Pet Behavioral Problems

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Separation anxiety

When dogs are separated from humans, usually the owner, they often display behaviors which can be broken into the following four categories:

These behaviors may manifest as destructiveness, fecal or urinary elimination, hypersalivation or vocalization among other things.

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Exploratory behavior
  • Curious
  • Meddlesome
Meddlesome: Hyos, Lyc

Spying everything: Calc, Hyos, Lch, Lyc, Puls, Sep, Sul

Object play
  • Playful
  • Amusement, Desire for
Bell, Cocc, Lach
Destructive behavior
  • Destructiveness
  • Biting
  • Breaking things
  • Tearing, things in general:
  • Destructiveness, alone when: Tarent
  • Destructiveness, Alternating with Mildness: Tub
  • Destructiveness, Cunning: Tarent
  • Breaking things, Bright objects: Lyss
  • Tearing, Himself: Ars, Bell, Stram, Tarent Taring, Cloths: Bell, Hyos, Nux-v, Tarent
  • Tearing, Pillow with teeth: Phos, Stram
Vocalization Barking, Bellowing: Bell, Canth, Cupr, Nux-v, Stram

Barking, Incessant: Cham, Lac-c, Nat-m, Phos, Sul Barking, Incessant, Car when alone in the: Nat-m, Phos Barking, Incessant, When home alone in the: Sul Barking, Incessant, Paroxysmal: Canth Barking, Touched when, Larynx, at: Canth


  • This emotion may feed into other behavioral problems, manifest as attention-seeking behavior, withdrawing from social activity, or aggression towards their owner or another animal or person.

Tail chasing

Tail chasing can be classified as a stereotypy. It falls under obsessive compulsive disorder, which is a neuropsychiatric disorder that can present in dogs as canine compulsive disorder

  • Fight, Wants to
  • Rage
  • Rage, Alternating with Anxiety: Bell
  • Rage, Alternating with Cheerful: Acon, Bell, Hyos
  • Rage, Alternating with Fear: Bell
  • Rage, Alternating with Quiet desire to be: Hyos
  • Rage, Alternating with Laughing: Acon, Stram
  • Rage, Alternating with Sleep: Ars
  • Rage, Biting with: Bell, Camph, Canth, Stram, Sul, Verat
  • Rage, Kill people tries: Hep, Hyos, Stram, Tarent
  • Rage, Knows his relative dose not: Bell
  • Rage, Medicine from forcible administration: Bell
  • Rage, Mischievous: Bell, Cocc, Lyc, Sep
  • Rage, Noise from the slightest: Zinc
  • Rage, Pain from: Acon, Ars, Cham
  • Rage, Paroxysms in: Acon, Camph,
Fear Fear, Alone of being
Fear, Night

Fear, Darkness Fear, Alternating with mania: Bell, Hell Fear, Alternating with sadness: Zinc Fear, Amenorrhea from fear: Op Fear, Animals of Fear, Anorexia from fear: Ign, Carc Fear, Appearing in public: Anac, Arg-n, Carb-v, Gels, Lyc, Merc, Sil Spong Fear, Approaching of Fear, Approaching of, Vehicles of: Hydr-ac, Lyss, Phos Fear, Ascending of: Acon, Arg-n, Gels, Ign, Lyc, Nit-ac, Op, Puls, Rhus-t Fear, Attacked of being: Stram Fear, Bath: Sep, Spig, Sul Fear, Birds of: Apis, Bufo, Gels, Ign, Lyss, Nat-m, Op, Tub Fear, Cage of carrying: Arg-n Fear, Carried of being: Borx. Bry, Sanic Fear, Corners: Arg-n, Kali-br Fear, Crossing bridge: Arg-n, Borx, Puls, Sul Fear, Crossing street: Acon, Bry Fear, Crowd in

Jumping on people Jumping, Alternating with Sighing: Bell

Jumping, Impulse to Jump: Arg-met, Aur, Lach, Stram, Tarent Jumping, Suddenly as from pain: Cina Jumping up, Sleep during: Acon

Begging Begging: Ars, Aur, Bell, Kali-c, Lyss, Plat, Puls, Stram
Self-destructive behavior Biting, Himself: Acon, Lyss, Op, Stram, Tarent

Striking, Himself: Acon, Ars, Bell, Hyos, Op, Phos, Plat, Stram, Sul Pulling hair, Desire to pull her own hair: Ars, Bell, Ign, Lach, Staph, Tarent, Tub Anger, Tearing himself to pieces, could: Sul

Repetitive behaviors Gesture makes, Automatic: Anac, Bell, Calc, Hell, Hyos, Lyc, Phos, Sil, Stram. Tub, Verat, Zinc

Gesture makes, Repeating the same action: Lach, Plat, Tub, Verat, Zinc

Clingy behavior Clinging, Attendant to: Ant-t

Clinging, Children, Awakes, Terrified: Borx, Cina, Stram Clinging, Grasps the nurse when affraid: Gels Clinging, Mother: Ant-t, Bar-c, Borx, Gels, Kali-c, Lyc, Nat-m, Phos, Puls, Sep, Sil Clinging, Grasps at others: Ant-t, Ars, Camph, Op, Phos, Puls Clinging, Persor or furniture: Ant-t, Bar-c, Borx, Cina, Gels, Phos, Puls, Stram Held, desire to be

Fear aggression

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder




Excessive barking

Leash pulling

Compulsive Disorders

Inappropriate elimination


Resource guarding


Possessive aggression

Aging and cognitive dysfunction

Climbing on furniture