Canth, Cantharis vesicatoria
The King-remedy of cystitis (especially spastic). Also important in nephritis, pyelonephritis, urethritis (gonorrhea), PID and Kidney / Bladder stones. Similar remedies are Cann-s, Berb, Merc-c, Puls, Sars
Burning, cutting and shooting Smarting
Esp in the neck of bladder/urinary tract
During/after urination that shoots along the length of the penis
Bladder - BURNING, pain - burning, bladder, neck, of Bladder - BURNING, pain - burning, bladder, neck, of - extending through urethra
Intense thirst with aversion to drinking: because the least amount of drinking causes bladder pain to increase
Food - THIRST, general - dread, of liquids, with Food - THIRST, general - aversions, drinks : FERR , HYOS , LYSS , NUX-V
Bladder - BLEEDING, from - bleeding, urethra
Urging + burning (during/before/after urination) Sensation of constriction of internal canal
Bladder - CONTRACTION, sensation of - contraction, urethra - internally
Painful dribbling esp at the beginning of urination)
Bladder - PAIN, bladder - urinating, during - after a few drops pass Bladder - PAIN, bladder - urinating, during - beginning : CLEM
Painful urinary retention
Bladder - RETENTION, of urine - painful : CAUST, NUX-V, Op
Bladder Tightness / Spasm / Tenesmus + Urging
Bladder - stricture, urethra - stricture, spasmodic : NIT-AC
Strong and sudden urging that if the patient does not go to the toilet, urine may come out involuntarily
Bladder - URGING, to urinate - sudden - hasten to urinate, must, or urine will escape : ARN. CANN-S, CLEM , NUX-V , PULS, SULPH
Intense pain agonizes him and ends in sweating
Bladder - URINATION, general - painful, urination - dances around the room in agony, so that he : APIS Bladder - URINATION, general - painful, urination - perspiration, during : CHAM
Purulent urine
Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - flocculent Urine - SEDIMENT, urinary - purulent
Inflammation of internal organs, which leads to gangrene
Diseases - INFLAMMATION, tissues - gangrenous Diseases - INFLAMMATION, tissues - internally
Skin burns
Skin burns (Urt-u), sunburns, blisters, insect bites (Apis)
Gastritis, dysentery: loss of appetite, burning throat or stomach
Acute mania
Attacks of anger and leash breaking (Like a dog wants to bite.)
Extremely aggressive and hostile (Hyos, Bell, Stram)
Increased libido along with Lewdness (Hyos, Phos)
Fear of shiny and luminous objects (Lyss),
Fear of noise (Asar, Ther)
Fear of being touched (Ant-c, Cham, Tarent)
Many of his hallucinations are auditory and paranoidal (Hyos) E.G. he thinks someone is hitting his bed.
Insanity + urinary problems (Apis ₳ Canth)
Camph is a good complementary remedy.
Fear of water
Lyss, Hyos, Bell, Canth
Stram is afraid of anything shiny
Lyss has urinary incontinence or diarrhea due to the sound of water