Sul in Children

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Four types

  1. Carefree: (Similar to Phos)
    • Witty/ Cheerful by nature
    • Extremely pretentious
    • He is the leader of the group and hates to be subordinate (Brave and fearless)
    • Curious: He asks himself questions and answers himself
  2. Irritable (Unpleasant negative): (Similar to Cham)
    • Hits/ Screams
    • Shy
    • Allergy to milk
    • The rarest type of Sul
    • Children often become irritable during severe diarrhea.
    • Children often become irritable during fever.
  3. Hyperactive (Similar to Med)
    • Breaks the law, Doesn't care about anyone
    • Noisy, Destructive. He does not take care of his belongings
    • He screams until he gets what he wants
    • Exacerbation: before lunch, when blood sugar drops
  4. Mental (Similar to Nat-m)
    • Shy: He has limited friends.
    • Gash
    • He does his work in order.
    • Eager to study

Personality elements

  • Messy/ Dirty in Work/ Room/ Personal hygiene
  • Highly intelligent
    • Quick to learn new things
    • Becomes a leader very soon for two reasons (1) fearless (2) High IQ
    • Easy to make friends
    • Explorer new Tools / Places
    • Appears bright
  • Arrogant / Self-centered / Independent
    • The rules are not about me
    • Seeks to do everything for themselves
    • Disregarding others
    • He does not take care of his property and that of others
    • You have to remind him to divide regularly
  • Mental stupidity
    • Dreamer
    • Conversation instead of reading
    • Procrastination
    • Reading less and intensively for exams
    • Poor concentration which leads to laziness
  • Fear
    • Height
    • Family health
    • Bathroom


  • Warm-Blooded
  • They are either thin and tall (Like Phos/ Calc-p) or Stout like Calc
  • It is a remedy that complements the recovery period
  • Recurrent diseases
  • Red orifices (anus, nose, mouth, ear, vagina and urine)
  • Frequent skin rashes


  • Little need for sleep
  • High energy before sleep
  • Waking up during sleep at night (often occurs at night and around the first four hours of sleep)
  • Nightmare of being pursued
  • Sweating of the head area while sleeping
  • Wakes up early in the morning

Confirming Sign/ Symptoms

  • Sleeping on the left side
  • Warming up in sleep and removing the bedspread
  • They wake up frequently
  • Great interest in sweets, spices and fat
  • Dislikes eggs and sour foods
  • Loose stools and sensitive sores of anus
  • Smelly diarrhea, esp early in the morning
  • Much itching, red rash + burning
  • Aggravation of rash by Heat/ Contact with Wool/ Bathing
  • Inflammation makes the affected area red + fetid and ulcerative secretions
  • Aversion to bathing or exacerbation of symptoms with it
  • Aggravation with heat + Heat of the head and feet



  • Visual changes before the onset of headache (Iris, Kali-bi)
  • Getting better by lying down
  • Improve by keeping the head up
  • Caused by drinking milk
  • Headache caused by mental activity: children who like to stay home and play and not go to school
  • Throbbing headache with nausea/vomiting and facial flushing (Bell) + improvement with cold things

Scalp rash (Graph-like)

  • Red rash
  • It is easily infected
  • Impetus: Yellow pus discharges
  • Aggravation by washing the head


  • Rough and rough and smelly thick
  • Dry, fragile and sensitive hair

    Constitutions - HAIR, general, head and body - painful, when touched

Hot head

  • Can't stand the hat
  • May sweat profusely


  • Conjunctivitis, cyst of tear ducts
  • Dry, thick, yellow secretions and closed scabs in the morning that prevent the eyes from opening
  • Sul's eyelids are red and inflamed, esp on the sides. (Marginal blepharitis)
  • Calc has a less inflammatory process than Sul.
  • Sul's tears are scalding
  • Inflammation of the eyes agg by putting a wet application. (Similar to Puls, with the difference that the inflammation and severity of symptoms are more severe in Sul. Also, unlike Puls, Sul gets better with cold water.)
  • Redness caused by the destruction of mucous membranes in all infections