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Spasmodic Dysphonia Vocal Cord Paralysis
Stan Weak Voice in Spasmodic DysphoniaStannum Met is an effective homeopathic medicine used to treat spasmodic dysphonia. It works well in cases where a person’s voice becomes weak, and the speech gets difficult. It is also used to treat hoarseness of voice. In some cases, Stannum Met is indicated where there are frequent episodes of loss of voice. Hoarse and Weak VoiceHomeopathic preparation Stannum Met works well in cases of vocal cord paralysis presented with either hoarse or a weak voice. Hawking mucus may improve voice quality. A need to take frequent deep breaths may accompany the above symptoms.
Caust Hoarse voice in Spasmodic DysphoniaCausticum is an effective homeopathic medicine used to treat hoarseness of voice in cases of spasmodic dysphonia. The people needing Causticum mostly experience hoarseness that is prominent in the morning. Causticum is also helpful in cases where people find it hard to speak due to over-use of voice (like public speakers). It also indicated in people who experience brief periods of loss of voice due to muscle spasms. Hoarseness of Voice in Vocal Cord ParalysisCausticum is a natural medicine for hoarseness of voice in cases of vocal cord paralysis. In cases needing Causticum, hoarseness of voice is most marked in the morning and evening. There is also an inability to speak loudly. Shortness of breath may also be present
Merc Spasmodic Dysphonia with a Shaky VoiceMerc Sol is a natural treatment for spasmodic dysphonia where the person develops a shaky voice. Speech in such cases is tremulous, difficult and impeded. Merc Sol is also indicated for broken or interrupted voice and momentary loss of voice as a result of over-straining.
Phos Weak Voice in Spasmodic DysphoniaPhosphorus works as a good treatment for spasmodic dysphonia in cases where a person has a weak voice. The person needing Phosphorus usually has a weak voice and speaks with difficulty. Other features that indicate the need for phosphorus include a hoarse voice as well as loss of voice due to prolonged speaking. Hoarse VoicePhosphorus is another homeopathic medicine that is used to treat hoarseness of voice in cases of vocal cord paralysis. The voice may also be husky or rough. Prolonged speaking worsens the complaint.
Stram Spasmodic Dysphonia with Strained VoiceStramonium is a homeopathic remedy used to treat spasmodic dysphonia where a person has a strained voice. The straining in the voice occurs due to the exertion or strain a person puts to speak a single word. Sometimes the spasm can get so intense that the person is unable to speak at all. Stramonium is also indicated in cases where a person has an interrupted or unconnected voice.
Arg-m Spasmodic Dysphonia in cases with History of Overuse of VoiceArgentum Met is a natural medicine for spasmodic dysphonia where the person has a history of overuse of voice as in public speakers, professional singers, etc. The symptoms that indicate the use of Argentum Met in such cases is hoarseness of voice and aphonia (inability to produce voice sound). These symptoms worsen for speaking for long hours.
Gels Weak Voice in Vocal Cord Paralysis

Gelsemium is a natural remedy prepared from the bark of the root of a plant Gelsemium Sempervirens, which is commonly known as Yellow Jasmine. This plant belongs to the natural order Loganiaceae. Gelsemium is indicated for cases of vocal cord paralysis that causes the voice to become weak. A burning sensation in the larynx may also be felt.

Cocc Tremulous or Broken Voice in Vocal Cord ParalysisHomeopathic medicine Cocculus Indicus is prepared from the seeds of a plant named Indian Cockle. The natural order of this plant is Menispermaceae. Cocculus Indicus helps in managing tremulous voice or broken voice in cases of vocal cord paralysis. Oppressed or difficult breathing may be an accompanying symptom.
lach Loss of Voice in Vocal Cord ParalysisLachesis offers a natural treatment for loss of voice in cases of vocal cord paralysis. This remedy is most indicated for vocal cord paralysis of the left side. Episodes of choking on eating may also be present along with the above features.
Nux-v Inability to Speak LoudlyNux Vomica is a homeopathic cure indicated for vocal cord paralysis where the person is unable to speak loudly. A frequent throat clearing may be present along with a cough while eating.

Banerji protocols

First line
  • Hep C200 BD
  • Gargling is contrindicated
Second line
  • Caust C200 one dose evet 3 days
  • KM 3X BD
Third line
  • Arg-m C200 one dose every 3 days
  • Carb-v C30 BD


Related disease

  • Larynx/ Vocal cord paralysis
  • Hoarseness
  • Larynx tumors