Kreos, Kreosotum

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Core theme

It is located between Ars, Merc, Sep

  1. Burning and wounding and cancer and irritability like Ars (Ars ₳ Kreos)
  2. Genital involvement, esp vaginitis, aggravated by intercourse Sep (Kreos ₳ Sep)
  3. Oral and dental involvement like Merc (Kreos ₳ Merc)


Copious / Watery / Offensive / Lumpy / Cheesy/ Albomionus Leukorrhea

Acidic / Irritant / Burning / Ulcerating / Hot that wounds all areas and causes itching.

Yellow leucorrhoea with severe weakness

Urination has also become painful

The color and its effects remain on underwear


In Menses-related leucorrhea, there are three remedies: Kreos, Sep, Graph

  1. Graph: Leucorrhoea before / After menses / Instead of menses
  2. Sep: The best remedy for before menses leucorrhea
  3. Keros: The best remedy for after menses leucorrhea

Other secretions of kreos is also Copious / Offensive / Lumpy / Cheesy/ Offensive

Hotness in many parts of his body, esp in secretions is a good key point

Genital sensitivity

Itching / Swelling / Pain and severe sensitivity

Burning / Sharp pains and itching

Itching after menses or following leucorrhoea

After menses pleasant itching and stimulation Libido

The pain is more burning and hot like fire

Burning, Ulcerative feeling, Corrosive and Invasive lesions.

Menses disorders

Kreos affects the quality and rhythm of menses.

Copious / Burning / Offensive bleeding

Early or delayed menses

Irregular menses: It stops and starts again

The intensity of bleeding increases when lying down and decreases when moving and walking (Opposite of Puls).

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - cease - walking; after : Lil-t


FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - copious - lying - agg. : coc-c.

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - copious - walking - amel : mag-m. sabin

Menses agg

Anger, Dizziness, Headache, Earache, Hearing loss, Dry skin of lips- corners , Vomiting, Oral mucous excoriation, Constipation / Hard stools or Diarrhea, Abdominal distension / Belching, Chest pain, fever, Sweating , and even Skin rashes (Kreos ₳ Sep)

MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - excoriation - menses agg


  • Inflamed, spongy, blue colored gums.
  • It bleeds easily and separates from the teeth.
  • This condition mostly occurs in the upper left jaw.
  • Complications:

Children Teeth decay

Teeth decay quickly because of low quality of the teeth.

Deadly toothaches

Restless Screaming when teething. Constipation or diarrhea. He coughs and may even have a seizure.

The most important remedy for teething is Cham, followed by Calc, Phyt, Kali-br, Acon, Bell, Rheum, Kreos, Borx.

Herpetic rash on the skin, especially around the mouth


Irritability, displeasure: Irritability is seen more in Kreos children, esp when teething or women during their menses, who get angry with the smallest thing and throw everything.

Like Cham, she is not satisfied at all.


Her sadness is mostly triggered by music. Music makes her cry for no reason. (Sep)


Vaginismus due to the fear of sexual intercourse

she is afraid and anxious even at the thought of sexual intercourse.

The pain during intercourse is very severe.

MIND - ANXIETY - coition - thought of; from - women; anxiety in FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - VAGINISMUS - coition - painful