Fl-ac, Fluoricum Acidum

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Varicose veins

Cardiovascular disorders - thrombophlebitis : apis, ars, both, bry, calc-f, crot-h, kali-m, lach, lyc, merc, puls, sulph, vip

  • Esp in lower limbs and Other areas such throat, pharynx
  • Esp in pregnancy
  • Painful /Sensitive / Wounding varicose veins
  • Agg by heat
  • Varicocele

Complementary remedy: Sil (Fl-ac ₳ Sil)

Related remedies are: Calc-s, Puls, Sul-ac


  • He is always hot (as if hot steam is emanating from his body.) and likes to take ice showers.

MIND - DELUSIONS - smoke; of - hot smoke is coming through all orifices; as if fl-ac.

  • He is sensitive to both heat and cold (problems in summer and winter), but overall has a warm body.
  • He is thin, weak, pale and flabby. It wears off quickly.
  • Walking briskly and continuously makes it better overall.
  • He thinks he can walk forever

MIND - DELUSIONS - walking - forever; she could walk fl-ac.

MIND - IMPULSE; morbid - walk; to Bar-p, Cham, Merc, Naja, Sep, Tarent

MIND - ANXIETY - walking - rapidly - makes him walk faster; which: Arg-met. ARG-N, Galeoc-c-h. Sep

MIND - CHEERFUL - walking in the open air and afterwards: Alum, Ang, Chinin-s, Cinnb, Coca, Plb, Tarent, Teucr.

MIND - EXCITEMENT - walking - after Caust, Nat-m

Sexual desire

  • Sexual stimulation (numerous, intense and strong ejaculations)
  • A promiscuous person who does not have a good relationship with his wife.

MIND - FANCIES - lascivious - impotence, with Calad, Chin, Onos, Op, Sel

MIND - LASCIVIOUS - looking at women on the street

MIND - IRRITABILITY - sends - nurse - home

MIND - INDIFFERENCE - loved ones, to - strangers; and animated to

Fl-ac follows well:

After these remedies, you can safely give Fl-ac in these diseases:

  • Alcoholic ascites: Ars
  • Pelvic Diseases: Kali-c
  • Tooth sensitivity: Coff, Staph
  • Diabetes: Ph-ac
  • Bone diseases: Sil. Symph
  • Goiter: Spong

Offensive genital perspiration

  • Male Genital- PERSPIRATION - pungent; smells as if Dios
  • Male Genital- PERSPIRATION – fetid fl-ac. sulph. thuj

Teeth decay

Rapid destruction and darkening of teeth

TEETH - COMPLAINTS of teeth - right side

TEETH - CARIES, decayed, hollow - rapid ars.k bar-c.k Calc.k Calc-p.k Carb-v.k FL-AC.k,mrr1 med.k mez.k phos.k plan.k SEP.k staph.h1 syph.k2

TEETH - DISCOLORATION – dark Chin.k FL-AC.k sabin.k suis-em.rly4

TEETH - SORDES – dark Chin.k FL-AC.k tab.a1,k


TEETH - BREAKING off borx.h2 calc.mrr1 Calc-f.mrr1 euph.k fl-ac. lach.k nat-hchls.k plb.k sil.sul-ac.k

TEETH - CARIES, decayed, hollow

TEETH - CARIES, decayed, hollow - Roots, at agath-a.nl2 am-c.k fl-ac.bg1,bg2 merc.bro1 mez.bg2,k sil.bro1 syph.bro1 THUJ.bg2,k

TEETH - CARIES, decayed, hollow - children; premature in bac.jl2 Calc.Calc-f.k Calc-p.k,mtf33 carc.zzh cocc.bro1 coff.k Fl-ac.br1,k heclabro1 KREOS.k,mrr1 merc.Mez.bro1 phos.bro1 Plan.bro1 sil.bro1 STAPH. tub.


TEETH - DENTITION - difficult - Wisdom teeth Calc.k cheir.k ferr-pic.st Fl-ac. Mag-c. positr. SIL.

TEETH - DENTITION – slow aster.ggd,jl Bac.bn,vh CALC.hr1,k calc-f.sf1.de CALC-P.a1,br1,hr1,k,mrr1,mtf33,tl1 cham.pd Ferr.hr1 Fl-ac.hr1,k mag-c.hr1,k Mag-m.hr1,k merc.sf1.de nep.jl phos.sf1.de Phyt.br1,hr1 SIL.k,mrr1,mtf33 sulfa.jl sulph.sf1.de tarent.ggd thuj.sf1.de TUB.bg3,jl2,k1,mtf33,st Zinc.hr1

TEETH – DISCOLORATION Bac.bn fl-ac.mrr1

TEETH - EDGES feel sharp and hurt gums aloebg2,k fl-ac.bg2 lyc.bg2 mez.bg2 spig.bg2

TEETH - HEAT; sensation of - Upper teeth – left Fl-ac.a1,k

TEETH - SENSITIVE, tender - dental operation; cannot bear ANT-C.k,mtf11,mtf33 Fl-ac.k Ign.kl Mag-c.k Staph.k

TEETH - ULCERATION of roots alum.a1,bg2,k fl-ac.k2

Escaping from responsibility

  • Especially the obligation of marriage
  • Love-seeking personality

MIND - RESPONSIBILITY - inability to take fl-ac. lac-mat. olib-sac.

MIND - AVERSION - wife, to his ars. Fl-ac. nat-s. plat. puls. sal-fr. staph.

MIND - AVERSION - friends, to acon. anac. Aur-m. cedr. coloc. Con. ferr. fl-ac. kali-m. Led. merc-i-f. phasco-ci. pitu-a.

MIND - AVERSION - family; to members of - others; but talks pleasantly to fl-ac.

MIND - DELUSIONS - servants; he must get rid of fl-ac.

MIND - DELUSIONS - marriage - dissolve marriage; must fl-ac. melal-alt.

MIND - DELUSIONS - child - drive children out of the house; he must fl-ac.

MIND - DELUSIONS - betrothal must be broken fl-ac. sal-fr.

MIND - MARRIAGE - unendurable; idea of marriage seemed fl-ac. Lach. LYC. Med. NUX-V. pic-ac. puls. staph.


  • MIND - HEMORRHOIDS; after suppressed (Boger):anac.bg2 ant-c.bg2 arn.bg2 ars.bg2 bell.bg2 caust.bg2,k2 cupr.bg2 fl-ac.bg2 hyos.bg2 ign.bg2 lach.bg2 lyc.bg2 nux-v.bg2 phos.bg2 sep.bg2 sulph.bg2 verat.bg2 zinc.bg2,mtf33
  • Male Genital- COITION - enjoyment – extreme agn. ambr, lach. nat-m. nit-ac. stann. sulph.
  • Male Genital- SEXUAL DESIRE - increased - tabes dorsalis, in
  • Male Genital- SEXUAL DESIRE - increased - old man, in an arn, mosch. staph. sulph.
  • Male Genital- SEXUAL DESIRE - increased - night - erections, with – violent
  • Male Genital- ERECTIONS - violent - sleep, during calad. Dios. Fl-ac. Merc-c. Nat-c. Pic-ac.
  • Male Genital- ERECTIONS - old man, in an arn. fl-ac. phos.
  • Male Genital- ERECTIONS - night - sleep, during Fl-ac. op. rhod. ther.
  • Male Genital- ENLARGED - Spermatic cord fl-ac. kali-i
  • Male Genital- EJACULATION - reddish brown