Three Level Theory

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Related to Nerocognitive considerations

This is a new approach to pathology of disease. Let's start with sign and symptoms which are the first level of my theory. It is obvious that you, as a physician are here to help patients to get ride of their sign / symptoms of disease. But it is not so easy as it seems. We have symptom-free as a phrase which is different from cured patient, which means that although deleting sign/symptoms are desirable, but it is not the final aim. Here pathology enter the battlefield and told us "Diseases are like icebergs and only a small percentage of them are visible. Therefore, an experienced doctor is never satisfied with only removing the symptoms of the disease and does not neglect to try to treat his patient until the pathology of the disease disappears."

Now, you may ask, can it ensure the termination of the treatment by completing the pathology?

If the answer to this question is positive, a precise definition of pathology should be provided. In other words, the border between illness and health is what is called pathology in today's medicine

The definition of pathology was the thing that encouraged me making this theory. Because I saw many times that the lack of a precise definition of pathology caused various and diverse diseases to enter this field and practically face the boundaries of medical knowledge with unnecessary challenges. While providing a specific definition can easily avoid this confusion. Here is some examples take a look at Headache, Meningities, Migraine headache and Aseptic meningoencephalitis after COVID-19 vaccination. All of them are categorized as a pathological feature. If a neurologist give Acetaminophen to treat Headache, we name it symptom therapy but if he give an antibiotic to meningitis or anti-migraine to Bacterial Meningities and Migraine headache, we name it complete treatment. It means that pathology, itself is a spectrum.

TLT tries to divide and specifies these levels from each other to prevent any slip in diagnose and treatment

As you may guess, the first stage would be sign / Symptom and para clinical abnormalities. Rapid pulsation, Fainting and Hb rising could explain my aim.

You may predict the second level migraine headache or MS. Here is the hidden layer of pathology that has not been explained before. How you can find a link between Migraine headache as the second level and SSP (Sign/ Symptoms/ Para clinical abnormalities? How could you be sure to treat Migraine headache by deleting SSPs?

TLT model explain a new layer between this tow level, in order to clarify the Pathological borderlines. Entity would be a good name for this new layer.


Entity is not a artificial sum of SSPs, but also it is natural nuclei of pathological centers. Arthritis is a good example. It is inflammation of Cartilage. It has some SSps. and it would be a link between Arthralgia and Behcet's disease. RA is a disease. It may consist of some different entities such as arthritis, uveitis, erythema nodosum etc.

Entities are natural words that are made from SSP letters and could make sentences of disease.

Entities are fix/ Strict units of pathology. It means that their quality does not change over time. So they could only change in quantity. They could be sever or light. Entities are dynamic, which means that they are alive and could change with treatment. We have also static entities, which are the result of destruction of normal tissues. But TLT prefer to use the name of Entity only for dynamic ones since they are curable/ Reversible opposed to static destruction.

So TLT count tow features for entities till now, Naturality and dinamicity. The third and last character is inflammatory nature of entities which make a complete image for it.

Therefore I could explain entities as natural inflammation of isolated tissues that has not reached the border of destruction, so it could be repaired.

TLT has two benefits

First it could clarify the borders of treatment by Determining exact boundaries of pathologies

Secondly it could help pathologists in simplifying complex definitions of diseases. EG Crohn's disease is the sum of Colitis, Pyoderma Gangrenosum, Uveitis and Sacroiliitis and Ulcerative colitis would be its sister because of sharing most of their entities. But here is a problem in explaining disease. Are disease consist of only dynamic entities? The answer is NO. We have some static destructions that participate in producing a disease.For example RA at first stages is the dynamic inflammation of cartilages but when it progress, arthroid deformities are appears. Interstingly rhematologists are clever enough to separate these nodes from dynamic pathology of RA and do not waste their energy on them. Now I want to use a key sentence of Hahnemann , Master of Homeopathy, who said: Be careful to choose what is to be cured state in a diseases. Now after 200 years there is no doubt for us as physicions, to purify the disease picture in order to increase the success rate. And this would agree with TLT view because of dividing entities from static deformation of tissues.


Miasm may be mistaken for disease. The fact is that it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish between them. Because the difference in some cases is very small. Miasm is actually the living and reversible part of the disease. Miasm is the part of the disease that expert doctors promise to treat to their patients based on their experience. Therefore Miasms are dynamic sum of entities. It lives in our bodies. But it could not be alive out of us. It is better to define it as an deviation of our body homeostasis. Remember, when infectious disease experts talked about the transmission of the virus from non-living surfaces during COV-19 pandemia, I could never believe this joke. The reason was very simple, viruses are not alive by themselves. They are just a clever diversion in the reproduction cycle of the living cells of the host body, which leads to the multiplication of the genetic material of the virus.

