Caust children
- Emaciated child with nutritional problems
Children - EMACIATION - nutritional problems, from: bac.mp1 Bar-c.mp1 Calc.mp1 Calc-p, Cinamp1 kreos.mp1 lac-d.mp1 med.mp1 nat-m.mp1 Ol-j.mp1 pin-s.mp1 Sil.mp1 thyr.mp1
Children - MARASMUS - nutritional disturbances, from: bac, Bar-c, Calc, Calc-p, kreos, lac-d, med, nat-m, Sil, thyr
Children - THIN, sickly, children: brom.mp1 Calc-p.mp1 carc, irid-met.mp1 Lyc.mp1 mag-c.mp1 Phos.mp1 psor, SIL
Children - WEAK, children - delicate: calc-p, Phos.mp1 Sil
Children - DELICATE, puny, sickly: brom.mp1 Calc-p, irid-met.mp1 Lyc.mp1 mag-c.mp1 phos.mp1 psor.mp1 SIL
- Developmental problems due to malnutrition
Children - DEVELOPMENT, delayed or arrested: BAR-C, CALC-P, CARC, ...
Children - DEVELOPMENT, delayed or arrested - nutritional disturbances, due to:bac.mp1 Bar-c.mp1 Calc.mp1 Calc-p, kreos.mp1 lac-d.mp1 med.mp1 nat-m.mp1 pin-s.mp1 Sil.mp1 thyr.mp1
Children - WALK, general, late learning to walk: Agar.mp1 BAR-C.mp1 bell.mp1 CALC.mp1 CALC-F.mp1 CALC-P, lyc.mp1 merc.mp1 NAT-M.mp1 nux-v.mp1 Ph-ac.mp1 Phos.mp1 pin-s.mp1 Sanic.mp1 Sil.mp1 sulph.mp1
- Emaciated with ravenous appetite
Children - EMACIATION - appetite, ravenous, with: Abrot.mp1 ars-i.mp1 Bar-c.mp1 Bar-i.mp1 CALC.mp1 Calc-p, Chin.mp1 CINAmp1 IOD.mp1 Lyc.mp1 Mag-c.mp1 NAT-M.mp1 Nux-v.mp1 petr.mp1 Sil.mp1 sul-i.mp1 Sulph
- Inccordination
- Rachitism
- Large distend belly
Children - ABDOMEN, general - distension, in: BAR-C.mp1 CALC, Cinamp1 cupr.mp1 LYC.mp1 sil.mp1 staph.mp1 SULPH
Dentition agg
- Seizure, esp due to dentition
Children - CONVULSIONS, children - dentition, during
Children - CONVULSIONS, children - convulsions, infants, in: Art-v.mp1 BELL.mp1 bufo, Cham.mp1 Cupr.mp1 HELL.mp1 Hydr-ac.mp1 Mag-p.mp1 Meli
- Intertrigo due to teething
Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething
Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething - intertrigo, with: lyc
- Jealousy even to animals and objects
Children - JEALOUSY, ailments from - animals and objects, of: hyos.mp1 lach.mp1 med.mp1 nux-v.mp1
- Low self confidence + Timid bashful + Agg with presence of strangers
Children - BASHFUL, disposition
Children - CONFIDENCE, lacking of self esteem
Children - STRANGERS, presence of, agg.: Ambr.mp1 ant-t.mp1 BAR-C.mp1 Bry.mp1 bufomp1 carb-v.mp1 caust.mp1 cinamp1 con.mp1 lyc.mp1 nat-m.mp1 petr.mp1 phos.mp1 Sep.mp1 Stram.mp1 tarent.mp1 Thuj.mp1
- Complaining / Lamenting
Children - COMPLAINING, children
Children - CRYING, children
- Knocking his knees together
Children - KNEES, knocked, together: agar.mp1 arg-met.mp1 Arg-n.mp1 bry.mp1 Caust.mp1 chel.mp1 clem.mp1 coff.mp1 Colch.mp1 Con.mp1 Glon.mp1 nux-v.mp1
- Depressed, Slow
Children - DEPRESSED, children abrot.mp1 Ars.mp1 AUR.mp1 Calc.mp1 carc.mp1 caust.mp1 kali-br.mp1 Lach.mp1 lyc.mp1 NAT-M.mp1 rhus-t.mp1 sulph
Children - SLOWNESS, mental
- Fearful children, could not see cruel movies
Children - FEARFUL, children ACON.mp1 arg-n.mp1 ARS.mp1 BAR-C.mp1 borx.mp1 Calc.mp1 CARC, cham.mp1 kali-br.mp1 LYC.mp1 Op.mp1 PHOS.mp1 Stram.mp1 tub.mp1 zinc
Children - COWARDICE, children
Children - CRUELTY, children cannot bear to see cruelty at the movies: Calc.mp1 Carc, cic.mp1 phos
- Difficult oncentration, Slow intelect
Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - studying, reading, while
Children - LEARNING, disabilities
Physical problems
- Constipation esp due to holding back stool
- Newborn Constipation
Children - CONSTIPATION, children - holding back stool, from Nat-m
Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - newborn, infants: alum.mp1 Calc.mp1 caust.mp1 med.mp1 NUX-V.mp1 OP.mp1 Sulph.mp1 verat.mp1 Zinc.mp1
- Urine retention
- Ineffectual urging
- Constant dribbling
- Bladder, weakness
- Enuresis, esp in first sleep
Children - URINATION, painful, child cries - urination, urging to,ineffectual: ACON.mp1 Apismp1 camph.mp1 caust.mp1 eup-pur.mp1 Lyc.mp1 Nux-v.mp1
Children - URINE, retention, in Acon.mp1 APISmp1 Art-v.mp1 bell.mp1 Benz-ac.mp1 Calc.mp1 Caust.mp1 Cop.mp1 Dulc.mp1 eup-pur.mp1 ferr-p.mp1 Gels.mp1 ip.mp1 Op.mp1
Children - URINE, retention, in - infants, in new born ACON.mp1 Apismp1 arn.mp1 Ars.mp1 benz-ac.mp1 Camph.mp1 Canth.mp1 Caust.mp1 erig.mp1 hyos.mp1 Lyc.mp1 Op.mp1 puls.mp1
Children - BOYS, general - urine, constant dribbling of :Rhus-t
Children - GIRLS, general - bladder, weakness of : Rhus-t
Children - BEDWETTING - children, in:aesc.mp1 Bell.mp1 benz-ac.mp1 carc.mp1 Caust.mp1 chin.mp1 Cinamp1 EQUIS-H.mp1 Kreos.mp1 Lyc.mp1 med.mp1 nat-m.mp1 phos.mp1 puls.mp1 sep.mp1 sil.mp1 thuj.mp1
Children - BEDWETTING - first sleep benz-ac, .mp1 cinamp1 Kreos.mp1 Ph-ac.mp1 SEP