Conversion disorder

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  • When anxiety becomes a physical symptom and gradually sinks into a person's personality, that person becomes hysterical.

Two main Components

  • Excessive avoidance of certain tasks
  • Extreme desire to be cared for
  • The combination of these two components led them to high indoctrination.


  • Q: Is hysteria the same as malingering?
  • A: No, because the hysterical person inadvertently imitates the symptoms of illness, but the abuser plays the show voluntarily

Collective hysteria

  • It is occurred when people usually feel strongly in common in a (religious-political) ceremony. They become magnetized and absorbed for a while and lose control of their behavior and develop common behaviors. However, using hysteria in these situations is a bit thought-provoking


  • Disappointed love, Grief

    Mind- Hysteria - grief, from bar-s. Gels. Ign

Mind- Hysteria- children; in - girls - love; from disappointed ant-c.

MIND - KILL; desire to - hysterical sadness, with Merc

MIND - Sighing - hysteria, in Hydr-ac, IGN. Pla

Mind- Hysteria- sighing - amel. tarent.

MIND -Weeping– hysterical Ars, Asar, Aur-ar, Cact, Carc, Coff, Kali-p, Nat-m, Sumb, Tarent, Verat-v

  • Bleeding, loss of - fluids

    Mind- Hysteria- hemorrhage – with croc.

Mind- Hysteria- loss of - blood; after Stict.

Mind- Hysteria- loss of - fluids; after Chin. Cinnm.

  • Discharges suppression

    Mind- Hysteria- discharges; after suppression of ASAF, Lach.

  • Sexual excesses or suppression/Menopause

    Mind- Hysteria- sexual - excesses, after agar. anac. con. lach. Ph-ac. sep. Staph

Mind- Hysteria- sexual - excitement; from suppression of Sexual Brom. CON

Mind- Hysteria- pollutions, after anac. sil. staph

Mind- Hysteria- menopause; at cimic. Ign. Lach. Ph-ac. ther. valer. zinc-val.

  • Insomnia

SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS – hysterical :Croc, mosch, Senec, Stict

Mind- Hysteria- sleep; with disturbed Carc

  • Mensuration/Pregnancy/Puberty

    Mind- Hysteria- menses – after chin. cupr. ferr. puls.

Mind- Hysteria- menses - after – copious caul. cimic. Mag-m. nux-v.

Mind- Hysteria- menses - after – scanty NUX-M.

Mind- Hysteria- menses – before caul. Cimic. cocc. con. elaps gels. Hyos. Ign. Mag-m. Mosch. nux-m. nux-v. Plat. puls. senec. vib.

Mind- Hysteria- menses – during cact. caul. caust. Cimic. cocc. ign. ip. lyc. mag-m. mosch. NUX-M. sec. stram. verat.

Mind- Hysteria- menses - during - amel. Zinc.

Mind- Hysteria- menses - during - first day of raph.

Mind- Hysteria- pregnancy and delivery; during Chlol. GELS.

Mind- Hysteria- puberty, at ant-c. Lach. Ther.

Main symptom/signs

  • Anger

    MIND - ANGER - alternating with – hysteria  : croc, ign, lyss, mez, olnd, vinc

  • Anxiety

    MIND - ANXIETY – hysterical  Asaf, Carc, on, THER.

    MIND - ANXIETY - respiration; with impeded - hysterical women; in acon.

    MIND - RESTLESSNESS – hysterical Asaf.

  • Delirium, Delusions

    MIND - DELIRIUM - hysterical, almost bell.Hyos.ign. tarent.k verat.

    MIND - DELUSIONS - body - lighter than air; body is - hysteria; in gels.

  • Excitement/Insanity/Cheerfulness

    MIND - EXCITEMENT – hysterical ign

    MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - hysteria, weeping amel. Aster

    MIND - INSANITY - erotic - girl, in hysterical Plat

    Mind- Hysteria- lascivious agn. mosch. Plat. Tarent.

    MIND - INSANITY – hysterical ign, orig

Hysteria- Injure herself; desire to Hydr-ac

MIND - CHEERFUL – hysterical ther.

MIND - LAUGHING – hysterical Agath-a, alum-sil, Asar, calc, elec, hydrog, kali-p, limest-b, nux-m, puls, santin, sumb, tarent.

MIND - LAUGHING - menses - during – hysterical nux-m


MIND - LOOKING - directions; in all - hysteria; to observe the effect of her actions on others, in tarent

Mind- Hysteria- changing symptoms carc. PULS.

Mind- - teeth; with pain in IGN. sep.

Mind- Hysteria- tongue – stiffness sep

Mind- Hysteria- ludicrous Tarent

Mind- Hysteria- touch and pressure; intolerance of Tarent

  • Digestive hysteria    

    Mind- Hysteria- stomach; with complaints of calc. Cocc. grat. IGN. mag-c. nux-v. stann.

    Mind- Hysteria- intestinal complaints; with Asaf.

