Nat-m ₳ Phos

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  • Both are sensitive to Human relationships and sympathetic
  • Red, dry and cracked lips



  • According to old school Homeopathy Nat-m is introverted and Phos extroverted
  • But why Phos is important remedy of Reserved rubric? Because Phos Pretend to be open, but he dose not want to talk about his private life, and on the contrary, when Nat-m becomes sure that you are trustworthy, he opens his heart to you and points out issues that even he has not told anyone.
  • Phos communicates with you very easily at first, but this communication remains superficial until the end of the treatment. He does not reveal his main issues


  • Both have feelings of sympathy, but Phos has the ability to phase/feel with the other party. When Phos sees you, he can experience the same feeling you are experiencing now, and this is the true meaning of Sympathy. This is why you feel comfortable with Phos because you see your experiences in him at the moment and therefore his reactions are very predictable for you so you like him. Phos experiences the surrounding space with its fully open ports and recreates it moment by moment with its mirror neurons. This causes Phos to have nothing of his own and to present exactly what he perceives, and it seems that he is magnetized by the environment and, according to Vithoulkas, has a spreading and Evaporate nature.
  • While Nat-m only feels sympathy for the third person when he experiences something similar to his own pain. It is then that he remembers his own pains and sufferings and thinks deeply about it and stays in this feeling for a long time as if helping others relieves himself.

Human relationships

  • Both are intelligent and have high EQ. Phos is very sensitive to people's faces and they quickly get feedback from changing looks.
  • Events such as mourning, betrayal and death strongly affect both of them (Law of attraction).
  • Nat-m soon comes to the conclusion that the world is a bad place and begins to mourn, but Phos is full of energy and happy.
  • Both are sensitive to the feelings of others around them. Phos shows his sensitivity quickly but Nat-ms (except children) does not show his sensitivity, because he has learned that it is better not to say anything in order not to be ridiculed.