This is the second character of miasms. They are alive but only in Host bodies, so be careful in dealing with them. It is a mistake to think that you should target their center with antibiotics or antivirals. Of course, this does not mean that they have no physicality. Rather, it means that their constituent elements do not necessarily represent the identity of the miasm. This is the mistake materialist/ physicalists who have not yet understood complex systems theory fall into. According to this theory, a living complex system is formed from the number of elements and relationships between them. Therefore it cannot be considered as the sum of its parts, and a system is always more than its component parts. CST could explain vitality through complexity and complexity through numerous relationships. CST is recently been used in many issues such as consciousness. Miasm is not equells to its components. Therefore, a miasm cannot be cured by taking antiviral drugs. For the same reason, it cannot be said that transmission of the HPV virus to any person causes genital warts, it is not possible to prove or disprove whether a person has genital warts simply by finding or not finding antibodies to the virus in her serum.

All or Non Law

Despite this, I still haven't discovered the surprising point of miasms, and that isAll or Non Law. This is the same law that all living things are subject to. A sheep is either alive or dead. In other words, at a certain moment, the sheep turns from alive to dead. Although his body is still warm. It even walks and it can be proven that almost 100% of the cells that make up its body have not been destroyed yet, but the sheep does not have an intermediate stage, either it is alive or it is dead. Miasms are also like that. Just as a disabled person is considered among living people and has full citizenship rights and equality with others, but a mummified person with a body more perfect than him is never considered alive, a miasm is also possible despite The imperfection of his body qualifies him to live and make a person suffer from a disease. This attitude is important because experienced doctors in many cases, despite the fact that their patients are symptom free, do not consider the treatment complete and encourage them to go for a check-up according to a schedule. In fact, doctors unconsciously target the whole living body of the miasm and do not consider their treatment complete until the miasm dies.

Contagious nature

The third property of miasmes is their transfer ability between living organisms. Of course, these days, with the discovery of microbes and viruses, such a property is not considered strange, however, its amazingness can be better understood when we find out that the nature of most chronic diseases was miasmatic and therefore necessarily contagious. Note that Hahnemann made such a claim 200 years before the discovery of microbes and viruses. Of course, I do not intend to praise and honor him at all by raising this issue right now, but I want to make you aware of a fact, and that is that diseases are not contagious because of the presence of viruses and microbes, but because of their living and dynamic nature. He knows between living beings. And this is what has been hidden in front of our eyes for years

Let me put this issue in another way. If we consider miasms as only a deviation from the path of homeostasis, it will not be necessary for a healthy organism to touch a sick organism in order to get infected. This is the same thing that happens in physics, musical instruments of the same tune, if they are played next to each other, they will be in tune with each other. There is also law in neuroscience. In Acquiring learning skills, every neuron that fire simultaneously with others, get connected through synapses and this synapse become more strong by more simultaneous activation. Briefly saying "Fire together, Wire together".

That is, it is enough for your body to be in the same phase with the body of a person suffering from a miasmatic disease, that is, to be in a similar homeostatic position.

Of course, by making this claim, I do not intend to ignore the findings of virology and microbiology. I just want to make you aware of the fact that miasmatic diseases are not limited only to infectious (viral-microbial) diseases. Psychiatrists could name many diseases which transfer through families by the effect of sympathetic feeling.

In Farsi, we have a very old poem by the Persian poet of 1209-1291 named Saadi, who says

"Humans are members of the same body

Which are created by a same gem

When a member is hurt by time

The others could not be relax

If you have not sympathy with suffering of others

You should not be called a human being"

By the way infectious diseases are ideal usable natural models

I recall a patient who entered the miasmatic state of RBS due to a shocking fear experienced in childhood. When I visit him, he was 15 years old. He could not sleep alone in his room at night. The darkness was painful for him. His parents took him to a psychiatrist for severe hyperactivity. He was under Ritalin treatment because of ADHD.

I prescribed him Stram drug based on the RBS miasm and after several months of repeating this drug, I got very interesting results. Without forcing myself to confirm my diagnosis, I will take a virology and PCR test from him and look for RBS antibody in his blood serum.

Of course, how I got from the RBS miasm to the homeopathic medicine Stram is a matter of discussion and explanation, which I will discuss further, but in this category, my goal was not to necessarily limit living miasms to infectious diseases.