INFLAMMATION, tissues - internally
Skin burns
- Skin burns (Urt-u), sunburns, blisters, insect bites (Apis)
EYE - INFLAMMATION - burns, from
- Gastritis, dysentery: loss of appetite, burning throat or stomach
Acute mania
- Attacks of anger and leash breaking (Like a dog wants to bite.)
- Extremely aggressive and hostile (Hyos, Bell, Stram)
- Increased libido along with Lewdness (Hyos, Phos)
- Fear of shiny and luminous objects (Lyss),
- Fear of noise (Asar, Ther)
- Fear of being touched (Ant-c, Cham, Tarent)
- Many of his hallucinations are auditory and paranoidal (Hyos) E.G. he thinks someone is hitting his bed.
- Insanity + urinary problems (Apis ₳ Canth)
- Camph is a good complementary remedy.
Fear of water
- Lyss, Hyos, Bell, Canth
- Stram is afraid of anything shiny
- Lyss has urinary incontinence or diarrhea due to the sound of water