Chel, Chelidonium

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  • Violent and domineering (Biliary temperament)
  • Pragmatist: Do not waste your time with emotions and feelings.
  • He does believe on Reality and avoids fantasy
  • He does not like anyone to monitor him. Even does not like to introspect himself. (Opposite to Chin, interestingly both are liver remedies) (Chel ₳ Chin)
  • High tendency to hot drinks, which amel him.
  • Love / Hate cheese
  • Turning; whirling


Best remedy for Gall-Bladder complains and acute Hepatitis

  • Persistent and sharp RUQ pain (in the back of the ribs) which is related to the bile ducts or liver.
  • Eating amel but Agg by fatty foods
  • Pain spreads under the right shoulder and back + Nausea and vomiting
  • Agg around 4 (AM & PM)
  • Amel with lying on left side legs drawn up


  • Chel is not a stomach remedy Exception indigestion.

STOMACH - HEAT - Epigastrium - sensation of heat: Bry

STOMACH - HEAVINESS - eructations amel.

STOMACH - INDIGESTION - accompanied by - Tongue - pointed tongue

STOMACH - PAIN - eating - after - amel.

STOMACH - PAIN - cramping - bending - forward - amel. COLOC

  • A lot of stomach Sign/Symptoms such as Extending/ Cramping pain, Nausea/ Vomiting accompanied other pathology.

STOMACH - RETCHING - anxiety - from

STOMACH - VOMITING; TYPE OF - bile - headache, with

STOMACH - HEARTBURN - tobacco, from

Stomach pain amel. warm drinks, esp. milk; temporarely amel. eating.

  • Cramping pain amel. lying on left side with legs drawn up.

Extending pains

  • To all directions, esp Backwards / Transversely

STOMACH - PAIN - stitching - extending to - Back : BORX

STOMACH - PAIN - extending to - Transversely

  • Liver pain spreads to the back and small of the right scapular angle. (Nux-v, Kali-c, Sep) (Chel ₳ Nux-v)
  • Headache which extends to Eyelids, Neck / Occiput, Nose, Eyes, Ears, Face, Teeth, Throat and Shoulders
  • Interestingly, the patient's shivering also starts from the hands and feet and spreads to other places.
  • Thread tied around the abdomen or neck.

True vertigo

VERTIGO - OBJECTS - turn in a circle; seem to

MIND - DELUSIONS - head - whirling in head

MIND - DELUSIONS - turn - everything turned - circle; in a

MIND - DELUSIONS - turn - everything turned - sitting up; on

MIND - DELUSIONS - turn - she - was turning - circle; in a

VERTIGO - TURNING; as if - everything were turning in a circle; as if


  • Liver pain with spread to the back and esp the right scapula
  • Jaundice
  • Yellow-green biliary vomiting
  • Pale patient
  • Light yellow, clay-like stool
  • Dull, dark, brown urine
