Coll, Collinsonia Canadenssi

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It is a one-sided hemorrhoid remedy.


It is located between Aesc، Sep و Nux-v

  1. Aesc: Heaviness, fullness sensation
  2. Sep: It has Sep problems but in acute form such as Genital itching, Bearing down pain
  3. Nux-v: Irritability

Blind hemorrhoids (Aesc)

Nigh / Evening agg, Morning amel

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - morning - amel. alum.k coll.k

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS – evening coll.tl1



RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - accompanied by - appetite; loss of coll.

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - accompanied by – indigestion coll

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - alternating with – constipation coll.

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - stool - hard stool; after coll.tl1

Suppression agg

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - suppressed (Nat-m, Nux-v, Op, Sul)

Special Relation with genital problems:

  • Uterus prolapse
  • Acute bearing down pain
  • Pelvic, Portal congestion

    RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - congestion; from pelvic and portal (SRR)

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - congestion; from pelvic and portal - women; in (SRR)

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - accompanied by - Skin; itching coll.

Pregnancy, Menes

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - menses - during, agg. RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - pregnancy, during

Heart alternating with

A small drug used in the uterus, rectum, heart.

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS external, Heart complains relived after (SRR)

Chest, Heart complains, alternating with hemorrhoid

Chest, Palpitation, alternating with hemorrhoid

Heart failure

A good palliative remedy for end-stage heart failure

General, Dropsy, external , Heart disease from

Chest, Heart complaints, excitement slight

Chest, oppression of heart, motion on