Camph in Sehgal

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Camph maybe used as a Sehgal Remedy in Sehgal Method


  • Camph wants aid from a person whom he can thoroughly trust and to whom he/she can bare his or her soul.
  • If he dose not find such a trusted person, he hide himself

MIND - HIDING - himself - corner; in: Camph, Elaps, Hyos, Puls


Delirious state

  • Trance, plays on piano with closed eyes; writes letters in an acquired language.
  • Delirium, repeats the same sentence
  • Speech, foreign tongue in a
He is in a semiconscious state as if he is not fully aware of what he is talking about


  • Clinging to others
  • Delusions, hell she is in
  • Shrieking, aid for
  • Weeping, desire to weep but eyes are dry

Naked wants to be

Naked wants to be, bares her breasts in puerperal mania
  • A woman would bare her breasts only before a person in whom she has confidence.  Her outlook while doing so is mostly like a mother.
  • You might have heard a certain woman talking about her relationship with the physician or to whomsoever she wants to divulge what is on her mind. That particular person is like a child to her and she reveals anything to him.
  • Talking, Sleep in, gentle voice, all night in a
  • Thoughts, crude
  • CLINGING, grasps and others
  • Camphor patient choose a physician who is not only capable but quite to trustworthy with whom intimate matters can be discussed without hesitation.
  • When asked by the physician what help she expects of him, she replies, "You are the doctor and therefore the best judge."
  • While talking she may be pulling at the neck of her clothes, thus symbolically baring her breast, giving the impression that she does not care to observe the decorum expected of her


ANXIETY, night, vision with frightful -

CRAWLING, child crawls into corners, howls, cries

DELIRIUM, repeats the same sentence

DELUSIONS, brain balanced on a slight point and was likely at any moment to be turned over; brain were

DELUSIONS, existence begun his existence; he had just that moment

DELUSIONS, ghosts, spectres, spirit sees sleep, in - glittering objects were glittering and too bright

DELUSIONS,high, he were high; house higher than the

DELUSIONS,mingled; objects were

DELUSIONS,murder, someone street; when on the

DELUSIONS,objects, sometimes thick, sometimes thin ( on closing eyes in slumber) sleep going deep sleep; into a state of

DELUSIONS,tall, things grow taller puis is throbbing, as the world, new world; he is moving in a

FEAR upward, of being drawn walking, ame!., from fear


INDOLENCE, chill, during


IRRITABILITY, visions, with frightful

LAUGHING, children, insane LIES, on bare floor, wants to

MANIA, puerperal anxiety, with, and almost loss of consciousness

Sadness, Diverted from thoughts of himself, desire to be: Aur, Camph