Kalium Sulphuricum
Core theme
Its main theme is between Puls and Sul. (A skin or respiratory patient with a catarrhal theme): Kali-s ₳ Sul , Kali-s ₳ Puls
Puls and Caust are two plants which contain high in potassium and sulfur, which partly explains the similarity of these three remedies.
Kali-s is warm and hot / does not tolerate hot weather (Kali-i ₳ Kali-s)
But his ends (finger-toes) are cold.
According to George Vithoulkas Kali-s have a duty to make others happy. They have a duty to love others dearly.
Clinical experience
- If we give Puls to the patient and the case progresses to some extent, but his skin/ catarrhal problems remain, you could try Kali-s, of course, if the modalities are matched. Normally we give Sul in such situations, because we do not know Kali-s.
- If the patient become chilly after goof prescription of kali-s, Sil is a good choice.
- if the patient become sensitive to warm air after goof prescription of Sil, Kali-s is also suitable.
- So Sil - Kali-s are two excellent flowers.
Hematological disorders - leukemia - lymphoid leukemia /myeloid leukemia : ARS.k benzol.k carb-v.k carbn-s.k kali-s.k mur-ac.k nat-ar.k nat-m.k pic-ac.k thuj.k
The conflict is more inferior and manifests itself in the form of Rattling. (Like Ant-t)
Yellow, bulky, thick catarrh (similar to Kali-bi but Kali-bi sputum is elastic in addition to concentration)
Doctrines of signature
According to Jan Scholten Technique, Kali-s is a remedy between Kali and Sul.
- Kali: General Coldness/ Cold agg , Dependence on family
- Sul: He is constantly trying to prove that the humiliation and insult he was subjected to was wrong.
- Kali-s: She thinks she has been humiliated or left out by her family (her close group) and now she is trying to get back to her family.
So Kali-s contains Dependence on family + feeling of humiliation.
Naturally such a person is gentle and dependent on the family. (Like Puls) But there are traces of roughness and irritability due to the feeling of humiliation in him. By understanding this roughness you could differentiate it from Puls.
Its general theme is between Puls and Sul.
Note: When Sul and Iodine are added to something, they overwhelm the whole person. Of course, Iodine has the most imposition, followed by Sul
Hot close room agg
Feeling heat (Sul) and do not tolerate warm /closed space, which is only 4-lines rubric in this drug.
MIND - ANGUISH - heat - from anguish; heat
Copious mucoid dischages
Yellow , Copious and thick catarrh
Similar to Kali-bi but not so sticky and Stringy which are indicators of kali-bi.
Similar to Puls, it has profuse, green, yellow, green-yellow or white (mucopurulent mucus)
Concentrated, excessive, yellow discharge of skin rashes that may clump and look ugly.
Cold Extremities
Extremities coldness which is rarely seen in a typical Sul, is a good point. It means that typical Sul dose not have this character, meanwhile there is not a modality that has not been proven in Sul.
Night terrors
Anxiety, nightmares, Dreams of corpses and dead people
Skin problems lead to chronic manifestations such as
Desquamating rash in psoriasis that is not very dynamic.
Dermatological disorders - psoriasis : ars.k ars-i.k calc.k kali-ar.k kali-c.k kali-s.k lyc.k merc.k petr.k phos.k phyt.k puls.k rhus-t.k sep.k sil.k sulph.k,k
Dermatological disorders - scabies: ars.k carb-v.k carbn-s.k caust.k kali-s.k sel.k Sulph.k
Sequel conditions such as skin cancer.
Dermatological disorders - superficial mycotic infections : ars.k ars-i.k calc.k carb-an.k carb-v.k kali-s.k mez.k nit-ac.k phos.k phyt.k sep.k sil.k
Catarrhal otitis media
Inflammation of the Eustachian tube, which may affect the patient's hearing.
Thin or thick purulent watery discharge
Tinnitus that increases with chewing.