Caust in Sehgal

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ANXIETY, bed, on going, could with difficulty be induced to go to - headache, gastric - midnight on waking sleep before, fainting would return, as though, and he would die - stool, straining at, while timorous, in whooping cough -

CARES, worries full of day and night

CHILDISH, behavior epilepsy, before -

CONFUSION, of mind walking, air in open, after ame!.

DELUSIONS, images frightful evening

DELUSIONS, space between brain and skull, there is empty

DISCOURAGED, disgust, with

DISCUSS, political disputes, inclined to

DULLNESS, epilepsy, before

EXCITEMENT, walking after walking in open air

FANCIES, exaltation of evening, twilight, in FEAR, happen, something bad will, evening twilight agg. - supper, after

FOOLlSH, behavior, epilepsy, before

FORGETFUL, epilepsy, before

GRIEF, day and night

GUILT, feeling evening - HOLDING, or being held, anything agg. -

HURRY, haste, breath, with short

IDIOCY, idiotic actions, epilepsy, before

IMBECILITY, epilepsy, before

IMPETUOUS, afternoon

INDOLENCE, walking, after

LAUGHING, chorea, in - LOQUACITY, forenoon

MISTAKES, mispronounces words transposes sounds

MOANING, groaning, whining trifles, about every

RESTLESSNESS, afternoon on twilight night waking rising fr9m a seat, on

SADNESS, day and night with weeping

STUPEFACTION, as if intoxicated pollutions, after

TALK, desire to forenoon

THOUGHT, wandering evening

VIOLENT, evening, siesta, after

WEEPING, chorea, in - old people for nothing paralysis, in -

With Others

ABRUPT, harsh

ABSENT-minded, unobserving (Abstraction of mind; Concentration - difficult; Unobserving)

ABSORBED, buried in thought (Brooding; Fancies - absorbed; Meditation Sits - meditates; Sits - wrapped)

ABSTRACTION of mind (Absentminded; Concentration - difficult; . Unobserving)

ABUSED, ailments from being - ABUSIVE, insulting (Drunkenness; Quarrelsome)