Kali-c ₳ Lyc

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Lyc is the most important supplement of Kali-c and it is very widely used before and after it


Both are cautious and anxious and try to hide their anxiety and there is a leak in both.

Both of them hate of being alone (Ars, Bism). (Opposite to Nux-v and Ign who like to be alone)

Both have gastric distention as if their stomach is bursting.

Whatever he eats, convert in Flatus and bloats him (Iod).

Abdominal pain and bloating both get better with belching. (Carb-v)

Adenitis, recurrent otitis media, sinusitis and PND

Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, those who catch cold easily

Chronic and prolonged diseases;

Premature aging, weakness and emaciation


Blepharitis, herpes

Eye weakness due to overwork


Hepatitis, gallstones

Gout, heartburn

Anemia esp heolytic anemia

Pelvic joint diseases


PMS, uterine fibroids