Carb-an, Carbo Animalis
Carb-an characteristics are located between Con and Carb-v.
Here you see the similarities.
Con | Carb-v |
Swelling and stiffness of tissue after inflammation
Painful swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck, axilla, buttock Cancer: Breast, stomach, lymph nodes and liver Cirrhosis Tissue swelling with shooting, cutting and burning pain Breast trauma |
Blood circulation disorder, cyanosis of lips, face and limbs (Carb-v, Ant-t,)
Severe weakness Allen: good remedy for food poisoning ( All-c, Carb-v) Carb-v is a good antidote to Carb-an. |
Sad nostalgic
It is indicated in old people with nostalgic sorrows who remember the past and are dissatisfied with modern life. (Carb-an ₳ Caps)
• Everything was better in the past.
• Feel abandoned/left alone
• Sad, shy, doesn't like to talk to anyone.
Mind - HOMESICKNESS, nostalgia
Mind - ABANDONED, forsaken feelings
Constitutions - ELDERLY, people
Red scaly spots
ACUTE DISEASES - Dermatological disorders - superficial mycotic infections
ars.k ars-i.k calc.k carb-an.k carb-v.k kali-s.k mez.k nit-ac.k phos.k phyt.k sep.k sil.k
SKIN - DISCOLORATION - red - spots
SKIN - DISCOLORATION - red - spots - coppery
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - desquamating
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scaly - bran-like
Offensive old ulcers
Skin - EXCRESCENCES, growths - fungus, cauliflower - haematodes
Skin - ULCERS, general - discharges, from ulcers - offensive
Skin - ULCERS, general - old, ulcers - maltreated buboes, with callous edges
Skin - ULCERS, general – spongy
Acne vulgaris
Skin - ACNE, general - forehead Skin - ACNE, general - vulgaris
A lot of pimples on the face that lead to scars and cicatris
Blue/copper welding of the lips
Cyanotic lips
Sponge-like pimples that stay in place after healing.
Itchy acne rosacea
Skin - ACNE, general - rosacea
It agg in
- Evenings when sleeping
- Cold
Venous stasis
Illness with puffy face, bulging and purple veins, fat and bloody (carb-v, ASAF, Aur, puls)
Colic problems and venous stasis
Gums detachment of the from the teeth
Destruction of the supporting tissue of the teeth
Sensitivity of teeth to impact and chewing
Chronic coccyx pain
Burning pain and bruising of the coccyx (Cistus), esp in a nervous woman who suffered a brief injury, but the pain remains (The first remedy is Carb-an ₳ Hyper ).
Pelvis - SORE, pain, buttocks - sore, coccyx - injury, from : Carb-an.mp1 HYPER.mp1 Mez.mp1 SIL.mp1
BACK - INJURIES – Coccyx : bell-p.ptk1 Carb-an.k caust.sne gamb.mrr1 HYPER.k,kl2,mrr1,tl1 kali-bi.bg1 Mez.k rutasne SIL.k symph.tl1 thuj.sne
BACK - PAIN - sore - Coccyx - injury, from : Carb-an.k HYPER.k Mez.k SIL.k thuj.k2
Cervical cancer (Graph)