Vestibulospinal tract

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  • Upright Posture Maintenance
  • Vestibulospinal Reflexes: They use skeletal muscles in order to maintain balance and posture.
  • Head and Eye Coordination
    • Head righting reflexes. These are responsible for keeping the head and gaze horizontal
    • Eye righting reflex =Vestibulo-ocular reflex) This origniates in the ascending medial longitudinal fasciulus and extends to the extraocular muscles of the eyes. The horizonal position of the eyes when the head is an upright postural set is caused by cancelling of the tonic activity of the deiteroocular pathways. It is therefore able to keep the eyes still while the head moves, allowing images to focus on the retina


  • Ataxia, the person is unable to maintain his balance, esp when the eyes are closed.
  • Hypermetria: Ataxia in which movements overreach the intended goal.
  • Postural Instability
  • Nystagmus

Entities / Miasms

  1. CJD, GSS, VZV