    ABDOMEN - HYSTERIA agg: Cocc, IGN, Ip, Nux-v

    ABDOMEN - PAIN - cramping - hysterical :Cocc, Ip, Mag-m, Mosch, Stann, Stram, Valer

    STOMACH - ERUCTATIONS; TYPE OF - bitter - hysteria, in tarent.ptk1

    STOMACH - ERUCTATIONS; TYPE OF - empty - hysteria, during mang

    STOMACH - ERUCTATIONS; TYPE OF – hysterical ruta

    STOMACH - HICCOUGH - hysterical mosch

    STOMACH - SLOW digestion - hysteria; in IGN, Puls, Sep

    STOMACH - VOMITING – hysterical ign

    ABDOMEN - CONTRACTION - Muscles - hysterical women; in Bry, cocc, Mosch

    ABDOMEN - DISTENSION - tympanitic – hysterical Tarax

    ABDOMEN - FLATULENCE - hysterical cocc, colch, ign, puls, valer

    Mind- Hysteria- tongue - white discoloration of the tongue; with Lyc

    MIND - HYSTERIA - salivation; with merc

Respiratory hysteria

Mind- Hysteria-- respiration; with complaints of: Acon, Coff, IGN, MOSCH. Nux-m. NUX-V, Puls, Stram

THROAT - CHOKING hysterical: cact

LARYNX AND TRACHEA - LARYNGISMUS stridulus hysterical: Mosch

LARYNX AND TRACHEA - VOICE - lost - hysterical: gels, Hyos, Ign, Nux-m, plat, sep

LARYNX AND TRACHEA - VOICE - lost - nervous aphonia acon. arg-n. caust. coll. crot-h. gels. hydr-ac. ign. merc. nux-m. ox-ac. phos. pop-cand. puls. Spong


RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - hysterical Cedr, Ign, Lob

COUGH - HYSTERICAL attack of - followed by crying, night form

COUGH - HYSTERICAL attack of - women Gels. Ign. Kali-br

COUGH - MENSES - before hysterical plat

COUGH - MENSES - during hysterical hyos, plat

NOSE - CORYZA - nervous kali-p, lach, sabad, sel, sil, sumb

Chest, Heart hysteria

CHEST - PAIN – hysterical

CHEST - PAIN - Heart – hysterical zinc-val

CHEST - PALPITATION of heart - hysteria, in Cedr, Gels. Ing, Mosch. Nat-m. Nux-m

CHEST - PALPITATION of heart - urine - copious, with - hysteria; after an attack of coff

CHEST - SPASMS of – hysterical : ASAF, Cocc, Mosch, Stram

CHEST - WEAKNESS - Heart - nervous and hysterical people; in

hysteric Headache, Vertigo


VERTIGO - NERVOUS affections, with Puls

HEAD - PAIN - hysterical headache: ASAF

HEAD - PAIN - nervous - hysterical or scrofulous people asaf

Urogenital hysteria   

BLADDER - PARALYSIS - hysterical subjects, in ign.bro1 ZINC

BLADDER - RETENTION of urine - hysteria, in ZINC

BLADDER - URGING to urinate hysterical gels

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - ABORTION - tendency to abortion - hysterical women, disposed to faint; chilly NUX-M

  • Hysteric Leukorrhea

    FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - LEUKORRHEA - convulsions - after hysterical bell, Mag-m

    FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - LEUKORRHEA - spasms; after hysterical bell, Mag-m

    FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - LEUKORRHEA - hysteric women; in Am-c, Gels, PULS

  • Hysteric Mensuration

    FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - absent - hysteric women; in Cypr, Sil

    FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - suppressed - hysteric women; in Cypr, NUX-M, ol-an, Sil

    FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - copious - hysteric women; in Nux-v

    FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - scanty - hysteric women; in NUX-M\

  • Hysteric Uterus Prolapse   

    Mind- Hysteria- uterus - complaints of the; with cimic. helon.

    Mind- Hysteria- uterus - prolapse of the; with helon.

Neurologic hysteria

  • Numbness

    GENERALS - ANESTHESIA [= insensibility] hysterical ign

    BACK - PAIN - sore - Spine hysterical Kali-br

    EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS hysterical gels

    GENERALS - NUMBNESS - hysteria; in ign

  • Convulsion/ Epilepsy

    GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - epileptic - hysterical visc

GENERALS - WEAKNESS - convulsions, after hysterical ars

MOUTH - BITING - Tongue - convulsions; during hysterical Cic

GENERALS - CHOREA – hysterical tarent


  • Paralysis

    GENERALS - PARALYSIS - hysterical

    EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS - hysterical Acon, IGN

    EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS - Upper limbs - left - hysteria, in sep

    EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS - Lower limbs hysterical ign

Visual hysteria

VISION - ACUTE - night - hysterical persons; in Ferr

VISION - LOSS OF VISION – hysterical gels

VISION - WEAK hysterical gels

  • Spastic hysteria

    Mind- Hysteria- spasms; with - Back; of cimic

    Mind- Hysteria- spasms; with - Cervical region; of cimic

    EXTREMITIES - CONTRACTION of muscles and tendons – hysterical sec, valer, zinc

    EXTREMITIES - CONTRACTION of muscles and tendons - Fingers – hysterical zinc

Hysteric syncope


Mind- Hysteria- chlorosis; with tarent.